== Virtual Computer Networks Lab == === Webinar Details === * Presented by: Michael Zink from the University of Massachusetts Amherst * Date: Friday July 15th * Time: 11:00 a.m. - noon ET === Abstract === In this webinar we will present a series of course modules, which we have developed as part of our GENI Virtual Computer Networks Lab. These course modules have been designed with a focus on undergraduate education in computer networking and distributed system. They can be used by educators as classroom assignments. In addition, they can be used by experimenters as tutorials to learn how to use GENI testbeds and how to execute experiments on such testbeds. We will demonstrate the tools and mechanisms that have been integrated in the modules to support such assignments. In this webinar, we will introduce four of our course modules and lead the audience through one of the modules step by step. This will give the audience an overview on the capability of our modules and how GENI testbeds can be used in education. === Connection Information === Use the following URL to connect:[[BR]] https://bluejeans.com/562284608 [[BR]] Alternatively, use your phone and participate without video by: [[BR]] 1) Dialing: +1.888.240.2560 [[BR]] 2) Entering Conference ID: 562284608 [[BR]] ''Bluejeans is a video conferencing system. Click on the link and follow the instructions to get connected. The first time you use bluejeans you will likely need to install a plugin. For Google Chrome you may need to install a small client application.'' ''Please join the meeting a few minutes before the start time.'' === Equipment Needed === 1. Computer with a good Internet connection and a browser (Firefox or Chrome preferred). 1. Microphone (preferably a headset microphone) or alternatively a telephone. 1. Webcam: Optional but recommended === Pre-work === If you wish to run the hands-on demo yourself, please complete the following pre-work: 1. Verify you are able to log into the GENI Portal. 1. Verify you have a laptop/desktop suitable for the tutorial. 1. Install and verify GENI tools on your computer. More information on each of these tasks [wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/NewToolsSetup here] === Agenda === * Welcome - Ben Newton * Presentation and Hands-on Demo - Michael Zink * Tutorial instructions here: http://emmy10.casa.umass.edu/index.html === Recording === A video recording of the webinar is available [http://www.cs.unc.edu/Research/geni/geniWebinars/VirtualComuterNetworksLabUsingGeni-MikeZink-2016July15.mp4 here] Please contact Ben Newton (bn@cs.unc.edu) with questions.