
Version 48 (modified by, 12 years ago) (diff)


Aggregate Name

Internet2 OpenFlow Aggregate

Aggregate Overview

Aggregate Resources The Internet2 OpenFlow (OFI2) network consists of five OpenFlow-controlled NEC IP 8800 switches with a FOAM-managed FlowVisor.
Typical Experiments The Internet2 OpenFlow network is suited for experiments that require flexible, multi-regional, programmable network configuration.
Aggregate Web Page No information page exists at this time.
Aggregate Status Production
Layer2 Connectivity Inter-node connectivity is provided by Point-to-Point MPLS Pseudo-wire circuits across the Internet2 IP Backbone. Each node also has a connection to the Internet2 ION dynamic circuit network.

Internet2 GENI OpenFlow Network Diagram


Note: Network Diagrams maintained by GMOC, historical revisions can be found here -

Shared Mesoscale VLAN Port lists

  • Ports listed as deprecated are still available for use, but will be replaced or removed in the near future

These are a set of lists of ports, one for each of the various datapaths provided by this aggregate, subdivided by the physical switches that provide them. Each entry includes the port name (typically corresponds to the physical port, for a hardware switch) and number (how OpenFlow controllers actually refer to ports), as reported by ListResources, and what the port connects to.

Note on PG Connections

There are two connections between the Internet2 GENI OpenFlow network and the ProtoGENI backbone, and each one serves a different purpose. The connection in LOSA is on the shared mesoscale VLAN, and it can be used by many experimenters at one time. This connection is always available. The connection in ATLA is intended for a single experimenter to use when connecting their own private ProtoGENI VLAN to the Internet2 GENI OpenFlow network. This connection may be requested on demand.


This is an NEC IP 8800 switch in Atlanta GA, which runs in VLAN-based hybrid mode, and has four OpenFlow datapaths, corresponding to VLANs 1750, 3715, 3716, and 3717.

I2 ATLA 1750 (06:d6:00:12:e2:22:63:6e)

Name Number Connects to
1 1 University of Kentucky
4 4 SoX
7 7 I2 ATLA 3715
9 9 I2 ATLA 3716
11 11 I2 ATLA 3717
13 13 (future expansion)
15 15 (future expansion)
17 17 (future expansion)
19 19 (future expansion)
21 21 (future expansion)
23 23 (future expansion)

I2 ATLA 3715 (0e:83:00:12:e2:22:63:6e)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 WASH 3715
3 3 I2 HOUS 3715
8 8 I2 ATLA 1750
25 25 NLR ATLA 3715

I2 ATLA 3716 (0e:84:00:12:e2:22:63:6e)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 WASH 3716
6 6 PG ATLA 3716
10 10 I2 ATLA 1750
25 25 NLR ATLA 3716

I2 ATLA 3717 (0e:85:00:12:e2:22:63:6e)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 WASH 3717
3 3 I2 HOUS 3717
12 12 I2 ATLA 1750
25 25 NLR ATLA 3717


This is an NEC IP 8800 switch in Houston TX, which runs in VLAN-based hybrid mode, and has four OpenFlow datapaths, corresponding to VLANs 1750, 3715, 3716, and 3717.

I2 HOUS 1750 (06:d6:00:12:e2:22:81:42)

Name Number Connects to
13 13 I2 HOUS 3715
15 15 I2 HOUS 3716
17 17 I2 HOUS 3717
19 19 (future expansion)
21 21 (future expansion)
23 23 (future expansion)

I2 HOUS 3715 (0e:83:00:12:e2:22:81:42)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 ATLA 3715
3 3 I2 LOSA 3715
14 14 I2 HOUS 1750

Deprecated *:

NameNumberConnects To
1 1 Kansas State 3715

I2 HOUS 3716 (0e:84:00:12:e2:22:81:42)

Name Number Connects to
3 3 I2 LOSA 3716
16 16 I2 HOUS 1750

Deprecated *:

NameNumberConnects To
1 1 Kansas State 3716

I2 HOUS 3717 (0e:85:00:12:e2:22:81:42)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 ATLA 3717
3 3 I2 LOSA 3717
18 18 I2 HOUS 1750


This is an NEC IP 8800 switch in Los Angeles CA, which runs in VLAN-based hybrid mode, and has four OpenFlow datapaths, corresponding to VLANs 1750, 3715, 3716, and 3717.

I2 LOSA 1750 (06:d6:00:12:e2:22:63:38)

Name Number Connects to
1 1 CENIC 1750
12 12 UEN 1750
13 13 I2 LOSA 3715
15 15 I2 LOSA 3716
17 17 I2 LOSA 3717
19 19 (future expansion)
21 21 (future expansion)
23 23 (future expansion)

I2 LOSA 3715 (0e:83:00:12:e2:22:63:38)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 HOUS 3715
3 3 I2 NEWY 3715
14 14 I2 LOSA 1750

I2 LOSA 3716 (0e:84:00:12:e2:22:63:38)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 HOUS 3716
3 3 I2 NEWY 3716
16 16 I2 LOSA 1750

I2 LOSA 3717 (0e:85:00:12:e2:22:63:38)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 HOUS 3717
3 3 I2 NEWY 3717
18 18 I2 LOSA 1750


This is an NEC IP 8800 switch in New York NY, which runs in VLAN-based hybrid mode, and has four OpenFlow datapaths, corresponding to VLANs 1750, 3715, 3716, and 3717.

I2 NEWY 1750 (06:d6:00:12:e2:22:63:1d)

Name Number Connects to
1 1 GPO lab 1750
13 13 I2 NEWY 3715
15 15 I2 NEWY 3716
17 17 I2 NEWY 3717
19 19 NYSERnet 1750
21 21 (future expansion)
23 23 (future expansion)
26 26 WVNET 3711

I2 NEWY 3715 (0e:83:00:12:e2:22:63:1d)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 LOSA 3715
14 14 I2 NEWY 1750

Deprecated *:

NameNumberConnects To
1 1 GPO lab 3715

I2 NEWY 3716 (0e:84:00:12:e2:22:63:1d)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 LOSA 3716
3 3 I2 WASH 3716
16 16 I2 NEWY 1750

Deprecated *:

NameNumberConnects To
1 1 GPO lab 3716

I2 NEWY 3717 (0e:85:00:12:e2:22:63:1d)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 LOSA 3717
3 3 I2 WASH 3717
18 18 I2 NEWY 1750


This is an NEC IP 8800 switch in Washington DC, which runs in VLAN-based hybrid mode, and has four OpenFlow datapaths, corresponding to VLANs 1750, 3715, 3716, and 3717.

It also has a non-OpenFlow VLAN of interest, VLAN 1751, which connects the OF core to MOXI.

I2 WASH 1750 (06:d6:00:12:e2:22:6f:e5)

Name Number Connects to
1 1 OSU 1750
13 13 I2 WASH 3715
15 15 I2 WASH 3716
17 17 I2 WASH 3717
19 19 MOXI
21 21 Princeton
23 23 (future expansion)

I2 WASH 3715 (0e:83:00:12:e2:22:6f:e5)

Name Number Connects to
3 3 I2 ATLA 3715
14 14 I2 WASH 1750

Deprecated *:

NameNumberConnects To
1 1 Rutgers 3715

I2 WASH 3716 (0e:84:00:12:e2:22:6f:e5)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 NEWY 3716
3 3 I2 ATLA 3716
16 16 I2 WASH 1750

Deprecated *:

NameNumberConnects To
1 1 Rutgers 3716

I2 WASH 3717 (0e:85:00:12:e2:22:6f:e5)

Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 NEWY 3717
3 3 I2 ATLA 3717
18 18 I2 WASH 1750

Exclusive Mesoscale VLANs Port List

I2 currently support VLANs 1755-1759 as exclusive OpenFlow VLANs. These correspond to the following DPIDs:

1755 06:db:00:12:e2:22:63:6e 06:db:00:12:e2:22:81:42 06:db:00:12:e2:22:63:38 06:db:00:12:e2:22:63:1d 06:db:00:12:e2:22:6f:e5
1756 06:dc:00:12:e2:22:63:6e 06:dc:00:12:e2:22:81:42 06:dc:00:12:e2:22:63:38 06:dc:00:12:e2:22:63:1d 06:dc:00:12:e2:22:6f:e5
1757 06:dd:00:12:e2:22:63:6e 06:dd:00:12:e2:22:81:42 06:dd:00:12:e2:22:63:38 06:dd:00:12:e2:22:63:1d 06:dd:00:12:e2:22:6f:e5
1758 06:de:00:12:e2:22:63:6e 06:de:00:12:e2:22:81:42 06:de:00:12:e2:22:63:38 06:de:00:12:e2:22:63:1d 06:de:00:12:e2:22:6f:e5
1759 06:df:00:12:e2:22:63:6e 06:df:00:12:e2:22:81:42 06:df:00:12:e2:22:63:38 06:df:00:12:e2:22:63:1d 06:df:00:12:e2:22:6f:e5


Name Number Connects to
1 1 University of Kentucky
2 2 I2 WASH
3 3 I2 HOUS
25 25 NLR ATLA


Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 ATLA
3 3 I2 LOSA


Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 HOUS
3 3 I2 NEWY


Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 LOSA
3 3 I2 WASH


Name Number Connects to
2 2 I2 NEWY
3 3 I2 ATLA

Experimenter Support

Guides and Documents is the central repository of OpenFlow documentation, including reference material, tutorials, FAQs, examples, etc.
Support Internet2 User Support
Compatible Tools contains links to the OpenFlow Switching Reference System, NOX, FlowVisor, SNAC, etc.

Using this Aggregate

Slice Authorities Recognized
Usage Policies Aggregate specific policies on who can use resources, how many resources can be held for how long, etc.
Aggregate Manager URL
Sample RSpecs Cut-and-paste text RSpecs that work for your resources.

Aggregate Management

Aggregate Operator Internet2
Resource Owner Internet2
Operation POC Internet2 NOC
Technical POC Internet2 NOC
Developer Links OpenFlow announcement list:
OpenFlow development list:
OpenFlow discussion list:
OpenFlow Indigo firmware list:
NOX development list: