= GNS-T2 - Topology 2 - InstaGENI Utah to GPO ExoGENI = This page captures status and execution details for Topology 2 - InstaGENI Utah to GPO ExoGENI. For overall status see the [http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GeniNetworkStitchingTestStatus GENI Network Stitching Test Status] page and for test details see the [http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GeniNetworkStitchingTestPlan GENI Network Stitching Test Plan] page. ''Last update: 07/16/13'' || '''Step''' || '''State''' || ''' Ticket ''' || '''Comments''' || || Step 1 || [[Color(green,Pass)]]|| || || || Step 2 || [[Color(green,Pass)]]|| || || || Step 3 || [[Color(green,Pass)]]|| || || || Step 4 || [[Color(green,Pass)]]|| || || || Step 5 || [[Color(green,Pass)]]|| || || || Step 6 || [[Color(green,Pass)]]|| || || || Step 7 || [[Color(green,Pass)]]|| || || || Step 8 ||[[Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)]] || || Collected in Measurement test || || Step 9 || || || || || Step 10 || || || || || Step 11 || || || || [[BR]] || '''State Legend''' || '''Description''' || || [[Color(green,Pass)]] || Test completed and met all criteria || || [[Color(#98FB98,Pass: most criteria)]] || Test completed and met most criteria. Exceptions documented || || [[Color(red,Fail)]] || Test completed and failed to meet criteria. || || [[Color(yellow,Complete)]] || Test completed but will require re-execution due to expected changes || || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]] || Blocked by ticketed issue(s). || || [[Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)]] || Currently under test. || [[BR]] = Test Execution = '''Assumptions and Notes:''' - GENI Clearing house credential are used - Stitcher currently does not support AM API v3, and is delivered to run AM API V2. == GNS-T2 - InstaGENI Utah to GPO ExoGENI == Verify stitching negotiation for a scenario that has InstaGENI and GPO ExoGENI endpoints via Internet2 ION. === Step 1. Create sliver === As Experimenter, use GENI AM API client to submit create sliver for initial Request RSpec. No aggregate needs to be specified, aggregates are determined from the Request RSpec. === Step 2. Verify Request RSpec for each Stitching Path Aggregate === Verify that request RSpec is expanded after Path Computation into one RSpec for each Stitching Path Aggregates (IG Utah, PG Utah, ION, and EG GPO). {{{ $ omni.py createslice lndemo 15:59:43 INFO omni: Loading config file /home/lnevers/.gcf/omni_config 15:59:43 INFO omni: Using control framework portal 15:59:45 INFO omni: Created slice with Name lndemo, URN urn:publicid:IDN+ch.geni.net:ln-prj+slice+lndemo, Expiration 2013-07-2 0 20:04:54 12:59:45 INFO omni: ------------------------------------------------------------ 12:59:45 INFO omni: Completed createslice: Options as run: framework: portal project: ln-prj Args: createslice lndemo Result Summary: Created slice with Name lndemo, URN urn:publicid:IDN+ch.geni.net:ln-prj+slice+lndemo, Expiration 2013-07-20 20:04:54 12:59:45 INFO omni: ============================================================ $ stitcher.py createsliver lndemo stitch-eg-gpo-ig-utah.rspec --ionRetryIntervalSecs 120 -o 16:24:41 INFO stitcher: Loading config file /home/lnevers/.gcf/omni_config 16:24:41 INFO stitcher: Using control framework portal 16:24:41 INFO stitcher: Checking that slice lndemo is valid... 16:24:42 INFO stitcher: Slice urn:publicid:IDN+ch.geni.net:ln-prj+slice+lndemo expires on 2013-07-22 13:29:51 UTC 16:24:42 INFO stitcher: speaks AM API v3, but sticking with v 2 16:24:42 INFO stitcher: speaks AM API v3, but sticking with v2 16:24:42 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lndemo-createsliver-request-11-exogeni-net-bbnvmsite.xml' 16:24:42 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at http://geni.renci.org:11443/orca/xmlrpc 16:24:54 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Got an EG AM: FIXME: It could still fail, and this manifest lacks some info. 16:24:54 WARNING stitch.Aggregate: : Couldn't find link urn:pu blicid:IDN+exogeni.net:bbnvmsite+interface+Bbn:ExoGeni:TenGigabitEthernet:1:ethernet in path link-eggpo-igutah in EG manifest rspec 16:24:54 WARNING stitch.Aggregate: ... returning Fake avail/suggested 2-4094, 3741 16:24:54 WARNING stitch.Aggregate: : Couldn't find link urn:pu blicid:IDN+exogeni.net:bbnNet+interface+BbnNet:IBM:G8052:TenGigabitEthernet:1:1:ethernet in path link-eggpo-igutah in EG manif est rspec 16:24:54 WARNING stitch.Aggregate: ... returning Fake avail/suggested 2-4094, 3741 16:24:54 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 16:24:54 WARNING stitch.Aggregate: Slivers at PG Utah may not be requested initially for > 5 days. PG Utah slivers will expir e earlier than at other aggregates - requested expiration being reset from 2013-07-22T13:29:51Z to 2013-07-20T20:04:54Z 16:24:54 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lndemo-createsliver-request-11-emulab-net.xml' 16:24:54 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 16:25:27 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 16:25:27 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lndemo-createsliver-request-11-utah-geniracks-net.xml' 16:25:27 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at https://boss.utah.geniracks.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 16:25:41 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 16:25:41 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lndemo-createsliver-request-11-ion-internet2-edu.xml' 16:25:41 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at http://geni-am.net.internet2.edu:12346 16:26:25 INFO stitch.Aggregate: DCN AM : must wait for status r eady.... 16:26:25 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Pause to let circuit become ready... 16:27:02 INFO stitch.Aggregate: DCN circuit 22871 is ready 16:27:09 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 16:27:09 INFO stitch.launcher: All aggregates are complete. 16:27:09 ERROR stitch.ManifestRSpecCombiner: Can't replace hop link in template: AM HOP LINK None; TEMPLATE HOP ; TEMPLATE HOP LINK 16:27:09 ERROR stitch.ManifestRSpecCombiner: Can't replace hop link in template: AM HOP LINK None; TEMPLATE HOP ; TEMPLATE HOP LINK 16:27:09 ERROR stitcher: Manifest RSpec file did not contain a Manifest RSpec (wrong type or schema) 16:27:09 INFO stitcher: Writing to 'lndemo-manifest-rspec-stitching-combined.xml' 16:27:09 INFO stitcher: Saved combined reservation RSpec at 4 AMs to file lndemo-manifest-rspec-stitching-combined.xml Stitching success: Reserved resources in slice lndemo at 4 Aggregates (including 2 intermediate aggregate(s) not in the origin al request), creating 1 link(s). $ }}} === Step 3. Verify VLAN negotiation for IG Utah === Verify that workflow agent negotiates VLAN with Utah InstaGENI using the RSpec from step 2 and generates a manifest for IG Utah resources. === Step 4. Verify VLAN negotiation for PG Utah === Verify that workflow agent negotiates VLAN with Utah ProtoGENI using the RSpec from step 2 and generates a manifest for PG Utah resources. === Step 5. Verify VLAN negotiation for EG GPO === Verify that workflow agent negotiates VLAN with GPO ExoGENI using the GPO RSpec from step 2 and generates a manifest for GPO resources. Requested VLANs were available. No negotiation took place. === Step 6. Verify VLAN negotiation for I2/ION aggregate === Verify that workflow agent negotiates VLAN with ION using the ION RSpec from step 2 and generates a manifest for ION resources. Requested VLANs were available. No negotiation took place for VLAN, and circuit came up as expected: {{{ 16:25:41 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at http://geni-am.net.internet2.edu:12346 16:26:25 INFO stitch.Aggregate: DCN AM : must wait for status r eady.... 16:26:25 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Pause to let circuit become ready... 16:27:02 INFO stitch.Aggregate: DCN circuit 22871 is ready }}} === Step 7. Verify combined Manifest RSpec === Verify that the final "combined" RSpec reflects the allocate stitching and non-stitching resources. Reviewed the content of the lndemo-manifest-rspec-stitching-combined.xml file, which showed the following stitching path: {{{ ion.internet2.edu-22871 2013-07-22T13:29:51.000Z 2013-07-15T20:26:56.348Z 10 100000 l2sc ethernet 9000 2-4094 3741 false 2 10 100000 l2sc ethernet 9000 2-4094 3741 false 3 10 10000000000 l2sc ethernet consumer 1-4096 3741 false 4 10 100000 l2sc ethernet 9000 905 905 false 7 10 100000 l2sc ethernet 9000 905 905 false 8 10 100000 l2sc ethernet 9000 905 905 false null }}} === Step 8. End-point to end-point measurements === Log in to compute resources at each Utah InstaGENI and GPO ExoGENI, gather delay and throughput measurements. Leave traffic exchange running between the end-hosts. Measurements are collected at http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GeniNetworkStitchingTestStatus/Measurements. === Step 9. Operator review of experiment resources === As Operator, verify that nodes, ports, links, capacity can be determined as allocated for this experiment. === Step 10. Sliver expiration and resource de-allocation === As Experimenter, leave resources running with traffic being exchanged. Allow sliver to expire, verify that sliver resources/traffic have been deleted. === Step 11. Operator verify resources release === As Operator, verify that expired resource resources (nodes, ports, links, capacity) are released properly and made available and part of the Advertisement RSpec.