7 | 7 | To find out what the Substrate working group does, browse these pages and read the [http://www.geni.net/wg/substrate-wg.html working group charter]. If you have comments or suggestions on the charter, please send them to the [http://lists.geni.net/mailman/listinfo/substrate-wg substrate-wg mailing list]. If you have comments or suggestions about these pages, feel free to log in and improve their content. To view past archives of the mailing list, see the [http://lists.geni.net/pipermail/substrate-wg/ mailman archive] or the [http://www.nabble.com/GENI-SUBSTRATE-WG-f26303.html nabble archive]. Please note that all contributions to GENI mailing lists are publicly accessible, i.e. not limited to mailing list registrants, through these archives. |