Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of HowTo/ConfigureOVSStaticRouteMirroringNoController

06/19/17 10:14:05 (7 years ago)



  • HowTo/ConfigureOVSStaticRouteMirroringNoController

    v1 v1  
     1This tutorial demonstrates how to set up static IP traffic between two hosts
     2connected to an OVS switch without running a seperate controller. This tutorial
     3uses custom OpenFlow table rules.
     5This tutorial uses the following rspec: *.xml
     7This rspec creates a network with 3 nodes: host1, host2, host3; connected to an OVSwitch ovs.
     9Picture of the network
     12This tutorial will establish rules for allowing IP traffic to flow between host1 and host2.
     14Later in the tutorial we will discuss how to setup the ovs switch to allow
     15for host3 to observe the traffic between host1 and host2 using the Mirror feature of the ovs switch.
     16This could be used for network monitoring setups.
     18Setting up the static IP traffic
     21Use ssh to login to the ovs node.
     23Use this text to setup the switch
     24 2a. Configure the Software Switch (OVS Window)
     26We want our switch to act without a seperate controller thus setting it to operate as standalone.
     28sudo ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode br0 standalone
     30"Доверяй, но проверяй" {Doveryai, no proveryai} Trust but verify. You can verify your OVS settings by issuing the following:
     32sudo ovs-vsctl show
     34Testing the connectivity between host1, host2 and host3
     36Initially the OVSwitch is setup to act like an L2 learning switch. We want to disable this behavior
     37except for specific IP addresses
     39sudo ovs-ofctl del-flows br0
     41From host1
     42ping -c 10  host2
     44From host2
     45ping -c 10 host1
     47From host3
     48ping -c 10 host2
     50Each of these should be unreachable.
     53Setting up the static IP flows
     55With the switch set up we can now setup routing between host1 and host2
     57First we will add rules to allow the OVS switch to behave like a normal switch for IP traffic between
     58the two hosts
     60sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 priority=500,ip,nw_src=,nw_dst=,actions=normal
     61sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 priority=500,ip,nw_src=,nw_dst=,actions=normal
     63ARP traffic will also need to be able to flow in order for the routes to each host to be learned.
     65sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "priority=500,arp,nw_dst= actions=normal"
     66sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "priority=500,arp,nw_dst= actions=normal"
     68The connectivity can then be tested with:
     70From host1
     71ping -c 10 host2
     73From host2
     74ping -c 10 host1
     76From host3
     77ping -c 10 host2
     79Pings between host1 and host2 should succeed whereas pings from host3 will fail.
     82Setting up mirroring of traffic from host1 and host2 to host3
     84This is done with a single command to ovs-vsctl. It can be done
     85independant of the previous steps if only mirroring is of interest
     86to the user.
     88ovs-vsctl -- set Bridge br0 mirrors=@m \
     89              -- --id=@ethX get Port ethX \
     90              -- --id=@ethY get Port ethY \
     91              -- --id=@ethZ get Port ethZ \
     92              -- --id=@m create Mirror name=mymirror select-dst-port=@ethX,@ethY select-src-port=@ethX,@ethY output-port=@ethZ
     94Where ethX and ethY are the names of the interfaces connected to host1 and host2 on the OVS node.
     95ethZ is the interface on the OVS node that connects to host3
     97Verifying mirroring behavior
     99To observe the mirroring behavior 3 terminal windows will need
     100to be opened.
     102In one terminal ssh into host1 and execute
     104nc -ul 24565
     106In one terminal ssh into host2 and execute
     108nc -u host1 24565
     111In one terminal ssh into host3 and execute
     113sudo tcpdump -i eth1 -vv -X
     115In the terminal with host2 type a message and hit return
     117A message
     119Observe that the message is received on host1. On host3 the packet was also
     120received and we can observe the message "A message" inside of the packet.