[[PageOutline]] = CG-ADM-1 Administrative Tests = This test validates administrative access for NCSU2 and NCSU Cisco racks == Test Status == This section captures the status for each step in the acceptance test plan. || '''Test''' ||'''State''' || ''' !Tickets/Comments''' || ||NCSU2 Administrative Access || || || ||NCSU Administrative Access || || || [[BR]] || '''State Legend''' || '''Description''' || || [[Color(green,Pass)]] || Test completed and met all criteria || || [[Color(#98FB98,Pass: most criteria)]] || Test completed and met most criteria. Exceptions documented || || [[Color(red,Fail)]] || Test completed and failed to meet criteria. || || [[Color(yellow,Complete)]] || Test completed but will require re-execution due to expected changes || || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]] || Blocked by ticketed issue(s). || || [[Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)]] || Currently under test. || [[BR]] = NCSU2 Administrative Access = Administrator accounts on an ExoGENI and Cisco racks are documented at https://wiki.exogeni.net/doku.php?id=public:operators:start, with https://wiki.exogeni.net/doku.php?id=public:operators:start#authentication_authorization proving insight into accounts creation and usage. With requested account accessed rack head node and verified root access and group membership: {{{ LNM:~$ ssh ncsu2-hn.exogeni.net sudo whoami id }}} From head node verified login and administrative access to each of the worker nodes that supply VMs. {{{ for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do sudo ssh root@ncsu2-w$i "echo -n 'Executing on: ' ; hostname;whoami;uname -a"; done }}} For each worker node execute the following: {{{ for i in 9 10; do sudo ssh root@ncsu2-w$i "echo -n 'Executing on: ' ; hostname;whoami;uname -a"; done }}} Connect to the management switch: {{{ [lnevers@ncsu2-hn ~]$ ssh ncsu-8052.ncsu.xo >ena show interface status show version show vlan }}} }}} Connect to the !OpenFlow switch: {{{ ssh lnevers@ncsu2-8264.ncsu.xo >ena show interface status show version brief show vlan }}} Verify FOAM and !FlowVisor configuration files ownership and paths: {{{ [lnevers@ncsu2-hn ~]$ ls -l /etc/foam.passwd /etc/flowvisor.passwd /etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd /opt/foam/etc/foampasswd }}} Check FOAM version and FOAM configuration for site.admin.email, geni.site-tag, email.from settings on the NCSU2 head node: {{{ }}} foamctl admin:get-version --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd foamctl config:get-value --key="site.admin.email" --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd foamctl config:get-value --key="geni.site-tag" --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd foamctl config:get-value --key="email.from" --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd foamctl config:get-value --key="geni.approval.approve-on-creation" --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd Show FOAM slivers details: {{{ foamctl geni:list-slivers --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd }}} Check the !FlowVisor version, list of devices, get details for a device, list of active slices, and details for one of the slices on the NCSU2 Head node: {{{ /opt/flowvisor/bin/fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd ping hello /opt/flowvisor/bin/fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd listDevices /opt/flowvisor/bin/fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd getDeviceInfo /opt/flowvisor/bin/fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd listSlices /opt/flowvisor/bin/fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd getSliceInfo urn }}} = NCSU Administrative Access = Administrator accounts on an ExoGENI and Cisco racks are documented at https://wiki.exogeni.net/doku.php?id=public:operators:start, with https://wiki.exogeni.net/doku.php?id=public:operators:start#authentication_authorization proving insight into accounts creation and usage. With requested account accessed rack head node and verified root access and group membership: {{{ LNM:~$ ssh ncsu-hn.exogeni.net sudo whoami id }}} From head node verified login and administrative access to each of the worker nodes that supply VMs. {{{ for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do sudo ssh root@ncsu-w$i "echo -n 'Executing on: ' ; hostname;whoami;uname -a"; done }}} For each worker node execute the following: {{{ for i in 9 10; do sudo ssh root@ncsu-w$i "echo -n 'Executing on: ' ; hostname;whoami;uname -a"; done }}} Connect to the management switch: {{{ [lnevers@ncsu-hn ~]$ ssh ncsu-8052.ncsu.xo >ena show interface status show version show vlan }}} }}} Connect to the !OpenFlow switch: {{{ ssh lnevers@ncsu-8264.ncsu.xo >ena show interface status show version brief show vlan }}} Verify FOAM and !FlowVisor configuration files ownership and paths: {{{ [lnevers@ncsu-hn ~]$ ls -l /etc/foam.passwd /etc/flowvisor.passwd /etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd /opt/foam/etc/foampasswd }}} Check FOAM version and FOAM configuration for site.admin.email, geni.site-tag, email.from settings on the NCSU head node: {{{ }}} foamctl admin:get-version --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd foamctl config:get-value --key="site.admin.email" --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd foamctl config:get-value --key="geni.site-tag" --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd foamctl config:get-value --key="email.from" --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd foamctl config:get-value --key="geni.approval.approve-on-creation" --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd Show FOAM slivers details: {{{ foamctl geni:list-slivers --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd }}} Check the !FlowVisor version, list of devices, get details for a device, list of active slices, and details for one of the slices on the NCSU Head node: {{{ /opt/flowvisor/bin/fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd ping hello /opt/flowvisor/bin/fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd listDevices /opt/flowvisor/bin/fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd getDeviceInfo /opt/flowvisor/bin/fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd listSlices /opt/flowvisor/bin/fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd getSliceInfo urn }}}