Changes between Version 40 and Version 41 of GiB-gettingStarted

10/16/12 10:03:54 (12 years ago)
Vic Thomas



  • GiB-gettingStarted

    v40 v41  
    150150[[Image(ResourcesRequested.png, 45%)]]
    152 The {{{<install>}}} element in the rspec asks the GENI-in-a-Box aggregate manager to download a [ script] from the specified URL, uncompress and untar it,  and save it in the /local directory.  The {{{<execute>}}} element asks the aggregate to execute the specified script when the hosts come up.  In this case the script to be executed is the one that was installed in {{{/local}}}.
     152The {{{<install>}}} element in the rspec asks the GENI-in-a-Box aggregate manager to download a [ script] from the specified URL, uncompress and untar it,  and save it in the {{{/local}}} directory.  The {{{<execute>}}} element asks the aggregate to execute the specified script when the hosts come up.  In this case the script to be executed is the one that was installed in {{{/local}}}.
    154154The following steps will walk us through acquiring the resources for our experiment:
    1771772. We now send our [attachment:two-nodes-iperf.rspec request rspec] to the GENI-in-a-Box aggregate manager using the command {{{ -a createsliver myslice two-nodes-iperf.rspec}}}.  ''This command will take many minutes to complete because it configures and boots up the requested virtual machines; does some additional configuration; and download, installs, and runs iperf.''  If our request is successful, the aggregate manager will allocate the requested resources to our slice.  In GENI parlance the resources allocated to our slice are called slivers.  The {{{createsliver}}} request returns a manifest spec that provides details of the resources allocated to us.  The following is a snippet of the manifest your will get back from {{{createsliver}}}:
    179 $ -a createsliver myslice two-nodes-iperf.rspec
     179$ -a gib createsliver myslice two-nodes-iperf.rspec
    180180INFO:omni:Loading config file /home/gibuser/.gcf/omni_config
    181181INFO:omni:Using control framework gib_ch
    182182WARNING:omni:Slice urn:publicid:IDN+geni:gpo:gcf+slice+myslice expires in <= 3 hours
    183 INFO:omni:Slice urn:publicid:IDN+geni:gpo:gcf+slice+myslice expires on 2012-10-02 16:32:42 UTC
     183INFO:omni:Slice urn:publicid:IDN+geni:gpo:gcf+slice+myslice expires on 2012-10-16 14:51:59 UTC
     184INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname gib with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
     185INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname gib with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
    184186INFO:omni:Creating sliver(s) from rspec file two-nodes-iperf.rspec for slice urn:publicid:IDN+geni:gpo:gcf+slice+myslice
    185187INFO:omni:Got return from CreateSliver for slice myslice at
    191193        URL:
    192194 -->
    193 INFO:omni:  <rspec generated="2012-09-11T16:29:16Z" generated_by="Flack" type="manifest"> 
     195INFO:omni:  <rspec type="manifest" xmlns="" xmlns:flack="" xmlns:planetlab="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> 
    194196    <node client_id="left" component_id="" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false" sliver_id="">   
    195197        <sliver_type name="virtual-pc">     
    196             <disk_image name=""/>     
     198            <disk_image name="" os="Linux" version="10"/>     
    197199        </sliver_type>   
    198200        <services>     
    199             <install file_type="tar.gz" install_path="/local" url=""/>     
    200             <execute command="/local/" shell="sh"/>     
    201             <login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="22" username="alice"/>     
     201            <execute command="/local/" shell="sh"/>     
     202            <install install_path="/local" url=""/>     
     203            <login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="22" username="gibuser"/>     
    202204        </services>   
    203205        <interface client_id="left:if0" component_id="" mac_address="00:0C:29:B4:DF:A7" sliver_id="">     
    207209        <host name=""/>   
    208210    </node> 
    209     ...
     211    ... 
    210212    <link client_id="left-right-lan">   
    211213        <component_manager name=""/>   
    222224  Options as run:
    223                 aggregate: ['']
     225                aggregate: ['gib']
    224226                framework: gib_ch
    225227                getversionCacheName: /home/gibuser/.gcf/get_version_cache.json
    229231  Result Summary: Got Reserved resources RSpec from geni-in-a-box-net-8001
    230232INFO:omni: ============================================================
    231 $
    232 }}}
    233 Notice the manifest rspec is essentially your request rspec annotated with information about the resources that got allocated to you.  For example, the {{{<node>}}} element of the manifest includes the MAC and IP addresses assigned to each network interface on the node (host) and information you will need to ssh into the nodes (e.g. the fully qualified domain name of the host ).
     233]0;gibuser@GiB:~/geni-in-a-box[gibuser@GiB geni-in-a-box]$
     235Notice the manifest rspec is essentially your request rspec annotated with information about the resources that got allocated to you.  For example, the {{{<node>}}} element of the manifest includes the MAC and IP addresses assigned to each network interface on the node (host) and information you will need to ssh into the nodes (e.g. the fully qualified domain name of the host ).  The following figure illustrates the resource allocation made by the GENI-in-a-Box aggregate.
     237[[Image(ResourcesAllocated.png, 45%)]]
    235239=== 2.3 Using your Resources ===