Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-OF

09/19/12 09:23:31 (12 years ago)



  • GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-OF

    v24 v25  
    55This page illustrates an !OpenFlow (OF) example for the [wiki:HowToUseOmni Omni How-to] page. OpenFlow is used for the control of the network resources in the GENI backbone and at Meso-scale campus locations.  Experimenters can use GENI resources without learning !OpenFlow. Experimenters can choose to control the network switching fabric in their slices by running an !OpenFlow controller. Many experimenters use existing !OpenFlow controller code as-is, some use controllers with relatively simple modifications, and some experimenters have written their own controller.  The GPO is available to help design your controller and plan your experiment configuration.  Feel free to contact us at [].
    7 The experiment in this page uses Omni V1.6.1 and credentials from the GPO ProtoGENI Clearinghouse ( to set up a 3 Meso-scale sites !OpenFlow experiment. The sites are  BBN, Wisconsin and Clemson each with a MyPLC compute resource. If you are interested in using PG resources, see the [ HelloGENI] experiment page for an !OpenFlow experiment using PG nodes.
     7The experiment in this page uses Omni V1.6.1 to reserve resources, if you are using Omni 2.0 or higher, note that you will have to specify the AM API version option ''-V1'' for all Omni commands that are executed at OpenFlow and MyPLC aggregates, these aggregates support AM API V1. The example in this page uses credentials from the GPO ProtoGENI Clearinghouse ( to set up a 3 Meso-scale sites !OpenFlow experiment. The sites are  BBN, Wisconsin and Clemson each with a MyPLC compute resource. If you are interested in using PG resources, see the [ HelloGENI] experiment page for an !OpenFlow experiment using PG nodes.
    11 Omni 1.6.1 tools are used to reserve resources in this experiment for each of the site's !FlowVisor !OpenFlow Aggregate Manager (FOAM) and GENI Aggregate Managers. If you are using Omni 2.0 or higher, note that you will have to specify the AM API version option ''-V1'' for all omni commands that are executed for OpenFlow and MyPLC aggregates, these aggregates support AM API V1. Steps required to set up this !OpenFlow experiment are detailed in this page:
     11Omni tools are used to reserve resources in this experiment for each of the site's !FlowVisor !OpenFlow Aggregate Manager (FOAM) and GENI Aggregate Managers. Steps required to set up this !OpenFlow experiment are detailed in this page:
    1213    1. [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-OF#a1.AuthenticationandOmnitoolsconfiguration Authentication and Omni tools configuration]
    1314    2. [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-OF#a2.ReserveGENIIPsubnet Reserve IP Subnet]