Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of GeniNewcomersWelcome

05/13/13 17:23:34 (12 years ago)
Vic Thomas



  • GeniNewcomersWelcome

    v5 v6  
    2525== 2. Why should I use GENI? ==
    2626GENI might be right for you if your experiment requires:
    27   * ''More resources than would ordinarily be found in your lab.''  Since GENI is a suite of infrastructures it can potentially provide you with more resources than is typically found in any one laboratory.  GENI give you access to hundreds of widely distributed resources including compute resources, network resources including links, switches and WiMax base stations.
     27  * ''More resources than would ordinarily be found in your lab.''  Since GENI is a suite of infrastructures it can potentially provide you with more resources than is typically found in any one laboratory.  GENI give you access to hundreds of widely distributed resources including compute resources, network resources including links, switches and !WiMax base stations.
    2828  * ''Non-IP connectivity across resources.''  GENI allows you to set up Layer 2 connections between between compute resources and run your own Layer 3 and above protocols on these resources.
    2929  * ''Reproducibility.'' You can get exclusive access to certain GENI resources including CPU resources and network resources.  This gives you control over your experiment's environment and hence the ability for you and others to repeat experiments under identical or very similar conditions.