Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/GENI_Desktop_and_GEMINI_ssh/ExecuteExperiment

06/24/13 00:01:33 (11 years ago)



  • GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/GENI_Desktop_and_GEMINI_ssh/ExecuteExperiment

    v3 v4  
    1313== Ssh'ing into nodes from the GENI Desktop ==
    15 To open an ssh session, you must first launch the ssh tool. You can launch the ssh tool by clicking the launch icon [[Image=launcher.png]] in the upper lefthand corner of the GENI Desktop and then selecting ssh. This will create an ssh button near the task bar on the bottom. To ssh into nodes, select the node in the topology by left-clicking on the node. Once selected, press the ssh button to ssh into your network. You may need to accept the security certificate if prompted by your browser. You can iconify the ssh button or deiconify the ssh button by clicking ssh in the task bar.
     15To open an ssh session, you must first launch the ssh tool. You can launch the ssh tool by clicking the launch icon [[Image(launcher.png)]] in the upper lefthand corner of the GENI Desktop and then selecting ssh. This will create an ssh button [[Image(ssh.png)]] near the task bar on the bottom. To ssh into nodes, select the node in the topology by left-clicking on the node. Once selected, press the ssh button to ssh into your network. You may need to accept the security certificate if prompted by your browser. You can iconify the ssh button or deiconify the ssh button by clicking ssh in the task bar.
    1717== Viewing traffic from the GENI Desktop  ==
    19 To view traffic, click on the launcher icon and select gemini graphs. This will create a graph selection window on your screen. By default, the CPU, ICMP, and IP graphs are selected. Adjust the selection to the graphs you want to see. Select the node or nodes in the topology for which you would like to see graphs. Then click the "add graphs" button. If you have selected multiple nodes, you may prefer to click on "add graphs with titles," as this will clearly identify the node from which the graph is taken. Like the ssh box, you can iconify or deiconify the graph selection box by clicking on the task bar.
     19To view traffic, click on the launcher icon and select gemini graphs. This will create a graph selection window (see below) on your screen. By default, the CPU, ICMP, and IP graphs are selected. Adjust the selection to the graphs you want to see. Select the node or nodes in the topology for which you would like to see graphs. Then click the "add graphs" button. If you have selected multiple nodes, you may prefer to click on "add graphs with titles," as this will clearly identify the node from which the graph is taken. Like the ssh box, you can iconify or deiconify the graph selection box by clicking on the task bar.
    2123== Generating traffic with iperf ==