| 99 | === Results of Step 4 from 2012-08-14 === |
| 100 | |
| 101 | I verified that the rack FOAM instance trusts the pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com SA in two ways. |
| 102 | |
| 103 | On bbn-hn: |
| 104 | |
| 105 | {{{ |
| 106 | [13:13:44] jbs@bbn-hn:/home/jbs |
| 107 | +$ cat /opt/foam/etc/gcf-ca-certs/pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com.pem |
| 108 | Certificate: |
| 109 | Data: |
| 110 | Version: 3 (0x2) |
| 111 | Serial Number: |
| 112 | fc:ed:da:89:e1:1a:ba:af |
| 113 | Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption |
| 114 | Issuer: C=US, ST=Massachusetts, L=Cambridge, O=GENI Project Office, OU=Certificate Authority, CN=boss.pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com/emailAddress=testbed-ops@ops.pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com |
| 115 | Validity |
| 116 | Not Before: May 28 16:07:58 2010 GMT |
| 117 | Not After : Nov 18 16:07:58 2015 GMT |
| 118 | Subject: C=US, ST=Massachusetts, L=Cambridge, O=GENI Project Office, OU=Certificate Authority, CN=boss.pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com/emailAddress=testbed-ops@ops.pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com |
| 119 | Subject Public Key Info: |
| 120 | Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption |
| 121 | RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) |
| 122 | Modulus (1024 bit): |
| 123 | 00:bb:7e:9b:79:87:8b:54:88:95:ad:39:54:2c:58: |
| 124 | 7e:5f:cc:99:15:15:ee:25:f1:06:11:50:9e:bd:47: |
| 125 | d1:4f:5d:44:f1:d1:74:af:9f:ff:af:56:8b:17:b1: |
| 126 | f9:7b:b3:a3:df:1b:d5:13:ae:e5:71:4d:68:31:64: |
| 127 | ab:b7:b5:2b:40:51:20:3e:8b:b9:ba:0b:4e:f0:10: |
| 128 | 3c:05:9b:1a:8f:75:4f:79:f3:a0:24:9a:8b:b5:4f: |
| 129 | a2:fe:50:9b:21:5a:6f:92:4e:43:d4:f0:56:06:23: |
| 130 | 38:f5:e2:1d:c4:32:0c:38:0e:96:50:f0:a3:87:60: |
| 131 | 4a:93:13:d9:d8:79:b0:3a:11 |
| 132 | Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) |
| 133 | X509v3 extensions: |
| 134 | X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: |
| 135 | 98:57:01:01:AE:BF:D9:9C:8D:D2:F0:04:06:D9:2A:E8:06:CB:B0:F9 |
| 136 | X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: |
| 137 | keyid:98:57:01:01:AE:BF:D9:9C:8D:D2:F0:04:06:D9:2A:E8:06:CB:B0:F9 |
| 138 | DirName:/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/L=Cambridge/O=GENI Project Office/OU=Certificate Authority/CN=boss.pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com/emailAddress=testbed-ops@ops.pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com |
| 139 | serial:FC:ED:DA:89:E1:1A:BA:AF |
| 140 | |
| 141 | X509v3 Basic Constraints: |
| 142 | CA:TRUE |
| 143 | X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: |
| 144 | URI:urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com+authority+root |
| 145 | X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name: |
| 146 | URI:urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com+authority+root |
| 147 | Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption |
| 148 | 67:2c:95:c6:a1:d8:8a:1d:a4:1d:62:f8:36:e5:df:bd:08:ef: |
| 149 | 5f:57:1b:b4:6c:20:bd:79:d5:c8:96:de:ce:31:3b:cf:d9:4a: |
| 150 | 26:84:88:e4:eb:83:91:16:42:18:65:ea:9f:9a:ae:a0:57:52: |
| 151 | f6:d2:17:fc:8a:a4:b7:8e:2a:a1:54:64:bb:e1:2a:68:fc:33: |
| 152 | 52:e5:18:f4:7f:78:8d:c0:31:db:52:ee:51:2c:bb:f2:44:f5: |
| 153 | 07:aa:19:0c:17:f2:5c:a7:d0:ba:e2:9b:c3:00:65:79:97:78: |
| 154 | e5:ff:26:c7:b3:c6:2e:a6:2e:d7:08:bb:1d:c0:e5:e0:d6:af: |
| 155 | ae:12 |
| 156 | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- |
| 160 | aWZpY2F0ZSBBdXRob3JpdHkxIjAgBgNVBAMTGWJvc3MucGdlbmkuZ3BvbGFiLmJi |
| 161 | bi5jb20xMzAxBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWJHRlc3RiZWQtb3BzQG9wcy5wZ2VuaS5ncG9s |
| 162 | YWIuYmJuLmNvbTAeFw0xMDA1MjgxNjA3NThaFw0xNTExMTgxNjA3NThaMIHQMQsw |
| 165 | ZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBBdXRob3JpdHkxIjAgBgNVBAMTGWJvc3MucGdlbmkuZ3BvbGFi |
| 166 | LmJibi5jb20xMzAxBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWJHRlc3RiZWQtb3BzQG9wcy5wZ2VuaS5n |
| 167 | cG9sYWIuYmJuLmNvbTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEAu36beYeL |
| 168 | VIiVrTlULFh+X8yZFRXuJfEGEVCevUfRT11E8dF0r5//r1aLF7H5e7Oj3xvVE67l |
| 169 | cU1oMWSrt7UrQFEgPou5ugtO8BA8BZsaj3VPefOgJJqLtU+i/lCbIVpvkk5D1PBW |
| 170 | BiM49eIdxDIMOA6WUPCjh2BKkxPZ2HmwOhECAwEAAaOCAbwwggG4MB0GA1UdDgQW |
| 171 | BBSYVwEBrr/ZnI3S8AQG2SroBsuw+TCCAQUGA1UdIwSB/TCB+oAUmFcBAa6/2ZyN |
| 172 | 0vAEBtkq6AbLsPmhgdakgdMwgdAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRYwFAYDVQQIEw1NYXNz |
| 174 | amVjdCBPZmZpY2UxHjAcBgNVBAsTFUNlcnRpZmljYXRlIEF1dGhvcml0eTEiMCAG |
| 175 | A1UEAxMZYm9zcy5wZ2VuaS5ncG9sYWIuYmJuLmNvbTEzMDEGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYk |
| 176 | dGVzdGJlZC1vcHNAb3BzLnBnZW5pLmdwb2xhYi5iYm4uY29tggkA/O3aieEauq8w |
| 178 | Lmdwb2xhYi5iYm4uY29tK2F1dGhvcml0eStyb290MD8GA1UdEgQ4MDaGNHVybjpw |
| 179 | dWJsaWNpZDpJRE4rcGdlbmkuZ3BvbGFiLmJibi5jb20rYXV0aG9yaXR5K3Jvb3Qw |
| 180 | DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADgYEAZyyVxqHYih2kHWL4NuXfvQjvX1cbtGwgvXnVyJbe |
| 181 | zjE7z9lKJoSI5OuDkRZCGGXqn5quoFdS9tIX/Iqkt44qoVRku+EqaPwzUuUY9H94 |
| 182 | jcAx21LuUSy78kT1B6oZDBfyXKfQuuKbwwBleZd45f8mx7PGLqYu1wi7HcDl4Nav |
| 183 | rhI= |
| 184 | -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
| 185 | }}} |
| 186 | |
| 187 | Via the GENI AM API: |
| 188 | |
| 189 | {{{ |
| 190 | [13:15:53] jbs@jericho:/home/jbs |
| 191 | +$ grep -A 8 -B 2 '\[gpolab\]' ~/.gcf/omni_config |
| 192 | ## GPO Lab ProtoGENI |
| 193 | |
| 194 | [gpolab] |
| 195 | |
| 196 | type = pg |
| 197 | verbose = false |
| 198 | ch = https://www.pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com/protogeni/xmlrpc/ch |
| 199 | sa = https://www.pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com/protogeni/xmlrpc/sa |
| 200 | cert = ~/.ssl/jbs@pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com.pem |
| 201 | key = ~/.ssl/jbs@pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com.pem |
| 202 | |
| 203 | [13:16:54] jbs@jericho:/home/jbs |
| 204 | +$ omni -a https://bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1 getversion -f gpolab |
| 205 | INFO:omni:Loading config file /home/jbs/.gcf/omni_config |
| 206 | INFO:omni:Using control framework gpolab |
| 207 | INFO:omni:AM URN: unspecified_AM_URN (url: https://bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1) has version: |
| 208 | INFO:omni:{ 'ad_rspec_versions': [ { 'extensions': [ 'http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/ext/openflow/3'], |
| 209 | 'namespace': 'http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3', |
| 210 | 'schema': 'http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3/ad.xsd', |
| 211 | 'type': 'GENI', |
| 212 | 'version': '3'}], |
| 213 | 'foam_version': '0.8.2', |
| 214 | 'geni_api': 1, |
| 215 | 'request_rspec_versions': [ { 'extensions': [ 'http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/ext/openflow/3', |
| 216 | 'http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/ext/openflow/4', |
| 217 | 'http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/ext/flowvisor/1'], |
| 218 | 'namespace': 'http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3', |
| 219 | 'schema': 'http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3/request.xsd', |
| 220 | 'type': 'GENI', |
| 221 | 'version': '3'}], |
| 222 | 'site_info': { }} |
| 223 | INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 224 | INFO:omni: Completed getversion: |
| 225 | |
| 226 | Options as run: |
| 227 | aggregate: https://bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1 |
| 228 | framework: gpolab |
| 229 | native: True |
| 230 | |
| 231 | Args: getversion |
| 232 | |
| 233 | Result Summary: |
| 234 | Got version for 1 out of 1 aggregates |
| 235 | |
| 236 | INFO:omni: ============================================================ |
| 237 | }}} |
| 238 | |
| 239 | I also verified that it did not trust another SA, Utah ProtoGENI in this case: |
| 240 | |
| 241 | {{{ |
| 242 | [13:17:00] jbs@jericho:/home/jbs |
| 243 | +$ grep -A 8 -B 2 '\[utah\]' ~/.gcf/omni_config |
| 244 | ## Utah ProtoGENI |
| 245 | |
| 246 | [utah] |
| 247 | |
| 248 | type = pg |
| 249 | verbose = false |
| 250 | ch = https://www.emulab.net/protogeni/xmlrpc/ch |
| 251 | sa = https://www.emulab.net/protogeni/xmlrpc/sa |
| 252 | cert = ~/.ssl/jbs@www.emulab.net.pem |
| 253 | key = ~/.ssl/jbs@www.emulab.net.pem |
| 254 | |
| 255 | [13:17:37] jbs@jericho:/home/jbs |
| 256 | +$ omni -a https://bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1 getversion -f utah |
| 257 | INFO:omni:Loading config file /home/jbs/.gcf/omni_config |
| 258 | INFO:omni:Using control framework utah |
| 259 | ERROR:omni.protogeni:Call for GetVersion at https://bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1 failed.: ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1: 400 Bad Request> |
| 260 | ERROR:omni.protogeni: ..... Run with --debug for more information |
| 261 | WARNING:omni:URN: unspecified_AM_URN (url:https://bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1) call failed: ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1: 400 Bad Request> |
| 262 | |
| 263 | INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 264 | INFO:omni: Completed getversion: |
| 265 | |
| 266 | Options as run: |
| 267 | aggregate: https://bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1 |
| 268 | framework: utah |
| 269 | native: True |
| 270 | |
| 271 | Args: getversion |
| 272 | |
| 273 | Result Summary: Cannot GetVersion at https://bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1: ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1: 400 Bad Request> |
| 274 | |
| 275 | Got version for 0 out of 1 aggregates |
| 276 | |
| 277 | INFO:omni: ============================================================ |
| 278 | }}} |
| 279 | |
99 | | * All datapaths on the rack switch report either to !FlowVisor or to FOAM |
100 | | * All datapaths reporting to !FlowVisor or to FOAM come from the rack switch |
101 | | * A site administrator can look at flowvisor's state using fvctl |
102 | | * A site administrator can look at FOAM's state using foamctl |
103 | | |
| 291 | * All datapaths on the rack switch report to !FlowVisor. |
| 292 | * All datapaths reporting to !FlowVisor come from the rack switch. |
| 293 | * A site administrator can look at flowvisor's state using fvctl. |
| 294 | * A site administrator can look at FOAM's state using foamctl. |
| 295 | * FOAM advertises all datapaths on the rack switch. |
| 296 | |
| 297 | === Results of Step 5 from 2012-08-14 === |
| 298 | |
| 299 | For the first of those, the switch shows some !OpenFlow information: |
| 300 | |
| 301 | {{{ |
| 302 | bbn-8264.bbn.xo>show openflow |
| 303 | Protocol Version: 1 |
| 304 | Openflow State: Enabled |
| 305 | Max Flows: 10000 |
| 306 | FDB Table Priority: 1000 |
| 307 | Open Flow Instance ID: 1 |
| 308 | Openflow Edge ports : None |
| 309 | Openflow Management ports : 63 |
| 310 | Openflow Buffering : Enabled |
| 311 | Openflow Buffer Size: 1024 |
| 312 | Emergency Mode : Disabled |
| 313 | }}} |
| 314 | |
| 315 | Aha, and apparently that "Open Flow Instance ID: 1" tells me that 'show openflow 1' has a bunch more info: |
| 316 | |
| 317 | {{{ |
| 318 | bbn-8264.bbn.xo>show openflow 1 |
| 319 | Open Flow Instance ID: 1 |
| 320 | DataPath ID: 0x640817f4b52a00 |
| 321 | Vlan ID: 100 |
| 322 | Max Retries per controller: 4 |
| 323 | Echo Request Interval: 30 |
| 324 | Echo Reply Timeout: 15 |
| 325 | Emergency Timeout: 30 |
| 326 | Operational Mode: Normal |
| 327 | Miss Send Len: 128 |
| 328 | Swicth Support Capabiilities: |
| 329 | Flow Statistics : enabled |
| 330 | Table Statistics : enabled |
| 331 | Port Statistics : enabled |
| 332 | Spanning Tree : disabled |
| 333 | Reserved : disabled |
| 334 | Reassemble IP Fragments : disabled |
| 335 | Queue Statistics : disabled |
| 336 | Match IP Addr in ARP Packets: disabled |
| 337 | Swicth Support action: |
| 338 | Output to Switch Port : enabled |
| 339 | Set Vlan ID : enabled |
| 340 | Set Priority : enabled |
| 341 | Strip dot1q Header : enabled |
| 342 | Ethernet Source Addr : enabled |
| 343 | Ethernet Destination Addr: enabled |
| 344 | IP Source Address : disabled |
| 345 | IP Destination Address : disabled |
| 346 | IP ToS : enabled |
| 347 | TCP/UDP Source Port : disabled |
| 348 | TCP/UDP Destination Port : disabled |
| 349 | Output to Queue : disabled |
| 350 | Vendor : disabled |
| 351 | |
| 352 | PortList Status State Config Current Advertised Supported Peer |
| 353 | 1 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 354 | 2 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 355 | 3 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 356 | 4 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 357 | 5 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 358 | 6 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 359 | 7 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 360 | 8 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 361 | 9 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 362 | 10 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 363 | 11 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 364 | 12 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 365 | 13 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 366 | 14 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 367 | 15 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 368 | 16 d 0x201 0x2 0x240 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 369 | 17 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 370 | 18 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 371 | 19 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 372 | 20 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 373 | 21 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 374 | 22 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 375 | 23 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 376 | 24 d 0x201 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 377 | 25 d 0x201 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 378 | 26 d 0x201 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 379 | 27 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 380 | 28 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 381 | 29 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 382 | 30 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 383 | 31 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 384 | 32 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 385 | 33 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 386 | 34 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 387 | 35 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 388 | 36 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 389 | 37 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 390 | 38 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 391 | 39 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 392 | 40 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 393 | 41 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 394 | 42 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 395 | 43 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 396 | 44 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 397 | 45 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 398 | 46 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 399 | 47 e 0x200 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 400 | 48 d 0x201 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 401 | 49 d 0x201 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 402 | 50 d 0x201 0x2 0xc0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 403 | 51 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 404 | 52 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 405 | 53 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 406 | 54 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 407 | 55 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 408 | 56 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 409 | 57 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 410 | 58 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 411 | 59 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 412 | 60 e 0x200 0x2 0x2a0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 413 | 61 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 414 | 62 d 0x201 0x2 0x200 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 415 | 64 e 0x200 0x2 0x2a0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
| 416 | |
| 417 | Number of Ports: 63 |
| 418 | Configured Controllers: |
| 419 | IP Address: |
| 420 | State: Active |
| 421 | Port: 6633 |
| 422 | Retry Count: 0 |
| 423 | Configured Controller Count 1 |
| 424 | }}} |
| 425 | |
| 426 | So, there is only one datapath, and it points to That IP address is an interface on bbn-hn: |
| 427 | |
| 428 | {{{ |
| 429 | [13:31:20] jbs@bbn-hn:/home/jbs |
| 430 | +$ ifconfig -a | grep -A 7 -B 1 |
| 431 | bond2.1006 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 5C:F3:FC:6B:10:A8 |
| 432 | inet addr: Bcast: Mask: |
| 433 | inet6 addr: fe80::5ef3:fcff:fe6b:10a8/64 Scope:Link |
| 435 | RX packets:106891 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 |
| 436 | TX packets:117109 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 |
| 437 | collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 |
| 438 | RX bytes:11828203 (11.2 MiB) TX bytes:17760462 (16.9 MiB) |
| 439 | |
| 440 | }}} |
| 441 | |
| 442 | FlowVisor is running on port 6633: |
| 443 | |
| 444 | {{{ |
| 445 | [13:32:26] jbs@bbn-hn:/home/jbs |
| 446 | +$ sudo netstat -anp | grep 6633 |
| 447 | [sudo] password for jbs: |
| 448 | tcp 0 0 :::6633 :::* LISTEN 3517/java |
| 449 | tcp 0 125 ::ffff: ::ffff: ESTABLISHED 3517/java |
| 450 | |
| 451 | [13:32:43] jbs@bbn-hn:/home/jbs |
| 452 | +$ ps -efwww | grep 3517 |
| 453 | 491 3517 1 2 12:12 ? 00:02:19 java -server -Xms256M -Xmx1500M -XX:OnError=flowvisor-crash-logger -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Dorg.flowvisor.config_dir=/opt/flowvisor/etc/flowvisor -Dorg.flowvisor.install_dir=/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/opt/flowvisor/etc/flowvisor/mySSLKeyStore -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=CHANGEME_PASSWD -cp /opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/openflow.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/xmlrpc-client-3.1.3.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/xmlrpc-common-3.1.3.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/xmlrpc-server-3.1.3.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/commons-logging-1.1.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/ws-commons-util-1.0.2.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/jsse.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/asm-3.0.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/cglib-2.2.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/commons-codec-1.4.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/gson-1.7.1.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/jetty-continuation-7.0.2.v20100331.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/jetty-http-7.0.2.v20100331.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/jetty-io-7.0.2.v20100331.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/jetty-security-7.0.2.v20100331.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/jetty-server-7.0.2.v20100331.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/jetty-util-7.0.2.v20100331.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/servlet-api-2.5.jar:/opt/flowvisor/libexec/flowvisor/flowvisor.jar org.flowvisor.FlowVisor /opt/flowvisor/etc/flowvisor/config.xml |
| 454 | jbs 4327 1532 0 13:33 pts/4 00:00:00 grep 3517 |
| 455 | }}} |
| 456 | |
| 457 | This verifies that all (one) datapaths on the rack switch report to FlowVisor. |
| 458 | |
| 459 | For the second, fvctl shows only one device: |
| 460 | |
| 461 | {{{ |
| 462 | [13:33:43] jbs@bbn-hn:/home/jbs |
| 463 | +$ fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd listDevices |
| 464 | Device 0: 00:64:08:17:f4:b5:2a:00 |
| 465 | }}} |
| 466 | |
| 467 | This verifies that all datapaths reporting to !FlowVisor come from the rack switch, and a site admin can look at FV's state using fvctl. |
| 468 | |
| 469 | For the third, foamctl can show a list of slivers: |
| 470 | |
| 471 | {{{ |
| 472 | [13:37:07] jbs@bbn-hn:/home/jbs |
| 473 | +$ foamctl geni:list-slivers --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd |
| 474 | { |
| 475 | "slivers": [ |
| 476 | { |
| 477 | "status": "Approved", |
| 478 | "sliver_urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com+slice+tuptymon:3d95c17c-412b-4451-a2c2-c79d8b0542ee", |
| 479 | "creation": "2012-08-10 04:51:08.680747+00:00", |
| 480 | "pend_reason": null, |
| 481 | "expiration": "2012-09-15 00:00:00+00:00", |
| 482 | "deleted": "False", |
| 483 | "user": null, |
| 484 | "slice_urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com+slice+tuptymon", |
| 485 | "enabled": true, |
| 486 | "email": "tupty@bbn.com", |
| 487 | "flowvisor_slice": "3d95c17c-412b-4451-a2c2-c79d8b0542ee", |
| 488 | "desc": "tuptymon OpenFlow resources at BBN.", |
| 489 | "ref": null, |
| 490 | "id": 12, |
| 491 | "uuid": "3d95c17c-412b-4451-a2c2-c79d8b0542ee" |
| 492 | }, |
| 493 | { |
| 494 | "status": "Approved", |
| 495 | "sliver_urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com+slice+jbs16:d45b6df8-84ce-4764-811c-6bf2234efaa1", |
| 496 | "creation": "2012-08-10 04:51:10.287736+00:00", |
| 497 | "pend_reason": null, |
| 498 | "expiration": "2012-10-15 19:00:00+00:00", |
| 499 | "deleted": "False", |
| 500 | "user": null, |
| 501 | "slice_urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com+slice+jbs16", |
| 502 | "enabled": true, |
| 503 | "email": "jbs@bbn.com", |
| 504 | "flowvisor_slice": "d45b6df8-84ce-4764-811c-6bf2234efaa1", |
| 505 | "desc": "JBS 16 OpenFlow resources at BBN ExoGENI.", |
| 506 | "ref": null, |
| 507 | "id": 19, |
| 508 | "uuid": "d45b6df8-84ce-4764-811c-6bf2234efaa1" |
| 509 | }, |
| 510 | { |
| 511 | "status": "Approved", |
| 512 | "sliver_urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com+slice+jbs15:8ae4e90c-c6e3-4570-8e23-2357303c6a27", |
| 513 | "creation": "2012-08-10 04:51:10.488696+00:00", |
| 514 | "pend_reason": null, |
| 515 | "expiration": "2012-10-15 19:00:00+00:00", |
| 516 | "deleted": "False", |
| 517 | "user": null, |
| 518 | "slice_urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com+slice+jbs15", |
| 519 | "enabled": true, |
| 520 | "email": "jbs@bbn.com", |
| 521 | "flowvisor_slice": "8ae4e90c-c6e3-4570-8e23-2357303c6a27", |
| 522 | "desc": "JBS 15 OpenFlow resources at BBN ExoGENI.", |
| 523 | "ref": null, |
| 524 | "id": 20, |
| 525 | "uuid": "8ae4e90c-c6e3-4570-8e23-2357303c6a27" |
| 526 | }, |
| 527 | { |
| 528 | "status": "Approved", |
| 529 | "sliver_urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com+slice+trans:9d1e8717-424a-4495-a968-c7be314396dd", |
| 530 | "creation": "2012-08-10 04:51:13.414379+00:00", |
| 531 | "pend_reason": null, |
| 532 | "expiration": "2012-08-14 00:00:00+00:00", |
| 533 | "deleted": "False", |
| 534 | "user": null, |
| 535 | "slice_urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com+slice+trans", |
| 536 | "enabled": true, |
| 537 | "email": "lnevers@bbn.com", |
| 538 | "flowvisor_slice": "9d1e8717-424a-4495-a968-c7be314396dd", |
| 539 | "desc": "Vlan translation for EG-EXP-5 resources at BBN ExoGENI.", |
| 540 | "ref": null, |
| 541 | "id": 33, |
| 542 | "uuid": "9d1e8717-424a-4495-a968-c7be314396dd" |
| 543 | } |
| 544 | ] |
| 545 | } |
| 546 | }}} |
| 547 | |
| 548 | This verifies that a site administrator can look at FOAM's state using foamctl. |
| 549 | |
| 550 | For the fourth, Omni can show advertised datapaths via the GENI AM API: |
| 551 | |
| 552 | {{{ |
| 553 | [13:39:38] jbs@jericho:/home/jbs |
| 554 | +$ omni -a https://bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1 listresources |
| 555 | INFO:omni:Loading config file /home/jbs/.gcf/omni_config |
| 556 | INFO:omni:Using control framework gpolab |
| 557 | INFO:omni:Listed resources on 1 out of 1 possible aggregates. |
| 558 | INFO:omni:<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
| 559 | INFO:omni:<!-- Resources at AM: |
| 560 | URN: unspecified_AM_URN |
| 561 | URL: https://bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1 |
| 562 | --> |
| 563 | INFO:omni: |
| 564 | <rspec type="advertisement" xmlns="http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3" xmlns:openflow="http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/ext/openflow/3" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xs:schemaLocation="http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3 http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3/ad.xsd http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/ext/openflow/3 http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/ext/openflow/3/of-ad.xsd"> |
| 565 | <openflow:datapath component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+openflow:foam:bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com+datapath+00:64:08:17:f4:b5:2a:00" component_manager_id="urn:publicid:IDN+openflow:foam:bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com+authority+am" dpid="00:64:08:17:f4:b5:2a:00"> |
| 566 | <openflow:port name="1" num="1"/> |
| 567 | <openflow:port name="2" num="2"/> |
| 568 | <openflow:port name="3" num="3"/> |
| 569 | <openflow:port name="4" num="4"/> |
| 570 | <openflow:port name="5" num="5"/> |
| 571 | <openflow:port name="6" num="6"/> |
| 572 | <openflow:port name="7" num="7"/> |
| 573 | <openflow:port name="8" num="8"/> |
| 574 | <openflow:port name="9" num="9"/> |
| 575 | <openflow:port name="10" num="10"/> |
| 576 | <openflow:port name="11" num="11"/> |
| 577 | <openflow:port name="12" num="12"/> |
| 578 | <openflow:port name="13" num="13"/> |
| 579 | <openflow:port name="14" num="14"/> |
| 580 | <openflow:port name="15" num="15"/> |
| 581 | <openflow:port name="16" num="16"/> |
| 582 | <openflow:port name="17" num="17"/> |
| 583 | <openflow:port name="18" num="18"/> |
| 584 | <openflow:port name="19" num="19"/> |
| 585 | <openflow:port name="20" num="20"/> |
| 586 | <openflow:port name="21" num="21"/> |
| 587 | <openflow:port name="22" num="22"/> |
| 588 | <openflow:port name="23" num="23"/> |
| 589 | <openflow:port name="24" num="24"/> |
| 590 | <openflow:port name="27" num="27"/> |
| 591 | <openflow:port name="28" num="28"/> |
| 592 | <openflow:port name="29" num="29"/> |
| 593 | <openflow:port name="30" num="30"/> |
| 594 | <openflow:port name="31" num="31"/> |
| 595 | <openflow:port name="32" num="32"/> |
| 596 | <openflow:port name="33" num="33"/> |
| 597 | <openflow:port name="34" num="34"/> |
| 598 | <openflow:port name="35" num="35"/> |
| 599 | <openflow:port name="36" num="36"/> |
| 600 | <openflow:port name="37" num="37"/> |
| 601 | <openflow:port name="38" num="38"/> |
| 602 | <openflow:port name="39" num="39"/> |
| 603 | <openflow:port name="40" num="40"/> |
| 604 | <openflow:port name="41" num="41"/> |
| 605 | <openflow:port name="42" num="42"/> |
| 606 | <openflow:port name="43" num="43"/> |
| 607 | <openflow:port name="44" num="44"/> |
| 608 | <openflow:port name="45" num="45"/> |
| 609 | <openflow:port name="46" num="46"/> |
| 610 | <openflow:port name="47" num="47"/> |
| 611 | <openflow:port name="48" num="48"/> |
| 612 | <openflow:port name="51" num="51"/> |
| 613 | <openflow:port name="52" num="52"/> |
| 614 | <openflow:port name="53" num="53"/> |
| 615 | <openflow:port name="54" num="54"/> |
| 616 | <openflow:port name="55" num="55"/> |
| 617 | <openflow:port name="56" num="56"/> |
| 618 | <openflow:port name="57" num="57"/> |
| 619 | <openflow:port name="58" num="58"/> |
| 620 | <openflow:port name="59" num="59"/> |
| 621 | <openflow:port name="60" num="60"/> |
| 622 | <openflow:port name="61" num="61"/> |
| 623 | <openflow:port name="62" num="62"/> |
| 624 | <openflow:port name="64" num="64"/> |
| 625 | <openflow:port name="50" num="50"/> |
| 626 | <openflow:port name="26" num="26"/> |
| 627 | <openflow:port name="49" num="49"/> |
| 628 | <openflow:port name="25" num="25"/> |
| 629 | </openflow:datapath> |
| 630 | </rspec> |
| 631 | |
| 632 | INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 633 | INFO:omni: Completed listresources: |
| 634 | |
| 635 | Options as run: |
| 636 | aggregate: https://bbn-hn.exogeni.gpolab.bbn.com:3626/foam/gapi/1 |
| 637 | framework: gpolab |
| 638 | native: True |
| 639 | |
| 640 | Args: listresources |
| 641 | |
| 642 | Result Summary: Retrieved resources from 1 aggregates. |
| 643 | Wrote rspecs from 1 aggregates. |
| 644 | INFO:omni: ============================================================ |
| 645 | }}} |
| 646 | |
| 647 | The one datapath from the switch (via FV) is advertised; this verifies that FOAM advertises all datapaths on the rack switch. |