
Version 8 (modified by, 10 years ago) (diff)


GENI Project Office (GPO) OpenGENI Confirmation Tests

For details about the tests in this page, see the OpenGENI Confirmation Tests page.
For site status see the OpenGENI New Site Confirmation Tests Status page.

Note: Omni nick_names for site aggregates used for these tests are:,

OG-CT-1 - Access to New Site VM resources

Got Aggregate version, which showed AM API V1, V2, and V3 are supported and V2 is default:

$  omni getversion -a gpo-og 
12:33:49 INFO    : Loading agg_nick_cache file '/home/lnevers/.gcf/agg_nick_cache'
12:33:49 INFO    : Loading config file /home/lnevers/.gcf/omni_config
12:33:49 INFO    : Using control framework portal
12:33:49 INFO    : Member Authority is (from config)
12:33:49 INFO    : Slice Authority is (from config)
12:33:49 INFO    : Substituting AM nickname gpo-og with URL, URN
12:33:50 INFO    : AM gpo-og URN: (url: has version:
12:33:50 INFO    : {   'GRAM_version': '3.33',
    'geni_ad_rspec_versions': [   {   'extensions': [],
                                      'namespace': '',
                                      'schema': '',
                                      'type': 'geni',
                                      'version': '3'}],
    'geni_am_type': 'GRAM',
    'geni_am_urn': '',
    'geni_api': 2,
    'geni_api_versions': {   '2': '',
                             '3': ''},
    'geni_request_rspec_versions': [   {   'extensions': [],
                                           'namespace': '',
                                           'schema': '',
                                           'type': 'geni',
                                           'version': '3'}]}
12:33:50 INFO    :  ------------------------------------------------------
12:33:50 INFO    :  Completed getversion:

  Options as run:
		aggregate: ['gpo-og']
		framework: portal
		noGetVersionCache: True
		project: ln-test

  Args: getversion

  Result Summary: 
Got version for gpo-og
12:33:50 INFO    :  ======================================================

The OpenGENI version is the same as the other available OpenGENI sites:

Site OpenGENI GRAM Version
GPO 'GRAM_version': '3.33'
Clemson 'GRAM_version': '3.33'

Get list of "available" compute resources:

$ omni -a gpo-og listresources --available -o

Verified that Advertisement RSpec only includes available resources, as requested:

$ egrep "node comp|available now" rspec-bbn-cam-ctrl-1-gpolab-bbn-com.xml 
<node component_name="bbn-cam-cmpe-1" component_manager_id="" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+bbn-cam-ctrl-1+node+bbn-cam-cmpe-1" exclusive="false">
<node component_name="bbn-cam-cmpe-2" component_manager_id="" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+bbn-cam-ctrl-1+node+bbn-cam-cmpe-2" exclusive="false">
<node component_id="" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false">

Created a slice:

$ omni createslice OG-CT-1
12:45:21 INFO    : Loading agg_nick_cache file '/home/lnevers/.gcf/agg_nick_cache'
12:45:21 INFO    : Loading config file /home/lnevers/.gcf/omni_config
12:45:21 INFO    : Using control framework portal
12:45:21 INFO    : Member Authority is (from config)
12:45:21 INFO    : Slice Authority is (from config)
12:45:22 INFO    : Created slice with Name OG-CT-1, URN, Expiration 2014-09-01 16:45:21+00:00
12:45:22 INFO    :  ------------------------------------------------------
12:45:22 INFO    :  Completed createslice:

  Options as run:
		framework: portal
		project: ln-test

  Args: createslice OG-CT-1

  Result Summary: Created slice with Name OG-CT-1, URN, Expiration 2014-09-01 16:45:21+00:00
12:45:22 INFO    :  ======================================================

Created a 4 VMs sliver using the RSpec OG-CT-1-gpo.rspec:

$ omni createsliver -a gpo-og OG-CT-1 OG-CT-1-gpo.rspec
12:46:56 INFO    : Loading agg_nick_cache file '/home/lnevers/.gcf/agg_nick_cache'
12:46:56 INFO    : Loading config file /home/lnevers/.gcf/omni_config
12:46:56 INFO    : Using control framework portal
12:46:56 INFO    : Member Authority is (from config)
12:46:56 INFO    : Slice Authority is (from config)
12:46:56 INFO    : Substituting AM nickname gpo-og with URL, URN
12:46:57 INFO    : Slice expires on 2014-09-01 16:45:21 UTC
12:46:57 INFO    : Creating sliver(s) from rspec file OG-CT-1-gpo.rspec for slice
12:48:02 INFO    : Got return from CreateSliver for slice OG-CT-1 at gpo-og:
12:48:02 INFO    : <?xml version="1.0" ?>
12:48:02 INFO    :   <!-- Reserved resources for:
	Slice: OG-CT-1
	at AM:
12:48:02 INFO    :   
<rspec type="manifest" xmlns="" xmlns:flack="" xmlns:planetlab="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">  
      <node client_id="VM1" component_id="" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false" sliver_id="">    
            <sliver_type name="m1.small">      
                  <disk_image name="" os="Linux" version="12"/>      
                  <execute command="sudo apt-get install iperf -y" shell="sh"/>      
            <interface client_id="VM1:if0" mac_address="fa:16:3e:a1:34:eb">      
                  <ip address="" netmask="" type="ip"/>      
            <host name="VM1"/>    
                  <login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="3003" username="lnevers"/>      
      <node client_id="VM2" component_id="" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false" sliver_id="">    
            <sliver_type name="m1.small">      
                  <disk_image name="" os="Linux" version="12"/>      
                  <execute command="sudo apt-get install iperf -y" shell="sh"/>      
            <interface client_id="VM2:if0" mac_address="fa:16:3e:3a:92:a6">      
                  <ip address="" netmask="" type="ip"/>      
            <host name="VM2"/>    
                  <login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="3002" username="lnevers"/>      
      <node client_id="VM3" component_id="" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false" sliver_id="">    
            <sliver_type name="m1.small">      
                  <disk_image name="" os="Linux" version="12"/>      
                  <execute command="sudo apt-get install iperf -y" shell="sh"/>      
            <interface client_id="VM3:if0" mac_address="fa:16:3e:c0:d9:2a">      
                  <ip address="" netmask="" type="ip"/>      
            <host name="VM3"/>    
                  <login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="3005" username="lnevers"/>      
      <node client_id="VM4" component_id="" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false" sliver_id="">    
            <sliver_type name="m1.small">      
                  <disk_image name="" os="Linux" version="12"/>      
                  <execute command="sudo apt-get install iperf -y" shell="sh"/>      
            <interface client_id="VM4:if0" mac_address="fa:16:3e:25:20:57">      
                  <ip address="" netmask="" type="ip"/>      
            <host name="VM4"/>    
                  <login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="3004" username="lnevers"/>      
      <link client_id="lan0" component_manager_id="" sliver_id="" vlantag="1002">    
            <component_manager name=""/>    
            <interface_ref client_id="VM1:if0"/>    
            <interface_ref client_id="VM2:if0"/>    
            <interface_ref client_id="VM3:if0"/>    
            <interface_ref client_id="VM4:if0"/>    
            <link_type name="lan"/>    
12:48:02 INFO    :  ------------------------------------------------------
12:48:02 INFO    :  Completed createsliver:

  Options as run:
		aggregate: ['gpo-og']
		framework: portal
		project: ln-test

  Args: createsliver OG-CT-1 OG-CT-1-gpo.rspec

  Result Summary: Got Reserved resources RSpec from bbn-cam-ctrl-1-gpolab-bbn-com 
12:48:02 INFO    :  ======================================================

The following is login information for the sliver:

$ readyToLogin -a gpo-og OG-CT-1
VM4's geni_status is: ready 
User lnevers logs in to VM4 using:
	ssh -p 3004  -i /home/lnevers/.ssh/geni_cert_portal_key lnevers@

VM2's geni_status is: ready 
User lnevers logs in to VM2 using:
	ssh -p 3002  -i /home/lnevers/.ssh/geni_cert_portal_key lnevers@

VM3's geni_status is: ready 
User lnevers logs in to VM3 using:
	ssh -p 3005  -i /home/lnevers/.ssh/geni_cert_portal_key lnevers@

VM1's geni_status is: ready 
User lnevers logs in to VM1 using:
	ssh -p 3003  -i /home/lnevers/.ssh/geni_cert_portal_key lnevers@


Log into specified host and collect iperf and ping statistics. All measurements are collected over 60 seconds, using default images and default link bandwidth:

Iperf OpenGENI GPO VM-2 to VM-1 (TCP) - TCP window size: 23.5 KByte (default)

Collected: 2014-08-25

One Client_

Five Clients

Ten Clients

Iperf OpenGENI GPO VM-2 to the VM-1 (UDP) - UDP buffer size: 224 KByte (default)

Ping from OpenGENI GPO VM-2 to the VM-1

OG-CT-2 - Access to New Site bare metal and VM resources

OG-CT-3 - Multiple sites experiment

Created a slice:

$ omni createslice OG-CT-3

Create a stitched sliver with one VM container at GPO and one VM container at Clemson using RSpec OG-CT-3-gpo.rspec.

$ stitcher createsliver OG-CT-3 -a gpo-og OG-CT-3-gpo.rspec 

Determined login information at each GPO and Clemson aggregate:

$ readyToLogin OG-CT-3 -a gpo-og 

$ readyToLogin OG-CT-3 -a gpo-ig

OG-CT-4 - Multiple sites OpenFlow experiment and interoperability

OG-CT-5 - Experiment Monitoring

OG-CT-6 - Administrative Tests

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