= [wiki:GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/OpenFlowLoadBalancerTutorial/ExerciseLayout OpenFlow Load Balancer Tutorial] = {{{ #!html
Image Map
}}} = 2. Implement VLC DASH Client on ExoGENI VLAN = == 2.1 Setup OpenFlow Switches == - 2.1.1 Login to VM and get the public IP by executing ''ifconfig'' - 2.1.2 Login to nodes VM, VM-0, VM-1, VM-2 and execute the following script {{{ #!/bin/bash ovs-vsctl add-br test ovs-vsctl add-port test eth1 ovs-vsctl add-port test eth2 ovs-vsctl add-port test eth3 ovs-vsctl set-controller test tcp::6633 ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode test secure }}} Replace IP.OF.CONTROLLER above with the public IP address of VM. [[BR]] == 2.2 Setup the Apache Server and host DASH Video == In this section, you will be able to install the Apache server on ExoGENI node (VM-3) by logging in and executing the following script. The first 4 lines of this script install and setup the Apache server. The rest of the script downloads a sample DASH video from emmy9.casa.umass.edu and hosts it on the server that you just set up. {{{ #!/bin/bash apt-get update apt-get -y install apache2 apt-get -y install apache2-threaded-dev apache2ctl restart mkdir /root/DASH_BuckBunny curl http://emmy9.casa.umass.edu/wget_download.sh -o /root/wget_download.sh chmod +x /root/wget_download.sh sh /root/wget_download.sh }}} == 2.3 Install VLC Client == The actual VLC Client which requests the video can be set up using this script. For streaming this video from the Apache server and in order to instrumentize and measure the DASH bit-rate using !LabWiki we need to execute the following commands.