Changes between Version 38 and Version 39 of GeniDesktop/FAQ

04/22/16 14:18:28 (8 years ago)
Hussamuddin Nasir



  • GeniDesktop/FAQ

    v38 v39  
    9999=== (1) ExoGENI Resources in your slice ===
    100   ExoGeni Aggregates (Racks) do not support the GENI AM APIv3. This is required by the GENIDesktop to access you slice resources.
     100  !ExoGeni Aggregates (Racks) do not support the GENI AM APIv3. This is required by the GENIDesktop to access you slice resources.
    101101  So if
    102102   i. The resources (nodes) in your slice were allocated using any tool other than GENIDesktop.
    108108=== (2) Shellinabox (SSH Button) ===
    109    Shellinabox is the software used by the SSH Module in the GENIDesktop to open ssh sessions to your nodes in the browser. If you have added additional users to your slice after the slice was used at the GENIDesktop, the new users will not have a working SSH session using the GENIDesktop SSH Module. They can however ssh into their node using their ssh clients and ssh keys from their local machines. If you and other users in your slice absolutely require this feature to work for all users, you can enable it at your own risk. Trying to enable this will kill all existing sessions for all other users too.
    110    One of the users who has access to the nodes will have to ssh manually (using your native ssh client and ssh keys) to the GDGN node and run the command below
     109  Shellinabox is the software used by the SSH Module in the GENIDesktop to open ssh sessions to your nodes in the browser. If you have added additional users to your slice after the slice was used at the GENIDesktop, the new users will not have a working SSH session using the GENIDesktop SSH Module. They can however ssh into their node using their ssh clients and ssh keys from their local machines. If you and other users in your slice absolutely require this feature to work for all users, you can enable it at your own risk. Trying to enable this will kill all existing sessions for all other users too.
    112 {{{ sudo /usr/testbed/sbin/measure-scripts/siab_action rebuild}}}
     111  One of the users who has access to the nodes will have to ssh manually (using your native ssh client and ssh keys) to the GDGN node and run the command below
     113    [[span(style=color: #FF0000, sudo /usr/testbed/sbin/measure-scripts/siab_action rebuild)]]