Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of GENIRacksAdministration

02/28/12 11:16:48 (13 years ago)

wording changes for more general rack descriptions


  • GENIRacksAdministration

    v6 v7  
    33= GENI Racks Administration =
    5 This page describes GENI racks administrative tasks and duties associated with each task.  For each rack type, a site contact coordinates delivery, installation, configuration, and maintenance of the rack.  In this very important role, you can rely on GPO support, please contact us at [].  The GPO also provides a real-time public IRC chat room, `` channel `#geni`, for debugging any issues you may encounter.  See [wiki:HowTo/ConnectToGENIChatRoom] for details.
     5This page describes GENI racks administrative tasks and duties associated with each task.  For each rack type, a site contact coordinates delivery, installation, configuration, and maintenance of the rack.  In this very important role, you can rely on GPO support.   Please contact us at [] for any questions.  The GPO also provides a real-time public IRC chat room where engineers are often available, `` channel `#geni`, for debugging any issues you may encounter.  See [wiki:HowTo/ConnectToGENIChatRoom] for details.
    77== Rack Site Requirements and Installation ==
    8 The site contact works with the organization deploying the rack (GPO, RENCI, or HP) to get get the rack (Starter, InstaGENI or ExoGENI) to get the  site requirements defined.  The site requirements may include:
     8The site contact works with the organization deploying the rack (GPO, RENCI or HP) to get get the rack (Starter, InstaGENI or ExoGENI, respectively) and site requirements for their specific site networks defined.  The site requirements include:
    99 * Network Setup - Define how the rack will connect to the Internet and to the GENI backbones. Ex Regional connections, connection speed, VLANs to be used, etc.
    10  * Site Security Requirements- Determine changes required for rack connectivity, such as FV rules, IP filters, etc.
    11  * Address assignment for rack components - Define which address, subnet mask, routing is to be configured for the rack components.
    12  * Power requirements - based on site requirements
    13  * Administrative accounts - Setup of site administrator account that will be created on the management/head node.
    14  * Delivery logistics - Details for ''where'' the rack is to be delivered, ''who'' will accept the delivers, and ''when'' the delivery will take place.  Also covers any physical restrictions for the rack delivery.
     10 * Site Security Requirements- Determine engineering and procedures needed for rack connectivity, such as FlowVisor rules, IP filters, etc.
     11 * Address assignment for rack components - Define which addresses, subnet masks, and routes need to be configured for the rack components.
     12 * Power requirements - Define which PDU and related power equipment matches on site power availability
     13 * Administrative accounts - Setup site administrator accounts and other accounts that make be needed to manage access to the rack resources.  Sites can choose to operate without admnistrator accounts if they prefer that option, and adminstrative responsibility will be delegated to a GENI operations group.
     14 * Delivery logistics - Details for ''where'' the rack is to be delivered, ''who'' will accept the delivers, and ''when'' the delivery will take place.  Also covers identifying and plannign for any physical restrictions for the rack delivery.
    1616== Rack Administrative Tasks ==