Changes between Version 51 and Version 52 of GSAS

05/28/13 12:03:07 (12 years ago)



  • GSAS

    v51 v52  
    226226|| 5e ||  Provide multiple interfaces (including icommand, restful http, and web) to allow authenticated user to view, search and curate their objects (artifacts)  || Shu  || GEC15 || completed  ||  || restful http can come later ||
    227227|| 5f ||  Provide interface to allow user to define an object to be archived, where the object may range from a large directory to a single file, use bagit command to from object, include a descriptor following the GENI descriptor schema;  then push it to archive service;  finally receive assigned persistent Digital Object Identifier (DOI, or "handle"), and include it in the storage service descriptor.   || Shu  || GEC16 || in progress  ||  || ||
    228 || 5g ||  Establish an archive service that provides long-term and reliable storage, with public access via a DOI from the global handle service, with the option to make the object seaqrchable (or not) from a public interface on the archive service.  || Shu  || GEC17 || in progress, discussed with Antoine  ||  ||  ||
     228|| 5g ||  Establish an archive service that provides long-term and reliable storage, with public access via a DOI from the global handle service, with the option to make the object searchable (or not) from a public interface on the archive service.  || Shu  || GEC17 || in progress, discussed with Antoine  ||  ||  ||
    229229|| 5h ||  Add rules to process incoming descriptors in xml files, and store info in iCAT  (3-4 weeks)  || Shu, Antoine  || GEC17 ||   ||  ||  Need example metadata.xml files, including key values;  start with v1.1 examples, then update to v2 examples.  Optionally, have iRODS validate xml schema (syntax) and verify mandatory elements ||
    230230|| 5i ||  Add rules to move object to public archive service, and make any changes  (3-5 weeks) || Shu, Antoine  || GEC18 ||   ||  || ||
    231231|| 5j ||  Integrate archive service into handle service  (1 week)  || Shu, Antoine   || GEC18 ||   ||  || ||
    232 || 5k ||  Provide interface to iRODS to allow authenticated GENI CH Portal to create iRODS user accounts  || Shu, Mike   || GEC17 ||   ||  || Work with Tom/Aaron to define API;  GENI CH Portal acts as iRODS user;  use POST to restful interface, and provide only basic functions by GEC17; later, add more functions ||
    233 || 5l ||  "iRODS"  || Shu  ||  ||   ||  || ||
    234 || 5m ||  "iRODS"  || Shu  ||  ||   ||  || ||
     232|| 5k ||  Provide interface to iRODS to allow User who is authenticated to GENI CH Portal, to create an iRODS user account for themselves  || Shu, Mike, Tom/Aaron   || GEC17 ||   ||  || Work with Tom/Aaron to define API;  GENI CH Portal acts as a GENI user;  use POST to restful interface, and provide only basic functions by GEC17; later, add more functions ||
     233|| 5l ||  Provide navigation from GENI CH Portal to iRODS GUI User Interface, identifying User, forwarding other information (what?). and allowing SSO   || Shu, Tom/Aaron  || GEC17 ||   || S3 || ||
     234|| 5m ||    ||   ||  ||   ||  || ||
     235|| 5n ||    ||   ||  ||   ||  || ||
    235236|| 3a || Issue 2.1:  How are persistent accounts established for each user in iRODSs?  || Shu, Jeanne, Tom/Aaron  || 5/22/13 || completed  ||  || Per GIMI workflow discussion:  use POST to restful interface on iRODS ||
    236237|| 3b || Issue 2.2:  How are storage capacity limits established and enforced for each IRODS user?  Are older objects (artifacts) flagged for removal?  || Shu  ||  ||   ||  || ||