Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of GeniRspec

11/03/11 09:50:31 (13 years ago)
Aaron Helsinger



  • GeniRspec

    v10 v11  
    11= Resource Specification (RSpec) =
    3 In order to truly allow interoperability among multiple control frameworks and aggregates, GENI requires a common language for describing resources, resource requests, and reservations - a single, well defined RSpec schema.
     3In order to truly allow interoperability among multiple control frameworks and aggregates, GENI requires a common language for describing resources, resource requests, and reservations - a single, well defined RSpec schema. GENI has standardized now on XML documents following agreed schemas to represent resources, with aggregate or resource specific extensions supported. Ongoing work covers agreeing upon ontologies for other resource types.
    5 This topic was the focus of one of the software engineering sessions at GEC10, and the agenda wiki page has detailed minutes from the meeting: [wiki:GEC10RSpec GEC10 Meeting]
     5This topic was the focus of one of the software engineering sessions at GEC10, and the agenda wiki page has detailed minutes from the meeting: [wiki:GEC10RSpec GEC10 Meeting]. A summary of that meeting is below, but this session agreed to use XML RSpecs starting with the ProtoGENI v2 schemas to represent resources in GENI. We agreed to work on common ontologies.
    7 This topic was also the subject of a session at GEC11, and detailed minutes from that meeting are [wiki:GEC11RSpec on the wiki].
     7This topic was also the subject of a session at GEC11, and detailed minutes from that meeting are [wiki:GEC11RSpec on the wiki]. This session described progress on ontologies and AM API revisions to specify RSpec schemas.
    9 Current action items:
     9Action items from GEC11:
    1010 - Evolve ontologies as needed
    1111 - Develop storage and wireless ontologies
    1414 - Move GENI RSpec schemas to the namespace
     16At GEC12 we heard an update on progress ([attachment:wiki:GEC12ControlFrameworkTopics:CFTopicsIntro.pdf slides here]
     17 - GENI RSpec schemas are now in the namespace, using version 3 currently
     18 - Support for GENI schemas continues to roll out across the community, including further support at Orca (for requests and manifests) and OpenFlow (with a new Aggregate Manager using new extensions to be rolled out at the end of November 2011)
     19 - Ontology work continues
    1721== GEC10 RSpecs Engineering Meeting ==