9 | | * This tutorial will show how to reserve resources with [https://geni-orca.renci.org/trac/wiki/flukes/ Flukes] tool, implement experiments on [http://wiki.exogeni.net ExoGENI] testbed via command line based OML/OMF or web based GIMI portal ([http://ireel.npc.nicta.com.au/ IREEL]). |
10 | | * In this tutorial, Users are expected to get familiar with GIMI portal service and command line based OML/OMF, in order to submit experiment scripts, run experiments, and get visualized results. |
11 | | * As GIMI I&M service example, users will get hands on experience on an realistic video streaming experiment. |
| 9 | * This tutorial will show how to reserve resources with [https://geni-orca.renci.org/trac/wiki/flukes/ Flukes] tool, implement experiments on [http://wiki.exogeni.net ExoGENI] testbed via OML/OMF, analyze measurement results, and store and retrieve data to/fromm [https://www.irods.org/ iRODS]. |
| 10 | * In this tutorial, Users are expected to get familiar with GIMI tools and command line based OML/OMF, in order to submit experiment scripts, run experiments, and get visualized results. |
| 11 | * As GIMI I&M service example, users will get hands on experience on setting up a specific topology, add routing on top of that topology and measure the network performance based on UDP packet size. |