Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of GIMIv2tasks

04/29/13 15:46:02 (12 years ago)



  • GIMIv2tasks

    v17 v18  
    2525 Fraida Fund  (NYU Poly)
    27  Deniz Gurken  (UH)
     27 Deniz Gurkan  (UH)
    2929 Harry Mussman  (BBN)
    6666 * Revised 040513 after discussion with Mike on 040413
    68 1)  Meet biweekly starting 4/1, with 3 demo sessions: 5/14, 6/11 and 7/9  [[BR]]
     681)  Meet biweekly starting 4/1, with 3 demo sessions: 5/13, 6/10 and 7/8  [[BR]]
    70702)  By 4/15:  /cleanup/checkin/test/document current code [[BR]]
    9696    g)  Current InstaGENI configuration per attached figure;  changes? [[BR]]
    9797    h)  Current ExoGENI configuration? [[BR]]
     98    i)  Plan to complete:  [[br]]
    9899                By 4/15:  Jeanne will have met with team, and provide report of DRAFT plan [[BR]]
    99100                4/16:  Sub-team has met, made plan;  see  [[BR]]
    101 5)  Decide on configuration of GIMI Portal service, and complete development. [[BR]]
     1025)  Decide on configuration of GIMI Portal service. [[BR]]
    102103        a)  On 4/2:  Reconfirm that will continue as a multi-user persistent service, with account for each user, to retain advantages of a persistent sink for measurement data.  However, encourage users to move completed measurements to iRODS, so that we do not end up with long-term storage of measurement data within GIMI Portal Service. [[BR]]
    103104        b)  Continue to include OML Server and Lab wiki (for orchestration, results, and documentation) [[BR]]
    107108        f)  Store results in iRODS, by user, following defined structure [[BR]]
    108109        g)  Realize workable authentication/authorization to iRODS;  start with current proxycert arrangement [[BR]]
     110            On 4/15:  Fraida suggests iticket, used in iarchive command;  Shu agrees to review and test iticket functions  [[Br]]
     111            On 4/22:  Shu reviews iticket functions;  see link.  Looks like a good mechanism for a multi-session GIMI Portal
    109112        h)  Do we want to support link from GENI Desktop?  or somehow include Lab wiki as a plug-in in the GENI Desktop? These could be a step towards a "consistent user interface". [[BR]]
    110         i)  On 4/4:  We need a workable solution, not the “best” solution.  We can’t wait for future authentication/authorization mechanisms. [[BR]]
    111         j)  On 4/4:  We need to have the bulk of the work done in 6-8 weeks (no later than 6/11), then cleanup towards GEC17.   [[BR]]
    112         k)  On 4/4:  A small team will be organized to work on the problem, define multiple solutions, and pick the best we can do in the time allotted:  Jeanne, Cong, Mike (lead), Shu, (also web services expert from RENCI?), Max.  [[BR]]
    113         l)  By 4/15, Mike will have met with team, and will provide a report, including:  evaluation of current Lab wiki code;  available options for authentication of user to iRODS (starting with current proxycert arrangement);  overview of current structure, and early view of possible options [[BR]]
     113            On 4/19:  Jim Griffioen says not hard to add link from browser in GENI Desktop (new tab, or a floating window) to GIMI Portal [[br]]
     114        i)  Plan to define configuration:
     115            On 4/4:  We need a workable solution, not the “best” solution.  We can’t wait for future authentication/authorization mechanisms. [[BR]]
     116            On 4/4:  We need to have the bulk of the work done in 6-8 weeks (no later than 6/11), then cleanup towards GEC17.   [[BR]]
     117            On 4/4:  A small team will be organized to work on the problem, define multiple solutions, and pick the best we can do in the time allotted:  Jeanne, Cong, Mike (lead), Shu, (also web services expert from RENCI?), Max.  [[BR]]
     118            By 4/15, Mike will have met with team, and will provide a report, including:  evaluation of current Lab wiki code;  available options for authentication of user to iRODS (starting with current proxycert arrangement);  overview of current structure, and early view of possible options [[BR]]
     119            On 4/19, Mike agrees to have small group (Mike, Cong, Divya, Jeanne and Harry) meet in Cambridge 5/2 - 5/3 to define multi-session GIMI Portal, including:  [[BR]]
     120                 1)  Multiple sessions, but no multiple accounts  [[BR]]
     121                 2)  How info is held in portal for each user, and configured there for the user  [[BR]]
     122                 3)  How user authenticates with the portal  [[BR]]
     123                 4)  How the portal is authorized to write to the user's account in iRODS (based on iticket)  [[BR]]
     124                 5)  All captured in descriptive text, drawings, and a detailed workflow  [[BR]]
     1266)  Plan to develop GIMI Portal service  [[br]]
     127         a) On 4/19, Mike agrees to have small group (Mike, Cong, Divya, Max, Jeanne and Harry) meet in Cambridge 5/20 - 5/21 (also 5/22?) to define multi-session GIMI Portal. Suggest:  have Tom/Aaron present to represent GENI CH Portal  [[BR]]
     128         b)  Follows:  definition defined 5/2 - 5/3 [[BR]]
     129         c)  Includes: [[BR]]
     130              Apache server [[BR]]
     131              OML Server [[BR]]
     132              User DB [[BR]]
     133              LabWiki [[BR]]
    1151376)  Add features to iRODS [[BR]]
    128150                Option 3:  particularly for a large experiment, perhaps could automatically discover the nodes that are up, and the measurements that have been configured in each node.  This could verify an OMF script. [[BR]]
    129151                Option 4:  although we do not need to drive measurement setup from graphical view of topology, we could discover the measurements that have been setup, and present a graphical view of the measurements, along with a graphical view of the resource topology.  This could be used to verify the OMF script mathces the slioce resources, etc. [[BR]]
    130         d)  On 040413, put off discussion of this topic, until other topics are understood;  may have BBN summer interns work on some of these topics. [[BR]]
     152        d)  Plan:  [[br]]
     153            On 040413, put off discussion of this topic, until other topics are understood;  may have BBN summer interns work on some of these topics. [[BR]]
    1321558)  Overall schedule: [[BR]]