= InstaGENI-PlanetLab Status = This page describes the current state of PlanetLab nodes running on InstaGENI racks (a.k.a. ''InstaGENI-PlanetLab'' or ''IG-PL'' for short). == Deployment == We have allocated a few InstaGENI nodes through the Flack GUI and booted them as PlanetLab nodes. Following is a list of InstaGENI nodes currently running the IG-PL node image. Note that, as of this time, these nodes have not yet been opened up to the public; see the '''Still To Do''' section below. * pc3.instageni.cs.princeton.edu * pc3.lan.sdn.uky.edu * pc4.instageni.northwestern.edu * pc3.instageni.rnoc.gatech.edu == InstaGENI-PlanetLab Central == IG-PL uses a single Aggregate Manager to control all IG-PL nodes. This Aggregate Manager (which we call ''IG-PL Central'') is running on node igplc.cs.princeton.edu. IG-PL Central is running the SFA and is federated with ProtoGENI and the GENI Clearinghouse. We have successfully used Flack and Omni to allocate slivers on IG-PL. The MyPLC login page for IG-PL is http://igplc.cs.princeton.edu; currently only IG-PL admins can login. * URN: urn:publicid:IDN+igplc+authority+sa * URL: https://igplc.cs.princeton.edu:12346/ * HRN: igplc.sa * igplc.gid: {{{ -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICCDCCAXGgAwIBAgIBAzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAQMQ4wDAYDVQQDEwVpZ3Bs YzAeFw0xMzA1MzAxNDUxNDhaFw0xODA1MjkxNDUxNDhaMBAxDjAMBgNVBAMTBWln cGxjMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC0nm/cjhjwSses1NTBHuan MUvZEux0vpGfMEd/sX4nqhZwAanf108PM+UOwgK/oioYCXlYxeG1ycyALUGQ+3HS l6tPeYrFepNAY5IMIHLlTl4rWyUcqkvWrfgXM0k7grpfKC+p/MaUoZ0TPr5iB8B2 gfjsx755pG09WPHnJRt1xwIDAQABo3IwcDAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MF0GA1Ud EQRWMFSGI3VybjpwdWJsaWNpZDpJRE4raWdwbGMrYXV0aG9yaXR5K3Nhhi11cm46 dXVpZDoxNmU5Njc0ZC00NzI1LTQ5MTMtODMwYS0zMDY4MzJjNTQ0NmEwDQYJKoZI hvcNAQEEBQADgYEARhbxiec6vLbeA0dGk+UeB/OCGCL3P+Q+wVj4HkWPqUyFMVVn 0pqjTBo85+rfPYtS76g7CWcDm3YtnY4C23R9ct0482mbZTPSWcYVcMDASAKIU+45 bZ8xLlFCWIAEqE8+oOXQiSBlclVS4A2+MzlXyeAOJzoNwx7Kkn3iD+AF8Qo= -----END CERTIFICATE----- }}} == Node Features == == Integration with ProtoGENI == == Still To Do ==