29 | | |
30 | | '''2.''' |
| 30 | Note: while compiling M2Crypto using "pip install M2Crypto", there are a lot of warnings, ignore them. [[BR]] |
| 31 | Note: you need to change the first line of omni-configure.py to "#!/usr/local/bin/python" to make omni config work. |
| 32 | |
| 33 | '''2.''' Use Omni to create the topology: [[BR]] |
| 34 | Download the RSPEC from http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/fahmy/geni/geni-tcp_exp.tar.gz [[BR]] |
| 35 | Then do the following: [[BR]] |
| 36 | Create slice: |
| 37 | {{{ |
| 38 | omni.py createslice shufengTCP |
| 39 | }}} |
| 40 | Output should be something like the following: |
| 41 | {{{ |
| 42 | INFO:omni:Loading config file /Users/shuang/.gcf/omni_config |
| 43 | INFO:omni:Using control framework portal |
| 44 | INFO:omni:Created slice with Name shufengTCP, URN urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP, Expiration 2013-05-08 21:17:05 |
| 45 | INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 46 | INFO:omni: Completed createslice: |
| 47 | |
| 48 | Options as run: |
| 49 | framework: portal |
| 50 | project: ShufengProject |
| 51 | |
| 52 | Args: createslice shufengTCP |
| 53 | |
| 54 | Result Summary: Created slice with Name shufengTCP, URN urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP, Expiration 2013-05-08 21:17:05 |
| 55 | |
| 56 | INFO:omni: ============================================================ |
| 57 | }}} |
| 58 | Renew Slice: |
| 59 | {{{ |
| 60 | omni.py renewslice shufengTCP 20130509 |
| 61 | }}} |
| 62 | Output: |
| 63 | {{{ |
| 64 | INFO:omni:Loading config file /Users/shuang/.gcf/omni_config |
| 65 | INFO:omni:Using control framework portal |
| 66 | INFO:omni.pgch:Requesting new slice expiration '2013-05-09T00:00:00' |
| 67 | INFO:omni:Slice shufengTCP now expires at 2013-05-09 00:00:00 UTC |
| 68 | INFO:omni:Slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP expires within 1 day on 2013-05-09 00:00:00 UTC |
| 69 | INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 70 | INFO:omni: Completed renewslice: |
| 71 | |
| 72 | Options as run: |
| 73 | framework: portal |
| 74 | project: ShufengProject |
| 75 | |
| 76 | Args: renewslice shufengTCP 20130509 |
| 77 | |
| 78 | Result Summary: Slice shufengTCP now expires at 2013-05-09 00:00:00 UTC |
| 79 | Slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP expires within 1 day(s) on 2013-05-09 00:00:00 UTC |
| 80 | INFO:omni: ============================================================ |
| 81 | }}} |
| 82 | Create Sliver using the rspec in the tar ball: |
| 83 | {{{ |
| 84 | omni.py createsliver -a pg-utah shufengTCP star.rspec |
| 85 | }}} |
| 86 | Output: |
| 87 | {{{ |
| 88 | INFO:omni:Loading config file /Users/shuang/.gcf/omni_config |
| 89 | INFO:omni:Using control framework portal |
| 90 | INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname pg-utah with URL https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am/2.0, URN unspecified_AM_URN |
| 91 | INFO:omni:Slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP expires within 1 day on 2013-05-09 00:00:00 UTC |
| 92 | INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname pg-utah with URL https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am/2.0, URN unspecified_AM_URN |
| 93 | INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname pg-utah with URL https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am/2.0, URN unspecified_AM_URN |
| 94 | INFO:omni:Creating sliver(s) from rspec file star.rspec for slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP |
| 95 | INFO:omni: (PG log url - look here for details on any failures: https://www.emulab.net/spewlogfile.php3?logfile=03ab3733e54e717594433659b39ca150) |
| 96 | INFO:omni:Got return from CreateSliver for slice shufengTCP at https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am/2.0: |
| 97 | INFO:omni:<!-- Reserved resources for: |
| 98 | Slice: shufengTCP |
| 99 | at AM: |
| 100 | URN: unspecified_AM_URN |
| 101 | URL: https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am/2.0 |
| 102 | --> |
| 103 | INFO:omni:<rspec xmlns="http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/2 http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/2/manifest.xsd" type="manifest"> |
| 104 | <node client_id="center" exclusive="true" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+node+pc73" component_manager_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+authority+cm" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127723"> |
| 105 | <sliver_type name="raw-pc"> |
| 106 | <disk_image name="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+image+emulab-ops//FEDORA10-STD"/> |
| 107 | </sliver_type> |
| 108 | <interface client_id="center:if0" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc73:eth4" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127730" mac_address="00034794bc44"><ip address="" type="ipv4"/></interface> |
| 109 | <interface client_id="center:if1" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc73:eth0" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127733" mac_address="00034773942f"><ip address="" type="ipv4"/></interface> |
| 110 | <interface client_id="center:if2" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc73:eth1" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127736" mac_address="000347739430"><ip address="" type="ipv4"/></interface> |
| 111 | <interface client_id="center:if3" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc73:eth3" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127739" mac_address="0002b335e0a5"><ip address="" type="ipv4"/></interface> |
| 112 | <rs:vnode xmlns:rs="http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/ext/emulab/1" name="pc73"/><host name="center.shufengTCP.panther.emulab.net"/><services><login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="pc73.emulab.net" port="22" username="shufeng"/></services></node> |
| 113 | <node client_id="left" exclusive="true" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+node+pc81" component_manager_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+authority+cm" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127725"> |
| 114 | <sliver_type name="raw-pc"> |
| 115 | <disk_image name="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+image+emulab-ops//FEDORA10-STD"/> |
| 116 | </sliver_type> |
| 117 | <interface client_id="left:if0" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc81:eth3" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127729" mac_address="0002b33f7333"><ip address="" type="ipv4"/></interface> |
| 118 | <rs:vnode xmlns:rs="http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/ext/emulab/1" name="pc81"/><host name="left.shufengTCP.panther.emulab.net"/><services><login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="pc81.emulab.net" port="22" username="shufeng"/></services></node> |
| 119 | <node client_id="right" exclusive="true" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+node+pc55" component_manager_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+authority+cm" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127724"> |
| 120 | <sliver_type name="raw-pc"> |
| 121 | <disk_image name="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+image+emulab-ops//FEDORA10-STD"/> |
| 122 | </sliver_type> <interface client_id="right:if0" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc55:eth3" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127732" mac_address="0002b33f7449"><ip address="" type="ipv4"/></interface> |
| 123 | <rs:vnode xmlns:rs="http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/ext/emulab/1" name="pc55"/><host name="right.shufengTCP.panther.emulab.net"/><services><login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="pc55.emulab.net" port="22" username="shufeng"/></services></node> |
| 124 | <link client_id="leftLink" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127728" vlantag="260"> |
| 125 | <interface_ref client_id="left:if0" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc81:eth3" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127729"/> |
| 126 | <interface_ref client_id="center:if0" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc73:eth4" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127730"/> |
| 127 | </link> |
| 128 | <link client_id="rightLink" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127731" vlantag="284"> |
| 129 | <interface_ref client_id="right:if0" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc55:eth3" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127732"/> |
| 130 | <interface_ref client_id="center:if1" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc73:eth0" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127733"/> |
| 131 | </link> |
| 132 | <node client_id="top" exclusive="true" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+node+pc47" component_manager_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+authority+cm" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127722"> |
| 133 | <sliver_type name="raw-pc"> |
| 134 | <disk_image name="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+image+emulab-ops//FEDORA10-STD"/> |
| 135 | </sliver_type> |
| 136 | <interface client_id="top:if0" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc47:eth3" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127735" mac_address="0002b33f73e7"><ip address="" type="ipv4"/></interface> |
| 137 | <rs:vnode xmlns:rs="http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/ext/emulab/1" name="pc47"/><host name="top.shufengTCP.panther.emulab.net"/><services><login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="pc47.emulab.net" port="22" username="shufeng"/></services></node> |
| 138 | <node client_id="bottom" exclusive="true" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+node+pc84" component_manager_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+authority+cm" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127726"> |
| 139 | <sliver_type name="raw-pc"> |
| 140 | <disk_image name="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+image+emulab-ops//FEDORA10-STD"/> |
| 141 | </sliver_type> |
| 142 | <interface client_id="bottom:if0" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc84:eth1" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127738" mac_address="00034773a1f4"><ip address="" type="ipv4"/></interface> |
| 143 | <rs:vnode xmlns:rs="http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/ext/emulab/1" name="pc84"/><host name="bottom.shufengTCP.panther.emulab.net"/><services><login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="pc84.emulab.net" port="22" username="shufeng"/></services></node> |
| 144 | <link client_id="topLink" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127734" vlantag="290"> |
| 145 | <interface_ref client_id="top:if0" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc47:eth3" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127735"/> |
| 146 | <interface_ref client_id="center:if2" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc73:eth1" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127736"/> |
| 147 | </link> |
| 148 | <link client_id="bottomLink" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127737" vlantag="262"> |
| 149 | <interface_ref client_id="bottom:if0" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc84:eth1" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127738"/> |
| 150 | <interface_ref client_id="center:if3" component_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+interface+pc73:eth3" sliver_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+sliver+127739"/> |
| 151 | </link> |
| 152 | </rspec> |
| 153 | INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 154 | INFO:omni: Completed createsliver: |
| 155 | |
| 156 | Options as run: |
| 157 | aggregate: ['pg-utah'] |
| 158 | framework: portal |
| 159 | project: ShufengProject |
| 160 | |
| 161 | Args: createsliver shufengTCP star.rspec |
| 162 | |
| 163 | Result Summary: Got Reserved resources RSpec from www-emulab-net-protogeniv2 |
| 164 | INFO:omni: ============================================================ |
| 165 | }}} |
| 166 | The above output shows the reserved nodes: pc73, pc81, pc55, pc47, pc84 and how they are connected. In this case, pc73 is the central node of the star topology. |
| 167 | [[BR]] |
| 168 | Renew the sliver: |
| 169 | {{{ |
| 170 | omni.py renewsliver -a pg-utah shufengTCP 20130509 |
| 171 | }}} |
| 172 | Output: |
| 173 | {{{ |
| 174 | INFO:omni:Loading config file /Users/shuang/.gcf/omni_config |
| 175 | INFO:omni:Using control framework portal |
| 176 | INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname pg-utah with URL https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am/2.0, URN unspecified_AM_URN |
| 177 | INFO:omni:Slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP expires within 1 day on 2013-05-09 00:00:00 UTC |
| 178 | INFO:omni:Renewing Sliver shufengTCP until 2013-05-09 00:00:00+00:00 (UTC) |
| 179 | INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname pg-utah with URL https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am/2.0, URN unspecified_AM_URN |
| 180 | WARNING:omni:Failed to renew sliver urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP on unspecified_AM_URN (https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am/2.0) (got result 'None'). Error from Aggregate: code 14. protogeni AM code: 14: slice is busy; try again later (PG log url - look here for details on any failures: https://www.emulab.net/spewlogfile.php3?logfile=daae02988bdac3f0d008b48b6397e0fb). |
| 181 | INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 182 | INFO:omni: Completed renewsliver: |
| 183 | |
| 184 | Options as run: |
| 185 | aggregate: ['pg-utah'] |
| 186 | framework: portal |
| 187 | project: ShufengProject |
| 188 | |
| 189 | Args: renewsliver shufengTCP 20130509 |
| 190 | |
| 191 | Result Summary: Slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP expires within 1 day(s) on 2013-05-09 00:00:00 UTC |
| 192 | Failed to renew sliver urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP on unspecified_AM_URN (https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am/2.0) (got result 'None'). Error from Aggregate: code 14. protogeni AM code: 14: slice is busy; try again later (PG log url - look here for details on any failures: https://www.emulab.net/spewlogfile.php3?logfile=daae02988bdac3f0d008b48b6397e0fb). |
| 193 | |
| 194 | INFO:omni: ============================================================ |
| 195 | }}} |
| 196 | Note: When dealing with specific slivers, we need to add "-a pg-utah" to specify which aggregate manager we want to use (i.e., from where we want to reserve the resources). In our case here, we are using utah aggregate. |
| 197 | [[BR]] |
| 198 | |
| 199 | OK. After this point, we are ready to log on to the nodes and do our experiments! :-) |
| 200 | |
| 201 | |
| 202 | |