Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of GENIRacksHome

02/27/12 21:10:46 (13 years ago)



  • GENIRacksHome

    v3 v4  
    1919= GENI Starter Racks =
    21 The Starter Racks project is an effort to get [ US Ignite] cities connected to the GENI Network to facilitate experimental network and compute research, and city application development. The Starter racks jump start the delivery of fully integrated network and compute resources to selected sites. At this time, the Starter racks do not deliver GENI software features such as an Aggregate Manager. Starter Racks can be used as Meso-scale !OpenFlow Site, but requires GPO Infrastructure support to implement, if you are interested in running !OpenFlow on a deployed Starter rack contact []. If you would like to make your own GENI Starter rack, see the [#GetYourOwnGENIRack section] below.
     21The Starter Racks project is an effort to get [ US Ignite] cities connected to the GENI Network to facilitate experimental network and compute research, and city application development. The Starter racks jump start the delivery of fully integrated network and compute resources to selected sites. At this time, the Starter racks do not deliver GENI software features such as an Aggregate Manager. Starter Racks can be used as Meso-scale !OpenFlow Site, but requires GPO Infrastructure support to implement, if you are interested in running !OpenFlow on a deployed Starter rack contact []. If you would like to make your own GENI Starter rack, see the [#GetYourOwnGENIRack section] below.
    2323== Starter Racks Components ==
    5959== Starter Racks  Monitoring ==
    60 Starter Racks meet the following [wiki:GeniRacks#D.MonitoringRequirements monitoring requirements]. Monitoring data for the 3 deployed Starter Racks, GPO, Chattanooga and Cleveland is available at the [ GPOLab Monitor] portal, where the user can select a location and get monitoring detail for ''System load'', ''CPU load'', ''Memory usage'', and ''Network usage''. In addition, ''Services Health'' is monitored on each of the GENI Starter Racks and alert notifications are available upon request, contact [] to become a notification recipient. To access the ''Service Health'' detail on demand, go to the [ Service Status Details] page for all Starter rack sites.
     60Starter Racks meet the following [wiki:GeniRacks#D.MonitoringRequirements monitoring requirements]. Monitoring data for the 3 deployed Starter Racks, GPO, Chattanooga and Cleveland is available at the [ GPOLab Monitor] portal, where the user can select a location and get monitoring detail for ''System load'', ''CPU load'', ''Memory usage'', and ''Network usage''. In addition, ''Services Health'' is monitored on each of the GENI Starter Racks and alert notifications are available upon request, contact [] to become a notification recipient. To access the ''Service Health'' detail on demand, go to the [ Service Status Details] page for all Starter rack sites.
    6262== Starter rack Site Requirements ==