= EG-EXP-3: ExoGENI Single Site 100 VM Test = This page captures status for the test case EG-EXP-3, which verifies the ability to support 100 VM in one rack. For overall status see the [wiki:GENIRacksHome/ExogeniRacks/AcceptanceTestStatus ExoGENI Acceptance Test Status] page. = Test Status = This section captures the status for each step in the acceptance test plan. || '''Step''' || '''State''' || ''' Tickets''' || '''Comments''' || || Step 1 ||[[Color(yellow,Complete)]]|| || 50/50 allocation forces use of both ExoSM and BBN SM || || Step 2 ||[[Color(yellow,Complete)]]|| ||To use 100VM used resources from ExoSM and BBN SM || || Step 3 ||[[Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)]]|| ||Writing RSpecs|| || Step 4 || || || || || Step 5 || || || || || Step 6 || || || || || Step 7 || || || || || Step 8 || || || || || Step 9 || || || || || Step 10 || || || || || Step 11 || || || || [[BR]] || '''State Legend''' || '''Description''' || || [[Color(green,Pass)]] || Test completed and met all criteria || || [[Color(#98FB98,Pass: most criteria)]] || Test completed and met most criteria. Exceptions documented || || [[Color(red,Fail)]] || Test completed and failed to meet criteria. || || [[Color(yellow,Complete)]] || Test completed but will require re-execution due to expected changes || || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]] || Blocked by ticketed issue(s). || || [[Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)]] || Currently under test. || [[BR]] = Test Plan Steps = The steps in this test case review baseline monitoring, but its features are still being implemented, therefore results are not yet final. The omni_configuration file used in this test case includes the following nick_named: {{{ exobbn=,https://bbn-hn.exogeni.net:11443/orca/xmlrpc exorci=,https://rci-hn.exogeni.net:11443/orca/xmlrpc exosm=,https://geni.renci.org:11443/orca/xmlrpc }}} = Test Plan Steps = == Step 1. Request !ListResources from BBN ExoGENI. == The following command is executed to collect resource from the ExoGENI rack: {{{ $ omni.py -a exobbn listresources -o }}} The rack resource allocation is 50/50 for the local BBN rack SM and the ExoSM, therefore collecting listresources on both to get the complete list of resources available within the BBN Rack. {{{ $ omni.py -a exosm listresources -o }}} == Step 2. Review !ListResources output, and identify available resources. == The listresources output file for the ExoSM named rspec-geni-renci-org-11443-orca.xml shows: {{{ }}} The listresources output file for the BBN SM named rspec-bbn-hn-exogeni-net-11443-orca.xml shows: {{{ }}} == Step 3. Write a RSpec that requests 100 VMs evenly distributed across the worker nodes using the default image. == This step cannot be executed for 100 VM in one sliver, the step was modified to create two RSpecs, where each has 50 VMs. Rspecs are being written. == Step 4. Create a slice. == The slice is created as follows: {{{ $ omni.py createslice EG-EXP-3 }}} == Step 5. Create a sliver in the slice, using the RSpec defined in step 3. == This step cannot be executed for 100 VM in one sliver, the step was modified to create two slivers, where each has 50 VMs. One 50-node sliver is created via the ExoSM: {{{ $ omni.py -a exosm createsliver EG-EXP-3 EG-EXP-3-exosm.rspec }}} The second 50-node sliver is created via the BBN SM: {{{ $ omni.py -a exobbn createsliver EG-EXP-3 EG-EXP-3-exobbn.rspec }}} == Step 6. Log into several of the VMs, and send traffic to several other systems. == == Step 7. Step up traffic rates to verify VMs continue to operate with realistic traffic loads. == == Step 8. Review system statistics and VM isolation (does not include network isolation) == == Step 9. Review monitoring statistics and check for resource status for CPU, disk, memory utilization, interface counters, uptime, process counts, and active user counts. == == Step 8. Verify that several VMs running on the same worker node have a distinct MAC address for their interface. == == Step 9. Verify for several VMs running on the same worker node, that their MAC addresses are learned on the data plane switch. == == Step 10. Review monitoring statistics and check for resource status for CPU, disk, memory utilization, interface counters, uptime, process counts, and active user counts. == == Step 11. Stop traffic and delete sliver. ==