
Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) Configuration

1 Preparation

Prepare static IP addresses for iDRACs at all Dell R620 servers.

For example: node) node 1) node 2)

2 iDRAC Initial Settings

Press F2 while the server is booting.

While the setup screen is displayed, select “iDRAC settings”.

Username/Password Configuration

Select “User Configuration” and change default username/password if you want.
Default username/password is root/calvin.

Network Configuration'

Select “Network”. Under “IPv4 Settings”, disable DHCP.
Enter IP address, gateway, subnet mask, and DNS servers.
Press ESC. Save the settings and exit System Setup. Repeat at other servers.

3 Users Creation

Open a browser and go to the web GUI of iDRAC at the server. For example:

Select “User Authentication” in the left navigation bar → Select “Local User” tag → in “User ID” column click any available number → check “Configure User” → click Next button.


Check “Enable User”. Enter “User name” and password. For example, enter username as “admin”.

IPMI User Privileges
Select granted privileges for this user. For example, choose “Administrator” for user “admin”.

iDRAC User Privileges

Select granted privileges for this user for Roles. For example, choose “Administrator” for user “admin”.
Click Apply.

Creating users with different privileges in the same way. For example, create a user named “operator” and choose corresponding privilege “Operator”.
Repeat at other servers.

3a Users Deletion

Open a browser and go to the web GUI of iDRAC at the server. For example:

Select “User Authentication” in the left navigation bar → Select “Local User” tag → in “User ID” column click any available number → check “Configure User” → click Next button.


Unclick “Enable User”.
Click Apply.

4 Generating and Uploading Keys

Generate DSA key pairs on your host machine (Linux).

$ssh-keygen -t dsa

For example, the key pairs generated are named as and id_dsa.

Upload public keys.
Open a browser and go to the web GUI of iDRAC at the server. Select “User Authentication” in the left navigation bar → Select “Local User” tag → in “User ID” column click the user → select “Upload SSH Key(s)” → click Next button.

Choose the public key and upload it for this user. For example, choose admin

You may generate different key pairs for users with different privileges. Repeat at other servers.

5 SSH into iDRAC

There will be a single admin account with username "gram" configured on the BBN-CAM rack for the iDRAC system on each server.

From the control node on the rack, run:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa gram@

At the iDRAC command prompt, get into racadm shell by entering:

/admin1-> racadm

In the racadm shell, you could do available power actions by running

racadm>> serveraction <action >

Here are server power management actions that can be used with the serveraction command :

  • powerdown
  • powerup
  • powercycle
  • hardreset
  • powerstatus

Latest racadm user guide could be found at

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on 05/27/14 16:09:19