
GMOC Project Status Report

Period: Q1


  • Operating within Budget
  • On track to complete first milestones as planned
  • Initiated talks with exemplar projects regarding data sharing
  • Continued data collection from PlanetLab CoMon
  • Started data collection from ProtoGENI backbone switches
  • GMOC equipment delivered and in use.

I. Major accomplishments

A. Milestones achieved

Spiral2 Prototyping plan completed: The first set of GMOC milestones was completed on track. The plan is a five-step plan whose initial phase has began. The Prototyping plan has been posted on the GENI wiki and is located at:

B. Deliverables made

There were no other deliverables due this quarter.

II. Description of work performed during last quarter

A. Activities and findings

Equipment Deployment: The GMOC Operational data repository server has been deployed at the Indiana University Bloomington Data Center.

B. Project participants

During this time, key participants in GMOC included:

Jon-Paul Herron, PI
Luke Fowler, Co-PI
Camilo Viecco, Senior GMOC Engineer
Chris Small, Technical Staff
Jeff Catania, GMOC Undergraduate
Nick Baker, GMOC Undergraduate

C. Publications (individual and organizational)

Small, C. (2009, Oct 23) The Indiana University GlobalNOC Presented to Indiana University School of Informatics Security Group meeting

D. Outreach activities

Undergraduate Development Assistance: Jeff Catania and Nick Baker, two undergraduates for the IU Computer Science department have assisted with research activities into GENI projects and existing data sharing options.

E. Collaborations

GMOC has begun the process of contacting exemplar projects regarding data acquisition and limitations of the current operational data format. GMOC has also started gathering contact information for the emergency shutdown prototype.

ProtoGENI: ProtoGENI has provided SNMP access to the Internet2 Collocated backbone switches. GMOC has initiated data collection on this system using SNAPP, the GRNOC tool for SNMP data collection.

PlanetLab: GMOC has continued data collection from PlanetLab's CoMon interface and into the GMOC database.

KanseiGENie: GMOC has had initial conversations with KanseiGENie. KanseiGENie has some questions on the limitations of the Operational Data format and on the translation of their rspec schema into the operational data set. KanseiGENie has also provided GMOC contact information for operations and emergency shutdown.

Million Node GENI: GMOC has initiated conversations on information stored in the Operational Data format. Their primary concern is on the anonymity of donors.

ONTimeMeasure: GMOC has met with Prasad Calyam of the OnTimeMeasure project to discuss future collaborations. The use of measurement data created by the OnTimeMeasure infrastructure could provide insight into the operational state of GENI components.

F. Other Contributions


Planned Activities for Q2

GMOC is on target to reach our planned milestones and provide the planned deliverables for Q2 of Spiral 2.

Converted submitted file by Julia Taylor ( Original file can be found here

Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on 06/07/10 16:44:09