46 | | In addition testing will use ''<sliver_type name="m1.small"/>'' for the resource requests, for a full list of available resource types and associated cores, RAM and Disk space allocation see the following [https://wiki.exogeni.net/doku.php?id=public:experimenters:resource_types:start resource type table] at the ExoGENI wiki site. |
| 46 | In addition testing will use ''<sliver_type name="m1.small"/>'' for the resource requests, which will generate a 1 core VM with 128 MBytes of RAM and 3 GBytes of disk space. |
| 47 | |
| 48 | For a full list of available resource types and associated cores, RAM and Disk space allocation see the following [https://wiki.exogeni.net/doku.php?id=public:experimenters:resource_types:start resource type table] at the ExoGENI wiki site. |