Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of GENIFAQ

07/14/13 22:15:51 (11 years ago)
Vic Thomas




    v6 v7  
    1919     GENI experimenter tools use secure [ XML RPC] for invoking methods on GENI Aggregates.  Your certificate is used by these aggregates to verify you have the privileges needed to perform operations such as allocating resources on these aggregates.
    21      Aggregates that provide you with compute resources typically allow you to log into these resources using the [ Secure Shell (ssh)] protocol.  Aggregates typically use private-public key pairs instead of passwords to authenticate logins.  When an aggregate provisions a compute resource and make it available to your slice, it installs your public key on the resource.  You must make sure your ssh client is configured to find your corresponding private key when you attempt to log into your compute resources.  For more information on setting up your keys and your ssh client, see [wiki:HowTo/LoginToNodes this page].
     21     Aggregates that provide you with compute resources typically allow you to log into these resources using the [ Secure Shell (ssh)] protocol.  Private-public key pairs instead of passwords are commonly to authenticate ssh logins.  When an aggregate provisions a compute resource and make it available to your slice, it installs your public key on the resource.  You must make sure your ssh client is configured to find your corresponding private key when you attempt to log into your compute resources.  For more information on setting up your keys and your ssh client, see [wiki:HowTo/LoginToNodes this page].