
Version 26 (modified by, 7 years ago) (diff)


OpenAirInterface ePC GENI Site Deployment

GENI OpenAirInterface Evolved Packet Core (ePC) software deployment is captured in this page. See the GENI LTE EPc Sites page for details about sites where this setup is deployed.

These are reference OAI pages, that provide details about the Kernel and Software deployed at the GENI LTE sites:

The GENI ePC installation will use these major component in the OAI ePC:

  • Mobility Management Entity (MME)
  • Home Subscriber Server (HSS)
  • Serving and PDN Gateway (SPGW=S+P-GW)


The OpenAirInterface(OAI) software must run on a dedicated bare metal node for ExoGENI or Raw-pc for InstaGENI sites.

The OAI ePC requires a Radio Access Network (RAN) Low-latency kernel installation, which is available for Ubuntu 14.04 for the master branch. The master branch version/Ubuntu 14.04 is used for the GENI installations.

Get GENI Resource

Reserve a dedicate raw pc for use as the ePC hosts. Use the following RSpecs:

  • [Attach InstaGENI Gen7/8/9 Ubuntu14 raw pc request Rspec]
  • [Attach ExoGENI bare metal node request RSpec]

Request the appropriate device for you site (IG, EG).

BIOS Requirements

The Radio Access Network Kernel has requirements to disable all power management features in the BIOS (sleep states, in particular C-states) and CPU frequency scaling (Intel SpeedStep). You also need to disable hyper-threading, CPU frequency control, C-States, P-States and any other power management feature from BIOS.

InstaGENI Site Installation

Installing 4.8 Kernel on IG EPC Resource

After an Ubuntu 16 Raw PC was reserved in the GPO IG rack, the following procedure was followed to create the ePC setup:

# Note the Ubuntu 16.04.1l image delivers a GNU/Linux 4.4.0-34-generic
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade

# Note the next step requests a conflicting grub change. The procedure kept existing grub
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
sudo reboot

# Note system comes up with Kernel 4.4.0-78-generic 
sudo apt-get install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04
sudo reboot

# Note system comes up with Kernel 4.8.0-53-generic

Next step is optional, disk was resized to make sure there is all possible disk space available:

sudo apt-get install gparted -y
# Note resize /dev/sda1 from 16G to 19G and create partition /dev/sda2 from from "unallocated" 900G type=ext4 and named extra

# Next add new partition to files system files
sudo mkdir /extra
sudo vi /etc/fstab

# Make file system part of persistent definition by inserting the following to /etc/fstab
/dev/sda2 /extra ext4 defaults 0 0 

# Mount newly added file system and change ownership
sudo mount /extra
sudo chown -R lnevers:ch--OpenFlowTuto /extra/

Enable GPRS Tunneling Protocol kernel module

sudo modprobe gtp 

Installing OAI Software

Assuming you have completed the 4.8 Kernel installation, we proceed to install the OpenAirInterface software as specified in the OAI Repository. Follow the instructions on the OAI Repository page.

The wiki OAI Repository has a wiki page that captures How to Connect OAI ePC with COTS User Equipment. Following are installation steps followed:

# Note some prerequisites installation and configured
sudo apt-get install i7z  cpufrequtils -y
sudo vi /etc/default/cpufrequtils

# insert the following in the file
sudo update-rc.d ondemand disable
sudo reboot

Next the installation of the OAI packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install subversion git
git config --global "Luisa Nevers"
git config --global ""

echo -n | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' | sudo tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
git config --global http.sslverify false

Put in place links for additional disk space:

cd /extra
git clone
git clone
git clone

ln -s /extra/open* ~/.
ln -s /extra/xtable* ~/.

Build eNB/ePC packages:

# Building eNB.
cd ~/openairinterface5g
source oaienv
cd cmake_targets
./build_oai -I

# Building ePC:
cd ~/openair-cn/SCRIPTS
./build_mme -i 
# sudo apt-get install mysql-server --reinstall -y
./build_hss -i
./build_spgw -i

Configurations changes


NOTE: Instructions below were tried initially, but eventually dropped

Installing the RAN Kernel on InstaGENI Gen8 Hosts

This was the originally suggested approach, which was not used due to issues on older racks (Gen7).

If you installation is on an InstaGENI with HP Gen8 hosts, login to the raw-pc that you reserved and and execute these commands for the package version of the Kernel Master branch:

git clone
cd linux-4.7.x
sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-4.7.7-oaiepc_4.7.7-oaiepc-10.00.Custom_amd64.deb linux-image-4.7.7-oaiepc_4.7.7-oaiepc-10.00.Custom_amd64.deb

The above command is an excerpt from the Radio Access Network Kernel wiki page.

Installing the RAN Kernel on InstaGENI Gen7 Hosts

If you installation is on an InstaGENI with HP Gen7 hosts, login to the raw-pc that you reserved and and execute the steps details at the Radio Access Network Kernel wiki page. You must follow the instruction for Ubuntu 14 and the Ran Master branch. As a reference the GPO IG Gen7 raw pc installation history was captured in the attached file named install-log-gpo-pc1-gen7.txt.

Hostnames and domain-name configuration

Append the following lines to /etc/hosts: nano hss

Remove /etc/hostname file

 sudo rm /etc/hostname

Change the hostname:

 sudo hostnamectl set-hostname nano

Logout and login again to verify hostname change and verify name resolution:

lnevers@nano:~$ sudo getent hosts nano nano

Attachments (18)