
Version 9 (modified by Jeanne Ohren, 12 years ago) (diff)


Configuring Credentials

The script can be used to set up all of the credential configuration needed to run your I&M tools.
The options used are different depending upon the tool you are using: GIMI or GEMINI.

GIMI configuration

You will need three sets of credentials (two optional) when using the GIMI tools:

  1. A GENI certificate. You can obtain a GENI certificate by submitting a request at or Once your request is approved, you can download an SSL certificate (with .pem extension) from this slice authority.
  1. (Optional) An iRODS account. This is only needed if you want to access an iRODS server from the user workspace. You must have the following information in an irods configuration file.

Make sure you remember the password for your iRODS account. You will need this when you run below.

  1. (Optional) A Java Keystore file created from your GENI certificate. This is only needed if you want to use Flukes. See for instructions on how to generate the keystore file.

Make sure you remember the alias and password that you used when creating the keystore file. You will need this when you run Flukes.

Download/edit these files directly from your user workspace or transfer these files to a location in your home directory. You can do this with ftp, scp, or shared folders.

With these 1-3 files, you can configure your credentials with the tool.

   $ -g <path-to-geni-certificate> -i <path-to-irods-config> -f <path-to-jks-file>

The -g parameter is required and the -i and -f parameters are optional.


   $ -g /home/geniuser/gpo_ctcert.pem -f /home/geniuser/pgeni.jks -i /home/geniuser/irods.config

The results of running this script:

  • A pair of SSH keys (geni_key and will be generated for you using the private key from your GENI certificate. These keys will be placed in /home/geniuser/.ssh.
  • Your certificate will be placed in /home/geniuser/.ssl.
  • An omni_config file will be generated for you and placed in /home/geniuser/.gcf.
  • The SSH key is added to ssh-agent for password-less login to the nodes in your slices.
  • If the -f option is used...
    • Your keystore file (JKS) will be placed in /home/geniuser/.ssl.
    • /home/geniuser/ will be configured to point to your keystore and ssh keys.
  • If the -i option is used...
    • /home/.irods/.irodsEnv will be configured according to your supplied irods config file.
    • iinit will be executed, will prompt you for your iRODS password, and will store your hashed password.

GEMINI configuration

You will need two sets of credentials (one optional) when using the GEMINI tools:

  1. A GENI certificate. You can obtain a GENI certificate by submitting a request at or Once your request is approved, you can download your SSL certificate from this slice authority. You will need to download two formats: PEM format and PKCS12 format.
  1. (Optional) An iRODS account. This is only needed if you want to access an iRODS server from the user workspace. You must have the following information in an irods configuration file.

Make sure you remember the password for your iRODS account. You will need this when you run below.

Download/edit these files directly from your user workspace or transfer these files to a location in your home directory. You can do this with ftp, scp, or shared folders.

With these 1-3 files, you can configure your credentials with the tool.

   $ -g <path-to-pem-format-geni-certificate> -b <path-to-pkcs12-format-geni-certificate> -i <path-to-irods-config>

The -g parameter is required and the -b and -i parameters are optional.


   $ -g /home/geniuser/gpo_cert.pem -b /home/geniuser/gpo_cert.p12 -i /home/geniuser/irods.config

The results of running this script:

  • A pair of SSH keys (geni_key and will be generated for you using the private key from your GENI certificate. These keys will be placed in /home/geniuser/.ssh.
  • Your certificate will be placed in /home/geniuser/.ssl.
  • An omni_config file will be generated for you and placed in /home/geniuser/.gcf.
  • The SSH key is added to ssh-agent for password-less login to the nodes in your slices.
  • Your certificate will be added to certificate database for the the Firefox and Chrome browsers.
  • If the -i option is used...
    • /home/.irods/.irodsEnv will be configured according to your supplied irods config file.
    • iinit will be executed, will prompt you for your iRODS password, and will store your hashed password.