Changes between Version 88 and Version 89 of GENIRacksHome

09/17/14 13:43:41 (10 years ago)



  • GENIRacksHome

    v88 v89  
    2121 - '''[wiki:GENIRacksAdministration GENI Racks Administration]''' page highlights tasks for each of these rack solutions to provide some insight into the effort required by a participant.
    2222 - '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/Security GENI Racks Security]''' page provides some information about security in the context of the various GENI racks.
    23  - '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/AcceptanceTests GENI Racks Acceptance Tests]''' page provides insight into how the GPO validates these racks before broad campus deployment.
     23 - '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/AcceptanceTests GENI Racks Acceptance Tests]''' page provides insight into how the GPO validates these racks solutions before broad campus deployment.
     24 - '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/ConfirmationTests New Sites Confirmation Tests]''' page provides insight into how the GPO validates each rack as it is deployed for production.
    2425 - '''[wiki:GENIRacksInteroperability GENI Racks Interoperability Experiment]''' page captures an interoperability experiment with ExoGENI, InstaGENI and Meso-scale !OpenFlow resources.
    2526 - '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/GENIRacksDeploymentSites GENI Racks Deployment Sites]''' page captures the list of sites that will have an ExoGENI or InstaGENI rack.
    2627 - '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/ExogeniRacks ExoGENI Rack Project]''', '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/InstageniRacks InstaGENI Rack Project]''', and '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/OpenGENIRacks OpenGENI Rack Project]''' overview pages provide insight into each project's activity.
    27  - '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/InstageniRacks/SiteConfirmationTests InstaGENI New Site Confirmation Tests]''',''' [wiki:GENIRacksHome/ExogeniRacks/SiteConfirmationTests ExoGENI New Site Confirmation Tests]''' and '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/OpenGENIRacks/SiteConfirmationTests OpenGENI New Site Confirmation Tests] '''  are being run on all GENI Racks being deployed.
    28  - '''[wiki:GeniNetworkStitchingConfirmationTests GENI Stitching Confirmation Tests]''' are being executed for new GENI rack sites. See '''[wiki:GeniNetworkStitchingConfirmationTestStatus Stitching Confirmation Tests Status]''' page for details.
    29  - '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/RacksChecklist Rack Checklist]''' page provides high level steps for installing a GENI rack.
     28  - '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/RacksChecklist Rack Checklist]''' page provides high level steps for installing a GENI rack.
    3029 - '''[wiki:GENIRacksHome/RacksChecklistStatus Rack Checklist Status]''' page provides the status of each GENI site for completing the rack checklist.