Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/Template/ExerciseLayout/DesignSetup

05/02/13 11:33:13 (12 years ago)



  • GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/Template/ExerciseLayout/DesignSetup

    v2 v3  
    20 = Configure and Initialize Services:Configure Omni =
    21 {{{
    22 #!html
    24 <table border="0">
    25      <tr>
    26          <td>  <img border="0" src="" alt="Omni Client" width="100"/> <br/>
    27         </td>
    28         <td> <pre>   </pre> </td>
    30          <td> Omni is a tool that will help you reserve resources in GENI, using your GENI
    31 credentials. The first step is to load into Omni your information.
    32 Omni uses a configuration file, and there is a script that will automatically generate the file with
    33 some default options and place it in the default place of `~/.gcf/`. 
    34   </td>
    35         <td> <pre>   </pre> </td>
    36     </tr>
    37  </table>
    38 }}}
    40 {{{
    41 #!html
    43 <table border="0">
    44      <tr>
    46 <td>
    47 Follow these steps:
    48 <ol>
    49   <li> In the GENI Portal, go to the `Profile` Tab. </li>
    50   <li> Scroll all the way to the end of the page, to the section titled ''Configure omni'' </li>
    51   <li> Click on the ''customized configuration data'' link </li>
    52   <li> If this is the <b> first time </b> you do  this:
    53    <ol type="a">
    54        <li> Press the <b> generate an SSL Cert</b> link </li>
    55        <li> Make sure you choose the first option </li>
    56    </ol>
    57   <li> In the next page, make sure you choose as your project, the project you just joined and click the ''Download omni bundle'' button, and select to save it.</li>
    58   <li> Open a terminal window </lo>
    59   <li> Run: <ul><li><code> -f portal </code></li></ul> </li>
    60  </ol>
    61 </td>
    62        <td> <pre>   </pre> </td>
    63   <td>  <img border="0" src="" alt="Generate SSL cert" width="300"/>
    64         </td>
    65         <td> <pre>   </pre> </td>
    66     </tr>
    67  </table>
    68 }}}
    71 The output should look like:
    72   {{{
    73 geni@GEC16-Tutorials:~$ -f portal
    74 {'portal_bundle': '~/Downloads/', 'verbose': False, 'cert': '~/.ssl/geni_cert', 'framework': 'portal', '
    75 configfile': '~/.gcf/omni_config', 'plkey': '~/.ssh/geni_pl_key', 'prkey': '~/.ssh/geni_key', 'pick_project': False}
    76 INFO:omniconfig:Using configfile: /home/geni/.gcf/omni_config
    77 INFO:omniconfig:Using portal bundle /home/geni/Downloads/
    78 INFO:omniconfig:Private key stored at: /home/geni/.ssh/geni_key
    79 INFO:omniconfig:Wrote omni configuration file at: /home/geni/.gcf/omni_config
    80 geni@GEC16-Tutorials:~$ -f portal
    81 }}}
    83 == Look around the omni_config file  ==
    84 Open the file `~/.gcf/omni_config` using either vim or emacs. Close to the top of the file you will see two parameters called `default_cf` and `users`. Your username should be at least listed in the user section. Look for the sections in the file that are named `[pgch]` and  `[<username>]`.
    86 In the `[<username>]` section, the information need for logging-in to reserved compute resources are provided. It includes your unique user URN and a public key that would be uploaded to the hosts that you reserve.
    88 In the `[pgch]` section you configure Omni to use your personal information. The cert and the key attribute point to files that we have manually downloaded from the portal.
    90 Another interesting section to look at is the `[aggregate-nicknames]` sections. Flack already knows the URL for all the AMs and present you a list of AMs to choose from using a short, descriptive name. In Omni a user is required to pass the URL for each call to the GENI AM API. In this section the user gets a chance to provide short descriptive names to the URLs that are easier to memorize and use.
    92 == Test Omni setup ==
    93 In order to test that our configuration is correct, you can issue a `getversion`
    94 command. For this step we have used ProtoGENI's AM, but you can use any
    95 Aggregate Manager(AM).
    96   i. In the terminal type:
    97   {{{
    98 getversion -a ig-gpo
    99 }}}
    100   In GENI each AM can be contacted using a specific URL. In order to make it
    101   easier to talk to AMs, Omni uses nicknames; i.e. it maps each URL into an easy
    102   to remember nickname.  Nicknames are defined in each user's omni_config file.
    104   For the rest of the tutorial we are going to use aggregate nicknames.
    106 =  Obtain Resources =
    107 In this step we are going to setup a sample GENI experiment, in order to
    108 get familiarized with most of the Omni commands.
    110 == Create and renew a slice ==
    111 The first thing to do when preparing to run a GENI experiment is to create a
    112 slice.
    113   i. To create a slice type, use as `<slicename>` omniXXX, where XXX are your initials. :
    114   {{{
    115 createslice <slicename>
    116   }}}
    117   ii. To verify that your slice has been created and in general to keep track of
    118   your slices, use the `listmyslices`. You can figure out your username under the `Profile` tab. Type:
    119   {{{
    120 listmyslices <username>
    121   }}}
    122   iii. Renew your slice. To extend the lifetime of your slice type:
    123   {{{
    124 renewslice <slicename> YYYYMMDD
    125   }}}
    127 ==  Reserve resources, a.k.a create a sliver ==
    128 The next step in a GENI experiment is to actually reserve resources. For this
    129 experiment we are going to use the Aggregate manager of ProtoGENI in Utah.
    130   i. In Omni in order to see what each AM offers you can use the
    131   `listresources` command. Type:
    132    {{{
    133 listresources -a pg-utah -o
    134 }}}
    135   The `-o` option will save the output to a file. The filename is chosen by Omni and printed as part of the output. The output will look like :
    136   {{{
    137 geni@GEC16-Tutorials:~$ listresources -a pg-utah -o
    138 INFO:omni:Loading config file /home/geni/.gcf/omni_config
    139 INFO:omni:Using control framework portal
    140 INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname pg-utah with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
    141 INFO:omni:Saving output to a file.
    142 INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname pg-utah with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
    143 INFO:omni:Listed advertised resources at 1 out of 1 possible aggregates.
    144 INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname pg-utah with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
    145 INFO:omni: (PG log url - look here for details on any failures:
    146 INFO:omni:Writing to 'rspec-www-emulab-net-protogeniv2.xml'
    147 INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------
    148 INFO:omni: Completed listresources:
    150   Options as run:
    151                 aggregate: ['pg-utah']
    152                 framework: portal
    153                 output: True
    154                 project: SampleClass
    156   Args: listresources
    158   Result Summary: Queried resources from 1 of 1 aggregate(s).
    159 Wrote rspecs from 1 aggregate(s) to 1 file(s)
    160 Saved listresources RSpec at 'unspecified_AM_URN' (url '') to file rspec-www-emulab-net-protogeniv2.xml;  (PG log url - look here for details on any failures:
    161 INFO:omni: ============================================================
    162 }}}
    163   In the last line of the output Omni will tell you the name of the file that output is saved at. In the example above this would be `rspec-www-emulab-net-protogeniv2.xml`. Open the file that Omni saved and just take a look to see how an advertisement RSpec looks like.
    164   In order to see only available resources type
    165   {{{
    166 listresources -a pg-utah --available -o
    167   }}}
    168   i. To be able to reserve resources you will need to craft a request rspec.
    169   For this example we have created the rspec for you, use this rspec URL :[[BR]]
    170 . Type :
    171   {{{
    172 createsliver -a pg-utah <slicename> <rspec_url>
    173   }}}
    175   i. Look at your reserved resources. Type:
    176   {{{
    177 listresources -a pg-utah <slicename>
    178   }}}
    179   i. Extend the lifetime of your sliver:
    180   {{{
    181 renewsliver -a pg-utah <slicename> YYYYMMDD
    182   }}}
    183   i. Check the status of your resources. Type:
    184   {{{
    185 sliverstatus -a pg-utah <slicename>
    186   }}}
    187   The `sliverstatus` command reports the status of your overall GENI slice. When
    188   the status is ready we are ready to continue to the next step.
    19022= [wiki:GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/Template/ExerciseLayout/Execute Next: Run Experiment] =