Changes between Version 48 and Version 49 of GSAS

05/23/13 11:56:57 (12 years ago)



  • GSAS

    v48 v49  
    126126|| 2b || Draft v1.2  || Harry  || 5/1/13 || completed ||  || ||
    127127|| 2c || Review v1.2  || Group  || 5/8/13 || completed  ||  || ||
    128 || 2d || Review with GPO  || Harry/Jeanne  || ? ||   ||  || ||
    129 || 2e || Review with GEMINI  ||  Harry/Jeanne || ? ||   ||  || ||
    130 || 2f || Review with GIMI  ||  Harry/Jeanne || ? ||   ||  || ||
     128|| 2d || Review with GPO  || Harry/Jeanne  || 5/30/13 ||   ||  || ||
     129|| 2e || Review with GEMINI (status mtg)  ||  Harry/Jeanne || 5/28/13 ||   ||  || ||
     130|| 2f || Review with GIMI (Cong, Keileigh) ||  Harry/Jeanne || 5/28/13 ||   ||  || ||
    131131|| 2g ||   ||   ||  ||   ||  || ||
    132132|| 3 || Resolve design issues  ||   ||  ||   ||  || ||
    133 || 3a || Issue 2.1:  How are persistent accounts established for each user in iRODSs?  || Shu, Jeanne, Tom  || || completed  ||  || Per GIMI workflow discussion:  use POST to restful interface on iRODS ||
     133|| 3a || Issue 2.1:  How are persistent accounts established for each user in iRODSs?  || Shu, Jeanne, Tom/Aaron  || 5/22/13 || completed  ||  || Per GIMI workflow discussion:  use POST to restful interface on iRODS ||
    134134|| 3b || Issue 2.2:  How are storage capacity limits established and enforced for each IRODS user?  Are older objects (artifacts) flagged for removal?  || Shu  ||  ||   ||  || ||
    135135|| 3c || Issue 2.3:  How are archive capacity limits established and enforced for each IRODS user?  Are older objects (artifacts) flagged for removal?  || Shu  ||  ||   ||  || ||
    137137|| 3e || Issue 5.2:  What happens if the proxy certificate expires?  Is the user notified?  How can they load an updated proxy certificate?      || Ezra  ||  ||   ||  || ||
    138138|| 3f ||  Issue 5.3:  How is the target information transferred to the service?  || Ezra  ||  ||   ||  || ||
    139 || 3g || Issue 5.4:  How is the iticket transferred to the GIMI portal service?  || Cong  || || completed  ||  || Per GIMI workflow discussion:  init script gets, pushes ||
     139|| 3g || Issue 5.4:  How is the iticket transferred to the GIMI portal service?  || Cong  || 5/22/13 || completed  ||  || Per GIMI workflow discussion:  init script gets, pushes ||
    140140|| 3h || Issue 5.5:  What happens if the iticket certificate expires?  Is the user notified?  How can they load an updated proxy certificate?     || Cong  ||  ||   ||  || ||
    141 || 3i || Issue 5.6:  How is all of the target information transferred to the service agent? || Cong  || ||  completed  ||  || Per GIMI workflow discussion:  init script gets, pushes ||
     141|| 3i || Issue 5.6:  How is all of the target information transferred to the service agent? || Cong  || 5/22/13 ||  completed  ||  || Per GIMI workflow discussion:  init script gets, pushes ||
    142142|| 3j || Issue 6.1:  Need to establish rules if there is a discrepancy in descriptors.  || Shu  ||  ||   ||  || ||
    143143|| 3k ||  Issue 6.2:  Need to establish rules for changing or removing metadata.xml files. || Shu  ||  ||   ||  || ||
    159159 [  v1.1 GENIObject]  [[br]]
    161 Examples of metadata.xml files:  [[br]]
     161Examples of v1.1 metadata.xml files:  [[br]]
    163163 [  Project1]  [[br]]
    178178|| 4 ||  "GENI !ObjectDescriptor Schema"  ||   ||  ||   ||  || ||
    179179|| 4a || Review v1.1  || Group  || 4/29/13 || completed ||  || ||
    180 || 4b || Issue v1.2  || Giridhar || 6/1/13  (or earlier?) ||  ||  || Need to include controlled vocabularies  ||
     180|| 4b || Issue v1.2  || Giridhar || 6/1/13  (or earlier?) ||  ||  || Need to include controlled vocabularies;  need to update metadata.xml file examples  ||
    181181|| 4c || Review with group  || Giridhar  || ? ||   ||  || ||
    182182|| 4d || Review with GPO  ||  Giridhar || ? ||   ||  || ||
    224224|| 5d ||  Establish directory structure in storage service for each user to accommodate multiple experiments, and directory structure for each experiment (consider "bag") to include all objects (artifacts) associated with that experiment, including one or more descriptors (metadata) within XML files (following the GENI descriptor schema)  || Shu, Harry and Giridhar  || GEC15 || completed  ||  || ||
    225225|| 5e ||  Provide multiple interfaces (including icommand, restful http, and web) to allow authenticated user to view, search and curate their objects (artifacts)  || Shu  || GEC15 || completed  ||  || restful http can come later ||
    226 || 5f ||  Provide interface to allow user to define an object to be archived (where the object may range from a large directory to a single file), include a descriptor (following the GENI descriptor schema), assign a persistent Digital Object Identifier (DOI, or "handle"), and decide when to push it to archive service.   || Shu  || GEC16 || in progress  ||  || ||
    227 || 5g ||  Establish an archive service that provides long-term and reliable storage, with access via a DOI from the global handle service, with access following a local policy included in archived object. (Include at least two policies: give the object to anyone, or give the object only to its owner.)  || Shu  || GEC17 || in progress, discussed with Antoine  ||  ||  ||
    228 || 5h ||  Add rules to process incoming descriptors in xml files, and store info in iCAT  (3-4 weeks)  || Shu, Antoine  || GEC17 ||   ||  ||  Need example metadata.xml files, including key values.  Optionally, iRODS to validate xml schema (syntax) and verify mandatory elements ||
     226|| 5f ||  Provide interface to allow user to define an object to be archived, where the object may range from a large directory to a single file, use bagit command to from object, include a descriptor following the GENI descriptor schema;  then push it to archive service;  finally receive assigned persistent Digital Object Identifier (DOI, or "handle"), and include it in the storage service descriptor.   || Shu  || GEC16 || in progress  ||  || ||
     227|| 5g ||  Establish an archive service that provides long-term and reliable storage, with public access via a DOI from the global handle service, with the option to make the object seaqrchable (or not) from a public interface on the archive service.  || Shu  || GEC17 || in progress, discussed with Antoine  ||  ||  ||
     228|| 5h ||  Add rules to process incoming descriptors in xml files, and store info in iCAT  (3-4 weeks)  || Shu, Antoine  || GEC17 ||   ||  ||  Need example metadata.xml files, including key values;  start with v1.1 examples, then update to v2 examples.  Optionally, have iRODS validate xml schema (syntax) and verify mandatory elements ||
    229229|| 5i ||  Add rules to move object to public archive service, and make any changes  (3-5 weeks) || Shu, Antoine  || GEC18 ||   ||  || ||
    230230|| 5j ||  Integrate archive service into handle service  (1 week)  || Shu, Antoine   || GEC18 ||   ||  || ||
    231 || 5k ||  Provide interface to iRODS to allow GENI CH Portal to create iRODS user accounts  || Shu, Mike   || GEC17 ||   ||  || Work with Tom/Aaron to define API;  GENI CH Portal acts as iRODS user;  use POST to restful interface, and provide only basic functions by GEC17; later, add more functions ||
     231|| 5k ||  Provide interface to iRODS to allow authenticated GENI CH Portal to create iRODS user accounts  || Shu, Mike   || GEC17 ||   ||  || Work with Tom/Aaron to define API;  GENI CH Portal acts as iRODS user;  use POST to restful interface, and provide only basic functions by GEC17; later, add more functions ||
    232232|| 5l ||  "iRODS"  || Shu  ||  ||   ||  || ||
    233233|| 5m ||  "iRODS"  || Shu  ||  ||   ||  || ||
    298298|| '''ID''' || '''Description''' || '''Who''' || '''Due'''  || '''Status''' || '''Demos''' || '''Notes''' ||
    299299|| 8 ||  "GIMI agent to access GSAS"  ||   ||  ||   ||  || ||
    300 || 8a || Use iclient to access iRODS   || Cong, Keileigh, Jeanne  || GEC17  ||   ||  || ||
     300|| 8a || Use iclient in Exper Mgmt Environ to access iRODS, using  GENI User credentials (cert and priv key)   || Cong, Keileigh, Jeanne  || GEC17  ||   ||  || ||
    301301|| 8b || Use iclient to setup directory structure in iRODS for experiment  || Cong, Keileigh, Jeanne  || GEC17  ||   ||  || ||
    302 || 8c || Use iclient to push basic descriptor files to iRODS:  proejct, experiment, step   || Cong, Keileigh, Jeanne  || GEC17  ||   ||  || ||
     302|| 8c || Use iclient to push basic descriptor files to iRODS:  project, experiment, step   || Cong, Keileigh, Jeanne  || GEC17  ||   ||  || Start with v1.1 schema, then update to v2 schema ||
    303303|| 8d || Use iclient to get iticket from iRODS for experiment directory  || Cong, Keileigh, Jeanne  || GEC17  ||   ||  || ||
    304 || 8e || Use iclient to push artifact and descriptor files from GIMI Portal to iRODS  || Cong, Keileigh, Jeanne  || GEC17  ||   ||  || ||
     304|| 8e || Use iclient to push artifact and descriptor files from GIMI Portal agent to iRODS, using an iticket, where GIMI Portal agent is a registered user of iRODS, authnticated with its own cert/priv key.  || Cong, Keileigh, Jeanne  || GEC17  ||   ||  || ||
    305305|| 8f ||  ||   ||  ||   ||  || ||
    306306|| 8g ||  ||   ||  ||   ||  || ||