
Version 55 (modified by, 12 years ago) (diff)


A. Establish Environment

Image Map

A.1 Establish experiment managment (user workspace) service

  • Bring up tutorial VM and log in.
    User: geniuser, PW: gec15user (ATTENTION account and PW for VirtualBox are different from those for GENI credentials. The latter will be handed out to you at the beginning of the tutorial!)
  • Open Firefox web browser
  • Open a terminal window
  • The software required for this tutorial is already installed in the tutorial VM.
  • Download GIMI tutorial specific configuration files by issuing the following command in a user workspace terminal:
    $ wget 
    $ ./ gimiXX
    $ chmod a+x
It is important that you replace gimiXX with your actual user account (e.g., gimi01).

A.2 Copy and paste in user workspace

It might be helpful to use shortcuts in the user workspace VM:


Cut = Ctrl-X

Copy = Ctrl-C

Paste = Ctrl-V


Cut = Shift+Ctrl-X

Copy = Shift + Ctrl-C

Paste = Shift + Ctrl-V

A.3 Gather necessary keys, certificates and credentials

Since credentials are required for the different tools used within GIMI these have to be set up first. For this tutorial 30 GENI accounts were created (gimi1-gimi30). At the beginning of the tutorial you'll have received your personal account information for the day on a piece of actual paper! It is IMPORTANT that you always use the account name exactly as specified. E.g, always use gimi01 and NOT gimi1!!

To configure your credential in the user workspace VM execute the following command in the terminal:

$ -g ~/Tutorials/GIMI/gimiXX/ssh/gimiXX.pem  -f ~/Tutorials/GIMI/gimiXX/ssh/gimiXX.jks -i ~/Tutorials/GIMI/gimiXX/gimiXXIrodsEnv

Where gimiXX has to be replaced by your actual user name. For the case of username gimi16 the command would look as follows:

$ -g ~/Tutorials/GIMI/gimi16/ssh/gimi16.pem  -f ~/Tutorials/GIMI/gimi16/ssh/gimi16.jks -i ~/Tutorials/GIMI/gimi16/gimi16IrodsEnv

The gimiXX account will not stay active after the end of the tutorial. In case you are interested in further using GIMI tools (and we sure hope you are), here how you can use the script to configure the user workspace with your own, personal GENI credentials: -g ~/mypgenicert.pem -f ~/mypgeni.jks -i ~/myirodsEnv

Here you can find more detailed information on the credential management and configuration.

And here we list the steps the script actually performs:

  1. Installs the GENI certificate in $HOME/.ssl
  2. Creates an SSH key pair based on the private key in the GENI certificate and installs the pair in $HOME/.ssh/geni_key and $HOME/.ssh/
  3. Creates omni_config to point to the certificate and key pair.
  4. Configures with the appropriate keystore and key pair.
  5. Configures .irods/.irodsEnv with the appropriate username and server information
  6. (To be added) Runs ssh-add to add the geni_key private key to the ssh agent for password-less login to the nodes.

A.4 Verify availability of desired aggregates

In this section, we provide some basic information about how an experimenter can determine what services are actually active and which ones are down. We would like to emphasize that first and foremost experimenters should join the mailing lists mentioned in Section 5 of the Introduction. Service or infrastructure outage should usually reported on these lists. In some cases you can perform some basic investigations yourself.

  • ExoGENI:
  • XMPP server: Just check if this link works.
  • OML server: The OML server is running on port 3003 on A simple test if a service is running on this port can be performed with the following command:
    $ nc -zv -w 10 3003
  • iRODS: A simple 'ils' at the command line will indicate potential problems with iRODS.

A.5 Verify availability of desired software images/packages

The following software packages and scripts required for this tutorial are already installed on the VM:

  • Git repository (git://
    • located at ~/Tutorials/GIMI/common
    • contains:
      • GIMI scripts
      • Resource Description Files (RDF) for Flukes
  • OMF EC, RC, AM (version 5.4)
  • OML server, iperf, nmetrics (version 2.8)
  • OMF web
  • R
  • iRODS client (version 3.1)
  • ExoGENI Software:
    • Link to Flukes on the desktop
    • in /home/geniuser

These additional tools and libraries are also installed on the VM:

  • python-m2crypto
  • git
  • vim
  • screen
  • emacs
  • apache2
  • adobe-flashplugin
  • python-dev

Any further software packages that might be required for other experiments have to be installed by the experimenter.

A.5 Verify availability of necessary operational services, and access to those services

  • IRODS: To test if the iRODS client can connect to the iRODS server simply execute the following command:
$ ils

As a result the content of our iRODS home directory should be listed:


In part E of the tutorial, we introduce the iRODS web portal, which offers an alternative way of verifying if the iRODS service is up and running.

1) Establish experiment environment

1.1) Establish experiment managment (user workspace) service

1.2) Gather necessary keys, certificates and credentials

1.3) Verify availability of desired aggregates

1.4) Verify availability of desired software images/packages

1.5) Verify availability of necessary operational services, and access to those services

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