Select Rack Name |
Get Site Info and Shipping Details |
Install Hardware |
Establish Upstream Controlplane Connectivity |
Configure and Test AM Software |
Dataplane Testing |
Configure Monitoring |
Confirmation Testing Pre-work |
Confirmation Testing |
FOAM Admin Signoff |
Site Performs Own Testing |
Final Admin Tasks |
Production |
Campus Resource Integration |
Case Western Reserve University |
cwru-ig |
cenic-ig |
09/15/2014 |
n/a |
Clemson University |
clemson-ig |
Cornell University |
cornell-ig |
GENI Project Office |
gpo-ig |
n/a |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
gatech-ig |
Kettering University |
kettering-ig |
Louisiana State University |
lsu-ig |
09/01/2014 |
Metro Data Center, LLC |
ohmetrodc-ig |
09/01/2014 |
Midwest OpenFlow Crossroads Initiative (MOXI) |
moxi-ig |
09/01/2014 |
Naval Postgraduate School |
nps-ig |
09/01/2014 |
New York State Education and Research Network |
nysernet-ig |
n/a |
New York University |
nyu-ig |
Northwestern University |
northwestern-ig |
Ohio State University |
osu-ig |
09/15/2014 |
Princeton University |
princeton-ig |
Rutgers |
rutgers-ig |
09/15/2014 |
Southern Crossroads (SOX) |
sox-ig |
n/a |
Stanford University |
stanford-ig |
Tennesee State University |
tnstate-ig |
09/30/2014 |
University of Chicago |
uchicago-ig |
09/15/2014 |
University of Kentucky |
uky-ig |
University of Kentucky 2 |
ukpks2-ig |
University of Kentucky 3 |
uky-ig |
University of California, Berkeley |
ucb-ig |
University of California, Los Angeles |
ucla-ig |
09/01/2014 |
University of California, San Diego |
ucsd-ig |
University of Colorado at Boulder |
colorado-ig |
09/30/2014 |
University of Hawaii |
hawaii-ig |
09/30/2014 |
University of Idaho |
idaho-ig |
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign |
illinois-ig |
University of Kansas |
kansas-ig |
n/a |
University of Maryland College Park |
max-ig |
University of Massachusetts Lowell |
uml-ig |
University of Michigan |
umich-ig |
University of Missouri-Columbia |
missouri-ig |
University of Missouri-Kansas City |
umkc-ig |
09/30/2014 |
University of Utah |
utah-ig |
University of Washington, Seattle |
uwashington-ig |
University of Wisconsin |
wisconsin-ig |
Utah Down Town Data Center |
utahddc-ig |
Virginia Tech |
vt-ig |
Select Rack Name |
Get Site Info and Shipping Details |
Install Hardware |
Establish Upstream Controlplane Connectivity |
Configure and Test AM Software |
Dataplane Testing |
Configure Monitoring |
Confirmation Testing Pre-work |
Confirmation Testing |
FOAM Admin Signoff |
Site Performs Own Testing |
Final Admin Tasks |
Production |
Campus Resource Integration |
Florida International University |
fiu-eg |
09/15/2014 |
GENI Project Office |
gpo-eg |
Oakland Scientific Facility |
osf-eg |
09/30/2014 |
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center/3ROX |
09/30/2014 |
renci-eg |
Starlight/Northwestern University |
sl-eg |
09/15/2014 |
Texas A & M |
tamu-eg |
09/30/2014 |
UC Davis |
ucdavis-eg |
09/30/2014 |
University of Alaska, Fairbanks |
University of Florida |
ufl-eg |
09/30/2014 |
University of Houston |
uh-eg |
09/15/2014 |
University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Wayne State University |