
Version 8 (modified by, 14 years ago) (diff)


Aggregate Name

Million Node GENI / Seattle

Aggregate Overview

Aggregate Resources This aggregate provides compute resources on platforms donated by individuals and institutions. Platforms may be mobile and/or behind firewalls and NATs. Experimenter software, written in a subset of Python, runs in sandboxes that limit the consumption of platform resources such as CPU, memory, storage space, and network bandwidth.
Typical Experiments Million Node GENI is ideal for students, researchers, and companies that want to prototype and test code on representative Internet hosts. Nodes running Seattle / Million Node GENI have diverse availability patterns, operating systems, and networks. The same code may easily be run on a variety of operating systems, architectures, and network environments in order to understand the performance and dynamics of realistic end users.
Aggregate Web Page
Aggregate Status
Layer 2 Connectivity None

Experimenter Support

Guides and Documents
Support Support mailings list. Email to this address goes to all subscribers of the mailing list.
Compatible tools ProtoGENI Tools and Million Node GENI tools

Using this Aggregate

Clearinghouses Recognized ProtoGENI Clearinghouse or SeattleGENI Sharing Site (preferred)
Usage Policies With an account registration, users gain access to run 10 VMs concurrently. For each donation, they gain access to another 10. If you need more resources that you can easily support using this policy, please contact Justin Cappos. Also, see the Acceptable Use Policy:
URL For a programming tutorial, see the Repy Tutorial. For information about how to deploy existing programs, see the TakeHomeAssignment
Sample Rspecs or (preferred)

Aggregate Management

Aggregate Operator Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington.
Resource Owner Most of the resources in this aggregate are owned by individuals and institutions that have volunteered resources for research and education.
Operation POC Seattle Testbed operations
Technical POC Justin Cappos
Developer Links Developer portal: Developer mailing list: