== Distributed Computing on GENI: Hadoop in a Slice == === Webinar Details === * Presented by: Paul Ruth from the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) * Date: Friday August 26th * Time: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. ET === Abstract === GENI is an excellent tool for experimenting with distributed computing. Hadoop is a popular framework for storing and processing large distributed datasets. This webinar uses Hadoop to demonstrate how to deploy scalable distributed applications across the GENI infrastructure. The webinar walks participants through creating a Hadoop slice composed of three virtual machines that are a Hadoop cluster. The tutorial will lead you through creating the slice, observing the properties of the slice, and running a Hadoop example that sorts a large dataset. Upon completion of the exercise, participants will be able to experiment with scaling the Hadoop sorting application and should be able to apply their new skill to deploy other distributed applications. === Connection Information === Use the following URL to connect:[[BR]] https://bluejeans.com/562284608 [[BR]] Alternatively, use your phone and participate without video by: [[BR]] 1) Dialing: +1.888.240.2560 [[BR]] 2) Entering Conference ID: 562284608 [[BR]] ''Bluejeans is a video conferencing system. Click on the link and follow the instructions to get connected. The first time you use bluejeans you will likely need to install a plugin. For Google Chrome you may need to install a small client application.'' ''Please join the meeting a few minutes before the start time.'' === Equipment Needed === 1. Computer with a good Internet connection and a browser (Firefox or Chrome preferred). 1. Microphone (preferably a headset microphone) or alternatively a telephone. 1. Webcam: Optional but recommended === Pre-work === If you wish to run the hands-on demo yourself, please complete the following pre-work: 1. Ensure you can login to portal.geni.net (instructions, step 1 [wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/NewToolsSetup here]) 1. Join a project. Use the project named UNC-GENI-Webinar unless you have access to another project which you prefer to use. 1. Ensure you have generated and can use a key pair. You must: * have your private key on your machine * know your passphrase * if using Windows, have an SSH client installed and tested. 1. Become familiar with GENI Portal. [wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/jacks/GettingStarted_PartI/Procedure This tutorial] will help you complete items 3 and 4 above, and is strongly recommended if you have never used GENI before, or have not used GENI for a while. === Agenda === * Welcome - Ben Newton * Presentation - Paul Ruth - [attachment:GENI-Webinar-HadoopTutorial.pdf slides (pdf)] * Hands-on Demo - Paul Ruth - Tutorial instructions here: http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/jacks/HadoopInASlice === Recording === A video recording of the webinar is available [http://www.cs.unc.edu/Research/geni/geniEdu/v04-Hadoop.html here] {{{#!comment [http://www.cs.unc.edu/Research/geni/geniWebinars/DistributedComputingOnGeniHadoopInASlice-2016August26.mp4 here] }}} Please contact Ben Newton (bn@cs.unc.edu) with questions.