= [wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/ClickExample Click Example] = {{{ #!html
Hello GENI index Hello GENI index Hello GENI index
}}} = 1. Obtain Resources = In this step, we are going to setup the experiment. In this tutorial we assume that you are sufficiently comfortable with `omni` to know when your slice is ready using `readyToLogin`. {{{ #!html
Note These instructions assume you are using at least omni version 2.6, but it is possible to do the exercise using the tool of your choice.
}}} i. '''Create a slice''' {{{ #!div style="background: #ffd; border: 2px ridge; width: 685px;" {{{ omni createslice }}} where `` is `click`. }}} i. '''Create a sliver''' {{{ #!div style="background: #ffd; border: 2px ridge; width: 685px;" {{{ omni createsliver -a AGG_NICKNAME }}} }}} * In the Portal the RSpec is called '''Click Router Example Experiment (IG)''' * If you are doing this exercise as part of a tutorial then the aggregate (`AGG_NICKNAME` below) is given to you. * If you are doing this exercise at home use : `clemson-ig` * The `rspec_url` is: http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/exp/ClickExampleExperiment/click.rspec i. '''Check the status of your sliver''' {{{ #!div style="background: #ffd; border: 2px ridge; width: 685px;" {{{ readyToLogin --useSliceAggregates }}} }}} = Install scripts = While you wait for your sliver to become ready, we will see how we can automate the installation of our experiment with install scripts. In this experiment we are going to use software routers in order to write our own forwarding scheme. This means that in any experiment we are going to run we want the basic installation of the software router to always be present. The configuration might change from run to run, but the software should always be installed. The software to be installed, and the scripts to be executed at boot time, are defined in the rspecs. Follow these steps to locate your install script and identify the different parts. i. Open your RSpec and look for the `install` tag and copy the value of the URL attribute. * RSpec: http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/exp/ClickExampleExperiment/click.rspec i. Look for the `execute` tag and write down the name of the script to be executed. i. Download and untar the software. On a UNIX-like system you can do: {{{ #!div style="background: #ffd; border: 2px ridge; width: 685px;" {{{ cd /tmp mkdir click cd click wget tar xvfz }}} }}} i. Look in your RSpec and locate the `execute` tag. Note what script is being executed at boot time. == Question == * '''Locate the script specified by the `execute` tag and open it.''' * Can you identify the different parts? * What is the purpose of the script? * What is the purpose of the `installed.txt` file? [[Image(GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/Graphics:tip.png, 40, left)]] = Tips for using Git For Windows = If you are using the bash emulator in [HowTo/LoginToNodes#GitBashShell Git for Windows]: * The following commands are available: * `less` * `cat` * `vi` * The following are ''not'' available by default: * `wget` * `more` * `emacs` * In order to use an ssh agent you need to enter the following additional command in each terminal: {{{ eval `ssh-agent -s` ssh-add .ssh/id_rsa }}} = [wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/ClickExample/Execute Next: Execute] =