
OG-ADM-4: Emergency Stop Test

This page captures status for the test case OG-ADM-4. For additional information see the Acceptance Test Status - May 2013 page overall status, or the OpenGENI Acceptance Test Plan for details about the planned evaluation.

Last Update: 2013/05/14"

Step State Notes Tickets
Step 1 Fail Emergency stop is not supported for the initial evaluation
Step 2 Fail
Step 3 Fail
Step 4 Fail

State Legend Description
Pass Test completed and met all criteria
Pass: most criteria Test completed and met most criteria. Exceptions documented
Fail Test completed and failed to meet criteria.
Complete Test completed but will require re-execution due to expected changes
Blocked Blocked by ticketed issue(s).
In Progress Currently under test.

Test Plan Steps

Evaluation note: Emergency stop is not supported for the initial evaluation.

Step 1. GMOC Emergency Stop procedure availability

GMOC's updated Emergency Stop procedure is approved and published on a public wiki.

Step 2. OpenGENI Shutdown procedure availability

OpenGENI's procedure for performing a shutdown operation on any type of sliver in an OpenGENI rack is published on a public wiki or on a protected wiki that all OpenGENI site administrators (including GPO) can access.

Step 3. Schedule Emergency Stop

An Emergency Stop test is scheduled at a convenient time for all participants and documented in GMOC ticket(s).

Step 4. Execute Emergency Stop

A test experiment is running that involves a slice with connections to at least one OpenGENI rack compute resource.

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on 05/23/14 13:38:17