
Version 5 (modified by, 9 years ago) (diff)


CHK-005 GENI Long Running Slice Check

The GENI Long Running Slice uses 3 stitching sites in a triangle topology. The topology includes 1 compute resource at each of these sites: cenic-ig, uchicago-ig and nysernet-ig. All nodes are exchanging traffic continuously. This check verifies:

  • Slivers from all AL2S and Rack Aggregates
  • AL2S sliver VLAN and traffic information
  • Rack Aggregates traffic information

1.0 GENI Long Running Slice - Sliver Check

1.1 Goals of the Long Running Sliver Check

This sections shows how to verify the sliver allocation for the triangle slice.

1.2 Steps for the Long Running Slice AL2S Check

  1. Login to the GENI Monitoring System.
  2. Type "triangle" in the top left hand Search box. This will show results in the main panel.
  3. In the Slices listing select "ch.geni.net_ln-test_slice_triangle". This will show results in the main panel.
  4. Select the Slivers tab. This will results in a lists of 4 slivers (1 from AL2S and 3 from Rack Aggregates).

1.3 Long Running Slice AL2S Check - Pass Criteria

Step 4 should list these 4 slivers:

If the slivers are listed and the "Last Updated" field is less than 30 minutes this check passes.

1.4 Long Running Slice AL2S Check - Fail Criteria and Escalation

If step 4 fails to list 4 slivers than escalation depends on the sliver missing:

Escalation: If site sliver missing - Report to InstaGENI Operations team at
Escalation: If AL2S sliver missing - Report to GMOC team -
Escalation: If "Last Updated" field for any sliver is greater than 1 hour - Report to UKY Monitoring team at

2.0 GENI Long Running Slice AL2S Check

2.1 Goals of the Long Running Slice AL2S Check

This sections shows how to verify the resources allocated to the triangle sliver in AL2S.

2.2 Steps for the Long Running Slice AL2S Check

Assuming you are still logged into the [ GENI Monitoring System:

  1. Type "triangle" in the top left hand Search box. This will show results in the main panel.
  2. Select the sliver reported by the aggregate This will show results in the main panel for all links associated to the sliver.
  3. The list of links should include 3 circuits: I2-LOSA-NEWY32AOA-VLAN-51145, I2-LOSA-STAR-VLAN-51146, I2-NEWY32AOA-STAR-VLAN-51144
  4. Select "I2-LOSA-NEWY32AOA-VLAN-51145". This will update the main panel to show two endpoints for the circuit: and
  5. Select "". This will update the main panel to show traffic statistics for the VLAN 1550 at the Los Angeles router interface "eth5/1" where cenic-ig is connected:

No image "cenic-ig-traffic.jpg" attached to GENIOperationsTrial/GENIExpSliceCheck

2.3 Long Running Slice AL2S Check - Pass Criteria

If step 5 show the expected level of traffic, then this procedures passes.

2.4 Long Running Slice AL2S Check - Fail Criteria and Escalation

This sections will clearly define the failure criteria and the escalation team if the GENI "Function/Service Name" state is deemed to not be functioning properly.

Escalation: <<Insert escalation team here>>

Note: If a Function/Service requires multiple checks, expand procedure to re-use 1.0-1.4 sections and increase numbering to 2.0-2.4, 3.0-3.4....N.0-N.4

Attachments (9)