Version 9 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
Workshop on Future of Resource Representations in GENI: Agenda and Notes
Location: RENCI Engagement Site on Duke campus Time: 1-5pm Date: 2010-03-18
The workshop on the Future of Resource Representations in GENI was held on the afternoon of Mar. 18 at 1:30 pm immediately following the conclusion of the GEC7.
The purpose of the workshop was to provide a venue for presenting alternative representations, hear the view of various substrate providers and leave room for discussion of the evolution of resource representation mechanisms in GENI.
The agenda for the meeting was as follows:
1:00 PM Lunch (Provided)
1:30 PM Semantic Resource Descriptions in ORCA Ilia Baldine, Yufeng Xin (RENCI)
2:30 PM Why we Need Ontological Resource Descriptions Max Ott (NICTA, ORBIT project)
2:50 PM Break
3:30 PM The ProtoGENI Vision for GENI Resource Representation Rob Ricci (Univ of Utah, ProtoGENI project)
4:30 PM Taming Uncertainty and Heterogeneity in Resource Specification for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Federations Hongwei Zhang (Wayne State, KanseiGenie project)
5:00 PM Adjourn (Shuttle pick up for the airport will be arranged, please sign up at registration time)
See also RENCI Announcement
Attachments (4)
GEC7-Resource-workshop-ORCA-NDL.pdf (586.6 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
ORCA-BEN presentation on RDF/OWL and NDL
ricci-resource-workshop.pdf (1.8 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
Rob Ricci's presentation on RSpec in ProtoGENI
OMF - Resource Description Workshop - Mar 10.pdf (1.7 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
"Why we need Ontological Resource Descriptions" Max Ott
KanseiGenie-RSpec.pdf (753.5 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
"Taming Uncertainty and Heterogeneity in Resource Specification for WSN Federations" Hongei Zhang, KanseiGenie