
OG-MON-2: GENI Software Configuration Inspection Test

This page captures status for the test case OG-MON-2. For additional information see the Acceptance Test Status - May 2013 page overall status, or the OpenGENI Acceptance Test Plan for details about the planned evaluation.

Last Update: 2013/05/15"

Step State Notes Tickets
Step 1 Pass
Step 2 Pass

State Legend Description
Pass Test completed and met all criteria
Pass: most criteria Test completed and met most criteria. Exceptions documented
Fail Test completed and failed to meet criteria.
Complete Test completed but will require re-execution due to expected changes
Blocked Blocked by ticketed issue(s).
In Progress Currently under test.

Test Plan Steps

Step 1. Review resource allocation

A site administrator uses available system data sources (process listings, monitoring output, system logs, etc) and/or AM administrative interfaces to determine the configuration of OpenGENI resources:

  • How many experimental nodes are available for bare metal use, how many are configured as OpenStack containers, and how many are configured as PlanetLab containers
  • What operating system each OpenStack container makes available for experimental VMs.
  • How many unbound VLANs are in the rack's available pool.

A list of experiments and experimenters can be obtained on the control node:

lnevers@boscontroller:~$ python /etc/gram/ --directory ./output/ --snapshot /etc/gram/snapshots/gram/2013_05_15_09_34_40_0.json 
Dumping snapshot /etc/gram/snapshots/gram/2013_05_15_09_34_40_0.json:
Slice urn:publicid:IDN+geni:bos:gcf+slice+OG-EXP-1
   Sliver User: urn:publicid:IDN+geni:bos:gcf+user+lnevers

To determine a list of current or past experiments, administrator can review content of the /etc/gram/snapshots/gram directory, where the following types of information can be found:

[{"tenant_router_uuid": "831f26f9-3cb3-48d9-8475-ded73a5336f1", "manifest_rspec": "
<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>
<rspec type=\"manifest\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" 
<node client_id=\"My-node-name\" component_manager_id=\"\" 
exclusive=\"false\" sliver_id=\"\">
<sliver_type name=\"m1.small\">
<disk_image name=\"\" os=\"Linux\" version=\"12\"/>
<host name=\"My-node-name\"/>
</rspec>      ",
"controller_url": null, "user_urn": null, "tenant_admin_pwd": "sliceMaster:-)",
"tenant_name": "geni:bos:gcf+slice+OG-EXP-1", "last_subnet_assigned": 2,
"slice_urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+geni:bos:gcf+slice+OG-EXP-1", "__type__":
"Slice", "tenant_router_name": "externalRouter",
"slivers": [""], "request_rspec": "
<rspec type=\"request\"       \txmlns=\"\"       
\txmlns:flack=\"\"       \txmlns:planetlab=\"\"       
\txmlns:xsi=\"\"       \txsi:schemaLocation=\"       
<node client_id=\"My-node-name\" component_manager_id=\"urn:publicid:geni:bos:gcf+authority+am\" >
<sliver_type name=\"m1.small\">
<disk_image description=\"\" name=\"ubuntu-12.04\" os=\"Linux\" version=\"12\"/>
</rspec>                  ",
"tenant_admin_uuid": "7e0c8b1f1b2848abba483e627fad3446", "expiration": 1368639858.0, "next_vm_num": 100,
"tenant_uuid": "14574e422f8a4903b78edb1ad10342ab", "tenant_admin_name": "admin-geni:bos:gcf+slice+OG-EXP-1"},
{"user_urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+geni:bos:gcf+user+lnevers", "slice": "14574e422f8a4903b78edb1ad10342ab",
"name": "My-node-name", "vm_flavor": "m1.small", "installs": [], "request_rspec": "
<rspec type=\"request\"       \txmlns=\"\"    

\txmlns:flack=\"\"       \txmlns:planetlab=\"\"       
\txmlns:xsi=\"\"       \txsi:schemaLocation=\"       
<node client_id=\"My-node-name\" component_manager_id=\"urn:publicid:geni:bos:gcf+authority+am\" >
<sliver_type name=\"m1.small\">
<disk_image description=\"\" name=\"ubuntu-12.04\" os=\"Linux\" version=\"12\"/>
</rspec>                  ",
"network_interfaces": [], "__type__": "VirtualMachine", "last_octet": "100", "operational_state": "geni_notready", 
"os_version": "12", "mgmt_net_addr": "", "manifest_rspec": "
<node client_id=\"My-node-name\" component_id=\"\" 
component_manager_id=\"\" exclusive=\"false\" 
<sliver_type name=\"m1.small\">
<disk_image name=\"\" os=\"Linux\" version=\"12\"/>
<login authentication=\"ssh-keys\" hostname=\"boscontroller\" port=\"3003\" username=\"lnevers\"/>
<host name=\"My-node-name\"/>
</node>", "executes": [], "expiration": 1368646161.0, "host": "boscompute4", "os_image": "ubuntu-12.04", "os_type": "Linux", 
"sliver_urn": "", 
"allocation_state": "geni_provisioned", "uuid": "c41599a1-3316-4687-9db0-934c8d2ea50e"}]

Also possible to get a list of slivers and how they map to OpenStack Containers:

lnevers@boscontroller:/etc/gram$ source /etc/novarc

lnevers@boscontroller:/etc/gram$ nova list --all-tenants
| ID                                   | Name         | Status | Networks                                       |
| 2be4a562-66ca-4604-9519-44084833ff3d | My-node-name | ACTIVE | GRAM-mgmt-net=                     |
| 6fbbfc19-f85b-454b-aa82-e04f892b2231 | My-node-name | ACTIVE | GRAM-mgmt-net=                     |
| c41599a1-3316-4687-9db0-934c8d2ea50e | My-node-name | ACTIVE | GRAM-mgmt-net=                     |
| 5aeb7be4-2547-47af-9c33-acd32fb28300 | exp1-host1   | ACTIVE | link-0=; GRAM-mgmt-net= |
| de0e444c-cbe0-4c23-acda-4ef4b2be7bca | exp1-host2   | ACTIVE | link-0=; GRAM-mgmt-net= |
| eed27e53-3041-431d-b4aa-da92b3d34d1b | johren-test1 | ACTIVE | GRAM-mgmt-net=                     |
lnevers@boscontroller:/etc/gram$ keystone tenant-list
|                id                |               name               | enabled |
| 00a5763513d5466795560ede0a9093ab |               demo               |   True  |
| 10d7ab4e360947cfbd23f5214452962d | geni:bos:gcf+slice+OG-EXP-2-exp1 |   True  |
| 14574e422f8a4903b78edb1ad10342ab |   geni:bos:gcf+slice+OG-EXP-1    |   True  |
| 1d778c9ae30141299a70a0ba82c1a079 |   geni:bos:gcf+slice+OG-EXP-13   |   True  |
| de55883bcddf4e6581aa4874aea08801 |              admin               |   True  |
| e46be309ac9f4e21a265b9b9022cbe0e |        invisible_to_admin        |   True  |
| f4ee28be1b2746ff85826598dd3bfcfd |             service              |   True  |
| fc6e82e446ad4c6ca234a098fd877358 |    geni:bos:gcf+slice+lngram     |   True  |

Available operating systems are as follows:

lnevers@arendia:~$ listresources -a gram2
INFO:omni:  <rspec type="advertisement" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" 
<node client_id="VM" component_id="urn:public:geni:gpo:vm+3a619e5c-82d9-4bb4-a62e-e4d7bcc81e38" 
component_manager_id="urn:publicid:geni:bos:gcf+authority+am" component_name="3a619e5c-82d9-4bb4-a62e-e4d7bcc81e38" exclusive="False">    
<node_type type_name="m1.tiny"/>    
    <node_type type_name="m1.small"/>    
    <node_type type_name="m1.medium"/>    
    <node_type type_name="m1.large"/>    
    <node_type type_name="m1.xlarge"/>    
    <disk_image description="" name="ubuntu-12.04" os="Linux" version="12"/>    
    <sliver_type name="m1.small"/>    
        <available now="True"/>    

The nodes configured as compute nodes are available in /etc/gram/config.json:

Step 2. Review OpenFlow resource configuration

A site administrator uses available system data sources to determine the configuration of OpenFlow resources according to VMOC and OpenGENI.

The VMOC constoller service starts the following processes:

lnevers@boscontroller:/opt/pox$ ps -eaf|grep pox
gram     18680     1  0 May10 ?        00:05:55 python2.7 -u -O /opt/pox/ log.level --DEBUG openflow.of_01 --port=9000 vmoc.l2_simple_learning
gram     18694     1  0 May10 ?        00:10:57 python2.7 -u -O /opt/pox/ log.level --DEBUG vmoc.VMOC --management_port=7001 --default_controller_url=https://localhost:9000

Available VLAN are captured in OG-ADM-2 Step 2.

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on 05/23/14 14:14:43