
Version 2 (modified by, 10 years ago) (diff)


OpenGENI Intermediate Acceptance Test Report - December 2013

This pages captures the findings for each of the test cases in the GRAM Acceptance Test Plan. Status for the current evaluation can be found in the GRAM Acceptance Test Status - December 2013? page. As can be seen from the page there has been significant improvement since the last evaluation results captured in the Acceptance Test Report - May 2013? (May 2013). Also many tickets reported in earlier evaluation have been successfully addressed. Following is a list of the most critical issues as of 2013-12-18:

  • ticket 100 There is no connectivity between racks
  • ticket 49 There is no GMOC data collection or OpenGENI monitoring data reporting for OG-MON-4/5
  • ticket 51 Bare metal support feature is missing
  • ticket 99 OpenGENI Software packaging
  • ticket 65 Remote console not available via web interface, some iDRAC access via SSH.
  • ticket 66 OpenGENI git access is BBN internal only, external access will be needed after initial eval

Experimenter Acceptance Tests

OG-EXP-1: Bare Metal Support Acceptance Test

This test case was deemed "Fail" due to the fact that there is still no supported for bare metal nodes and there is no support for windows. Modified the test case to replace all dedicated nodes (aka bare metal) with VMs to get test coverage.Issues captured in tickets:

  • ticket 51 Bare metal support feature is missing for OG-EXP-1
  • ticket 70 MS Windows support requires handling of account setup in OpenGENI

OG-EXP-2: OpenGENI Single Site Acceptance Test

This test was deemed "Pass". No issues were found.

OG-EXP-3: OpenGENI Single Site 100 VM Test

This test was deemed "Pass: most criteria". No problems were found, but only two scenario were tested due to lack of time.

OG-EXP-4: OpenGENI Multi-site Acceptance Test

This test was deemed "Blocked" due to the lack of connectivity between racks.

  • ticket 100 There is no connectivity between racks

OG-EXP-5: OpenGENI Network Resources Acceptance Test

This test was deemed "Blocked" due to the lack of connectivity between racks.

  • ticket 100 There is no connectivity between racks

OG-EXP-6: OpenGENI and Meso-scale Multi-site OpenFlow Acceptance Test

This test was deemed "Blocked" due to the lack of connectivity between racks.

  • ticket 100 There is no connectivity between racks

OG-EXP-7: Click Router Experiment Acceptance Test

This test was deemed "Blocked" due to the lack of connectivity between racks.

  • ticket 100 There is no connectivity between racks

Administration Acceptance Tests

OG-ADM-1: Rack Receipt and Inventory Test

This test was deemed "Completed" and needing further testing because there was no rack delivery process and there is no GMOC monitoring:

  • ticket 49 There is no GMOC data collection or OpenGENI monitoring data reporting

OG-ADM-2: Rack Administrator Access Test

This test was deemed "Pass: most criteria" because the site Administrator account instructions are incomplete and because remote access not fully validated.

  • ticket 95 Administrative account instructions are not complete
  • ticket 65 Remote console not available via web interface, some iDRAC access via SSH.

OG-ADM-3: Full Rack Reboot Test

This test was deemed "In progress" because it was expected to have major impact on resource recovery. Delayed until January 2014. Will verify ticket #83 when executed.

OG-ADM-4: Emergency Stop Test

This test was deemed "In Progress because it was expected to have major impact on resource recovery. Delayed until January 2014. Will verify ticket #84 when executed.

OG-ADM-5: Software Update Test

This test was deemed "Complete" and needs to be re-executed due to the expected changes to the OpenGENI package which will introduce support for update operation, currently only debian package for initial install.

  • ticket 99 No OpenGENI package update; First install GRAM package not tested

OG-ADM-6: Control Network Disconnection Test

This test was deemed "In Progress because it was expected to have major impact on resource recovery and because there is no GMOC monitoring:

  • ticket 49 There is no GMOC data collection or OpenGENI monitoring data reporting

OG-ADM-7: Documentation Review Test

Significant improvement in documentation, but this test is deemed "In Progress". This documentation test case checks for the existence of 14 separate documents. Each are listed below with the overall status and associated ticket.

  1. OpenGENI Rack Installation Documentation - Pass: most criteria - ticket 74
  2. OpenGENI Rack Part List Documentation - Pass: most criteria - ticket 75
  3. OpenGENI Software Components Identification Documentation - Pass
  4. OpenGENI and OS Upgrade Plans - In Progress - ticket 77
  5. OpenGENI Software Components Functional Description and Access to Source code - Pass
  6. OpenGENI Rack Resources Usage and Policy Documentation - Fail - ticket 79
  7. OpenGENI Rack Resources Administration - Pass: most criteria - ticket 80
  8. OpenGENI Rack Administrative procedure for user accounts - Pass: most criteria - ticket 81
  9. OpenGENI Rack Administrative procedure for rack operations - Fail - ticket 82
  10. OpenGENI Rack Administrative procedure for rack scheduled shutdown - In Progress - ticket 83
  11. OpenGENI Rack Administrative procedure for Emergency Stop - In Progress - ticket 84
  12. OpenGENI Rack Administrative procedure for health status - Fail - ticket 85
  13. OpenGENI Rack Site Operations documentation - Fail - ticket 86
  14. Site Specific OpenGENI Deployment Data - Fail - ticket 87

Monitoring Acceptance Tests

OG-MON-1: Control Network Software and VLAN Inspection Test

This test was deemed "Pass: met most criteria". All steps were successful, except for OpenGENI git access is BBN internal only.

  • ticket 66 OpenGENI git access is BBN internal only, external access will be needed after initial evaluation

OG-MON-2: GENI Software Configuration Inspection Test

This test was deemed "Pass". No issue were found.

OG-MON-3: GENI Active Experiment Inspection Test

This test was deemed "Pass". No issue were found.

OG-MON-4: Infrastructure Device Performance Test

This test was deemed "Blocked" because it cannot be executed without monitoring data collection at the GMOC. Ticket tracking missing GMOC support:

  • ticket 49 There is no GMOC data collection or OpenGENI monitoring data reporting

OG-MON-5: GMOC Data Collection Test

This test was deemed "Blocked" because it cannot be executed without monitoring data collection at the GMOC. Ticket tracking missing GMOC support:

  • ticket 49 There is no GMOC data collection or OpenGENI monitoring data reporting