= Control Framework Working Group Agenda = A number of projects have been progressing under the umbrella of the CFWG. At this meeting, we will host discussions about a number of these projects. A representative from each project will give a report on the status of the project, followed by (or interspersed with) interaction from the WG attendees. * Introduction (Robert Ricci, CFWG co-chair) * SFA v2.0 (Larry Peterson, Princeton, and Max Ott, NICTA) The control framework projects, along with other key GENI, have been collaborating on a draft of the "SFA 2.0" (Slice-based Federation Architecture) document. A draft of this document will be presented to get feedback from the larger working group, and it is expected that a revision of it will be put before the working group for consideration for adopting it as an official WG document. [wiki:SliceFedArch [Current SFA 2.0 draft]], [attachment:"peterson-controlwg-gec8_sfa.pptx" [Larry's slide]] * GENI Federation Scenarios & Requirements (Sangjin Jeong, ETRI) During the last GEC7 meeting, we presented the initial investigation results about GENI federation scenarios and requirements and it was noticed that next steps for this work was to write a document and to discuss it in the Control Framework mailing list. So, as a follow-up of the meeting, we finished developing the initial version of the document. This document investigates scenarios and requirements for supporting GENI federation. * Shibboleth (Ken Klingenstein, Internet2) An initial integration of the Shibboleth project into the ORCA control framework allows ORCA to use Shibboleth identity providers; this system will demonstrated, and its implications for CF architecture will be discussed. [attachment:"klingenstein-geni-authnzdemo-v3.ppt" [slides]] * Resource Representation Workshops (Ilia Baldine, RENCI) Workshops about resource representation have been held in conjunction with GEC7 and GEC8; this talk will report on the highlights of those workshops. * GENI AM API (Tom Mitchell, GPO) An effort is underway to provide a unified Aggregate Manager API that is common across multiple control frameworks. An initial version of this API is available, along with implementations in the PlanetLab and ProtoGENI CFs. [attachment:"GEC8-Mitchell-AggregateManagerAPI.pdf" [slides]]