Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of GENIFlowSpaceFirewallTests

05/06/14 15:52:15 (10 years ago)



  • GENIFlowSpaceFirewallTests

    v1 v1  
     1= Internet2 !FlowSpace Firewall Tests =
     3This page outlines testing planned for the  Advanced Layer 2 Services (AL2S) !FlowSpace Firewall (FSF) feature. 
     5The tests will verify the ability of FSF to provide advertised features for various scenarios that will use both ION and AL2S GENI endpoints.  GENI slices will be setup to validate the following:
     7  * FSF ability to support a simple learning switch controller for various topologies.
     8  * FSF ability to support multiple concurrent add/delete learning switch controller request.
     9  * Verify ability to use different learning switch controller implementations (FloodLight, POX)
     10  * Ability to query statistics for switch, links, firewall rules with FloodLight rest API.
     13 Assumptions:
     15    * Testing will start with simple 2 node topology connected to AL2s.
     16    * All ION to AL2S cross-connects will be used to verify ability to support OpenFlow connections.
     17    * End-point traffic types generated will include UDP, TCP, ICMP. 
     19== FSF-T1 Functional Tests ==
     21 1. Create VLANs between AL2S InstaGENI end-point
     22 2. Delete VLANs and verify release of VLANs via AL2S router proxy.
     23 3. Submit multiple concurrent requests to add and to delete flow spaces.
     24 4. Query FSF status and rules via FloodLight rest API.
     25 5. Generate traffic outside of pre-defined flowspace and verify that it is handled properly.
     27= Topology Scenarios =
     29== FSF-T2 Two Site tests ==
     31Initial testing will take place with two sites that are already connected to AL2S.  Functional testing will executed in this topology. 
     35== FSF-T3 ION to AL2S interconnects tests ==
     39== FSF-T4 Linear topology tests ==
     43== FSF-T5 Star Topology tests ==