Changes between Version 115 and Version 116 of GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/OpenFlowOVS/Execute

03/02/15 11:46:42 (10 years ago)



  • GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/OpenFlowOVS/Execute

    v115 v116  
    2626To get ready for the tutorial you will need to have the following windows open:
    2727  * one window with ssh into the controller
    28   * two windows with ssh into OVS
     28  * four windows with ssh into OVS
    2929  * one window with ssh into host1
    3030  * two windows with ssh into host2
    229229=== 3d. Run a traffic duplication controller ===
    231 In the above example we ran a very simple learning switch controller. The power of !OpenFlow comes from the fact that you can decide to forward the packet anyway you want based on the supported !OpenFlow actions. A very simple but powerful modification you can do, is to duplicate all the traffic of the switch out a specific port. This is very useful for application and network analysis. You can imagine that at the port where you duplicate traffic you connect a device that does analysis. For this tutorial we  are going to verify the duplication by doing a `tcpdump`  on a port on the OVS switch.
     231In the above example we ran a very simple learning switch controller. The power of !OpenFlow comes from the fact that you can decide to forward the packet anyway you want based on the supported !OpenFlow actions. A very simple but powerful modification you can do, is to duplicate all the traffic of the switch out a specific port. This is very useful for application and network analysis. You can imagine that at the port where you duplicate traffic you connect a device that does analysis. For this tutorial we  are going to verify the duplication by doing `tcpdumps`  on ports on the OVS switch.
    233233  1. Use the interfaces that are connected to `host2` and  `host3`.
    235235    * Hardware Switch:   Refer to this Section to figure out ports: [ UsefulTips].  If you are using a hardware switch, you may not see the traffic on host3, but if you observe your controller output, you will notice that flows are being installed for forwarding to host2 and host3.[[BR]]
    237   To see that duplication is happening, on host3, run: 
    238   {{{
    239 sudo tcpdump -i <data_interface_name>
    240   }}}
    242   You should see ICMP echo and ICMP reply lines from host1 to host2 showing up in the host3 tcpdump window.
     237  To see that duplication is happening, on the ovs host, run: 
     238  {{{
     239sudo tcpdump -i <data_interface_name>  [using the data_interface to host2]
     240sudo tcpdump -i <data_interface_name>  [using the data_interface to host3]
     241  }}}
     243You should see traffic from host1 to host2 showing up in the tcpdump window for host3.  As a comparison, you will notice that no traffic shows up in that window when the controller is running the learning switch.
    243244  2. In the controller host directory `/tmp/pox/ext` you should see two files:
    366 = [wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/OpenFlowOVS/DesignSetup Design and Setup for OVS] =
    367 = [wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/OpenFlowHW/DesignSetup Design and Setup for Hardware Switch] =
     367= [wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/OpenFlowOVS/DesignSetup Prev: Design and Setup for OVS] =
     368= [wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/OpenFlowHW/DesignSetup Prev: Design and Setup for Hardware Switch] =
    368369= [wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/OpenFlowOVS/Finish Next:  Finish] =