81 | | Each ExoGENI Rack systems requires a specific setup, which is to captured for each of the rack components: !OpenFlow Switch, Management node, Worker Nodes, etc.. See the '''[wiki:GENIRacks/ExoGENICompSetup ExoGENI Component Setup]''' for details about the required configuration. For help about the configuration settings, please contact [mailto:help@geni.net help@geni.net]. Some examples are available to get insight into '''[wiki:GENIRacksAdministration#ExoGENIAdministration ExoGENI Racks Administration]''' tasks. |
| 81 | Each ExoGENI Rack systems requires a specific setup, which is to captured for each of the rack components: !OpenFlow Switch, Management node, Worker Nodes, etc.. See the '''[https://wiki.exogeni.net/doku.php ExoGENI Wiki]''' page for details about the required configuration. For help about the configuration settings, please contact [mailto:help@geni.net help@geni.net]. Some examples are available to get insight into '''[wiki:GENIRacksAdministration#ExoGENIAdministration ExoGENI Racks Administration]''' tasks. |