Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/TcpAssignment/ExerciseLayout/DesignSetup

05/14/13 14:45:33 (12 years ago)



  • GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/TcpAssignment/ExerciseLayout/DesignSetup

    v21 v22  
    21 ''' Using Omni:''' [[BR]]
     21''' Using Omni to get physical PCs from ProtoGENI:''' [[BR]]
    2222'''0. Get account: (Ignore this if you already have one) [[BR]]'''
    2323Go to [ Request_GENI_Account] for an emulab account and to join a GENI project.[[BR]]
    266 ''' Using GENI Portal:'''[[BR]]
     266''' Using GENI Portal to get virtual machines from instaGENI:'''[[BR]]
    267267'''0. GET GENI Portal Account''' [[BR]]
    268268As usual, get a GENI Portal account via: [ Portal Main Site] [[BR]]
    279279 Step 1. Log in to your Portal account, and then create a slice using the "create slice" button. Note that you should give your slice a unique name. Here I used "shufengPortalTCP" [[BR]]
    280280 Step 2. Click your newly created slice, choose "add resources"
    281   [[Image(addResource.png, 20%)]]
     281  [[Image(addResource.png, 10%)]]
    282282 Step 3. Pick '''TCP Assignment - Virtual Machine''' in the drop-down box right to "Choose Resources" [[BR]]
    283283  The rspec file that is used can be found at [[BR]]
    284284 And choose an Aggregate, in our case, we choose "GPO instaGENI", then click "Reserve Resources" [[BR]]
    285285 This particular RSPEC file will reserve a 5 virtual machines forming a star topology as described earlier. [[BR]]
    286   [[Image(selectRspec.png, 20%)]]
     286  [[Image(selectRspec.png, 10%)]]
    287287 Step 4. If there is no error(s), the output should be as follows. Note that at this point the nodes are not ready yet. [[BR]]
    288   [[Image(reserveResource.png, 40%)]]
     288  [[Image(reserveResource.png, 10%)]]
    289289 Step 5. Go back to the slice page and wait until the slivers are ready. [[BR]]
    290290 Since we reserved our nodes from GPO instaGENI, we only need to click the "get status" button on GPO instaGENI column. [[BR]]
    291291 A note of "READY" with green background means the slivers are ready. (Do not forget to renew your slice after it is ready). See:
    292   [[Image(sliceReady.png, 40%)]]
     292  [[Image(sliceReady.png, 10%)]]
    293293 Step 6. Click "Details" button to get the detailed information, including the ways to login each nodes and then start to do your experiment! [[BR]]
    294   [[Image(reserveResource.png, 40%)]]
     294  [[Image(reserveResource.png, 10%)]]
     300''' Using Omni to get virtual machines from '''ExoGENI''':''' [[BR]]
     301'''0. Get account: (Ignore this if you already have one) [[BR]]'''
     302Go to [ Request_GENI_Account] for an emulab account and to join a GENI project.[[BR]]
     303Apparently you need to join a GENI project (which is created by PIs/GPOs/others who have permission to do so) in order to use GENI resources.
     305'''1. Prepare Omni''' [[BR]]
     306Here is a very good tutorial on setting up Omni environment: [ HelloOmni] [[BR]]
     307Simply follow the tutorial to set up Omni.
     309'''2. Use Omni to create the topology: [[BR]]'''
     310Download the RSPEC from [[BR]]
     311 - '''Note:''' If we compare the RSPEC we used here to reserve nodes from ExoGENI with the RSPEC we used [ here] to reserve nodes from InstaGENI, we can find the following difference:
     312    - slivertype. For InstaGENI, it is `emulab-openvz`; For ExoGENI, it is `m1.small`. In fact, there are a handful of virtual machine types available for users to choose from. Check out this [ Link]
     313    - disk_image. For InstaGENI, the user does not need to specify a disk_image, it automatically chooses a default one (a version of Fedora Core). For ExoGENI, the user have to specify one. Again, we have a handful of choices, see [ this link].
     314    - xml header.
     316Next, we need to create this experiment using the RSPEC file: [[BR]]
     317  '''Step 1. Create slice (use a unique name for your slice):'''
     318{{{ createslice <slice name>
     321  Output should be something like the following (here I am using 'shufengTCP' as the sample slice name):
     323INFO:omni:Loading config file /Users/shuang/.gcf/omni_config
     324INFO:omni:Using control framework portal
     325INFO:omni:Created slice with Name shufengTCP, URN urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP, Expiration 2013-05-15 02:11:03
     326INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------
     327INFO:omni: Completed createslice:
     329  Options as run:
     330                framework: portal
     331                project: ShufengProject
     333  Args: createslice shufengTCP
     335  Result Summary: Created slice with Name shufengTCP, URN urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP, Expiration 2013-05-15 02:11:03
     337INFO:omni: ============================================================
     339  '''Step 2. Renew Slice (to make sure that your reservation does not expire before you finished your experiment, renew the slice to a specific time):'''
     340{{{ renewslice shufengTCP 20130516
     343  Output:
     345INFO:omni:Loading config file /Users/shuang/.gcf/omni_config
     346INFO:omni:Using control framework portal
     347INFO:omni.pgch:Requesting new slice expiration '2013-05-16T00:00:00'
     348INFO:omni:Slice shufengTCP now expires at 2013-05-16 00:00:00 UTC
     349INFO:omni:Slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP expires on 2013-05-16 00:00:00 UTC
     350INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------
     351INFO:omni: Completed renewslice:
     353  Options as run:
     354                framework: portal
     355                project: ShufengProject
     357  Args: renewslice shufengTCP 20130516
     359  Result Summary: Slice shufengTCP now expires at 2013-05-16 00:00:00 UTC
     360Slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP expires on 2013-05-16 00:00:00 UTC
     361INFO:omni: ============================================================
     363  '''Step 3. Create Sliver using star-exo-vm.rspec:''' [[BR]]
     364  Here we used eg-gpo as the aggregate manager because we want to reserve resources from ExoGENI. [[BR]]
     365  Any aggregate manager name that starts with `eg` indicates that it is an ExoGENI aggregate. For more aggregate manager names you can check out ~/.gcf/omni_config
     366{{{ createsliver -a eg-gpo shufengTCP star-exo-vm.rspec
     369  Output:
     371INFO:omni:Loading config file /Users/shuang/.gcf/omni_config
     372INFO:omni:Using control framework portal
     373INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname eg-gpo with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
     374INFO:omni:Slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP expires on 2013-05-16 00:00:00 UTC
     375INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname eg-gpo with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
     376INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname eg-gpo with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
     377INFO:omni:Creating sliver(s) from rspec file star-exo-vm.rspec for slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP
     378INFO:omni:Got return from CreateSliver for slice shufengTCP at
     379INFO:omni:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
     380INFO:omni:  <!-- Reserved resources for:
     381        Slice: shufengTCP
     382        at AM:
     383        URN: unspecified_AM_URN
     384        URL:
     385 -->
     387<rspec type="manifest" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:xsi="">
     388    <node sliver_id="" exclusive="false" component_name="orca-vm-cloud" component_manager_id="" component_id="" client_id="bottom">
     389        <sliver_type name="m1.small">
     390            <disk_image version="0beb69c8fbe65af0134ac8fe38b22e8f9b3c254c" name=""/>
     391        </sliver_type>
     392        <services/>
     393        <interface client_id="bottom:if0"/>
     394        <ns4:geni_sliver_info state="Nascent" start_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" expiration_time="2013-05-15T18:26:52.116Z" creation_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" creator_urn=", urn:publicid:IDN+panther+user+shufeng"/>
     395    </node>
     396    <node sliver_id="" exclusive="false" component_name="orca-vm-cloud" component_manager_id="" component_id="" client_id="left">
     397        <sliver_type name="m1.small">
     398            <disk_image version="0beb69c8fbe65af0134ac8fe38b22e8f9b3c254c" name=""/>
     399        </sliver_type>
     400        <services/>
     401        <interface client_id="left:if0"/>
     402        <ns4:geni_sliver_info state="Nascent" start_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" expiration_time="2013-05-15T18:26:52.116Z" creation_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" creator_urn=", urn:publicid:IDN+panther+user+shufeng"/>
     403    </node>
     404    <node sliver_id="" exclusive="false" component_name="orca-vm-cloud" component_manager_id="" component_id="" client_id="top">
     405        <sliver_type name="m1.small">
     406            <disk_image version="0beb69c8fbe65af0134ac8fe38b22e8f9b3c254c" name=""/>
     407        </sliver_type>
     408        <services/>
     409        <interface client_id="top:if0"/>
     410        <ns4:geni_sliver_info state="Nascent" start_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" expiration_time="2013-05-15T18:26:52.116Z" creation_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" creator_urn=", urn:publicid:IDN+panther+user+shufeng"/>
     411    </node>
     412    <node sliver_id="" exclusive="false" component_name="orca-vm-cloud" component_manager_id="" component_id="" client_id="right">
     413        <sliver_type name="m1.small">
     414            <disk_image version="0beb69c8fbe65af0134ac8fe38b22e8f9b3c254c" name=""/>
     415        </sliver_type>
     416        <services/>
     417        <interface client_id="right:if0"/>
     418        <ns4:geni_sliver_info state="Nascent" start_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" expiration_time="2013-05-15T18:26:52.116Z" creation_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" creator_urn=", urn:publicid:IDN+panther+user+shufeng"/>
     419    </node>
     420    <node sliver_id="" exclusive="false" component_name="orca-vm-cloud" component_manager_id="" component_id="" client_id="center">
     421        <sliver_type name="m1.small">
     422            <disk_image version="0beb69c8fbe65af0134ac8fe38b22e8f9b3c254c" name=""/>
     423        </sliver_type>
     424        <services/>
     425        <interface client_id="center:if3"/>
     426        <interface client_id="center:if1"/>
     427        <interface client_id="center:if2"/>
     428        <interface client_id="center:if0"/>
     429        <ns4:geni_sliver_info state="Nascent" start_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" expiration_time="2013-05-15T18:26:52.116Z" creation_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" creator_urn=", urn:publicid:IDN+panther+user+shufeng"/>
     430    </node>
     431    <link vlantag="unknown" sliver_id="" client_id="leftLink">
     432        <interface_ref client_id="center:if0"/>
     433        <interface_ref client_id="left:if0"/>
     434        <ns4:geni_sliver_info state="Nascent" start_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" expiration_time="2013-05-15T18:26:52.116Z" creation_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" creator_urn=", urn:publicid:IDN+panther+user+shufeng"/>
     435    </link>
     436    <link vlantag="unknown" sliver_id="" client_id="topLink">
     437        <interface_ref client_id="center:if2"/>
     438        <interface_ref client_id="top:if0"/>
     439        <ns4:geni_sliver_info state="Nascent" start_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" expiration_time="2013-05-15T18:26:52.116Z" creation_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" creator_urn=", urn:publicid:IDN+panther+user+shufeng"/>
     440    </link>
     441    <link vlantag="unknown" sliver_id="" client_id="rightLink">
     442        <interface_ref client_id="right:if0"/>
     443        <interface_ref client_id="center:if1"/>
     444        <ns4:geni_sliver_info state="Nascent" start_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" expiration_time="2013-05-15T18:26:52.116Z" creation_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" creator_urn=", urn:publicid:IDN+panther+user+shufeng"/>
     445    </link>
     446    <link vlantag="unknown" sliver_id="" client_id="bottomLink">
     447        <interface_ref client_id="center:if3"/>
     448        <interface_ref client_id="bottom:if0"/>
     449        <ns4:geni_sliver_info state="Nascent" start_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" expiration_time="2013-05-15T18:26:52.116Z" creation_time="2013-05-14T18:26:52.116Z" creator_urn=", urn:publicid:IDN+panther+user+shufeng"/>
     450    </link>
     451    <ns3:geni_slice_info state="configuring" uuid="fe0759d2-fedf-4b80-9336-b94a1f7d1ec7" urn="urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP"/>
     454INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------
     455INFO:omni: Completed createsliver:
     457  Options as run:
     458                aggregate: ['eg-gpo']
     459                framework: portal
     460                project: ShufengProject
     462  Args: createsliver shufengTCP star-exo-vm.rspec
     464  Result Summary: Got Reserved resources RSpec from bbn-hn-exogeni-net-11443-orca
     465INFO:omni: ============================================================
     467  The above output shows the reserved nodes: pc73, pc81, pc55, pc47, pc84 and how they are connected. In this case, pc73 is the central node of the star topology.
     468  [[BR]]
     469  Alternatively, you can use the following command to show the reserved nodes as well as ways to login:
     470{{{ shufengTCP -a eg-gpo
     473  The result is something like the following:
     476#SSH CONFIGURATION INFO for User root
     479Host bottom
     480  Port 22
     481  HostName
     482  User root
     483  IdentityFile /Users/shuang/.ssh/geni_key
     485Host left
     486  Port 22
     487  HostName
     488  User root
     489  IdentityFile /Users/shuang/.ssh/geni_key
     491Host top
     492  Port 22
     493  HostName
     494  User root
     495  IdentityFile /Users/shuang/.ssh/geni_key
     497Host right
     498  Port 22
     499  HostName
     500  User root
     501  IdentityFile /Users/shuang/.ssh/geni_key
     503Host center
     504  Port 22
     505  HostName
     506  User root
     507  IdentityFile /Users/shuang/.ssh/geni_key
     510LOGIN INFO for AM:
     512User root logins to bottom using:
     513        xterm -e ssh -i /Users/shuang/.ssh/geni_key root@ &
     514User root logins to left using:
     515        xterm -e ssh -i /Users/shuang/.ssh/geni_key root@ &
     516User root logins to top using:
     517        xterm -e ssh -i /Users/shuang/.ssh/geni_key root@ &
     518User root logins to right using:
     519        xterm -e ssh -i /Users/shuang/.ssh/geni_key root@ &
     520User root logins to center using:
     521        xterm -e ssh -i /Users/shuang/.ssh/geni_key root@ &
     523  '''Step 4. Renew the sliver:'''
     524{{{ renewsliver -a eg-gpo shufengTCP 20130516
     527  Output:
     529INFO:omni:Loading config file /Users/shuang/.gcf/omni_config
     530INFO:omni:Using control framework portal
     531INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname eg-gpo with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
     532INFO:omni:Slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP expires on 2013-05-16 00:00:00 UTC
     533INFO:omni:Renewing Sliver shufengTCP until 2013-05-16 00:00:00+00:00 (UTC)
     534INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname eg-gpo with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
     535INFO:omni:Renewed sliver urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP at unspecified_AM_URN ( until 2013-05-16T00:00:00+00:00 (UTC)
     536INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------
     537INFO:omni: Completed renewsliver:
     539  Options as run:
     540                aggregate: ['eg-gpo']
     541                framework: portal
     542                project: ShufengProject
     544  Args: renewsliver shufengTCP 20130516
     546  Result Summary: Slice urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP expires on 2013-05-16 00:00:00 UTC
     547Renewed sliver urn:publicid:IDN+panther:ShufengProject+slice+shufengTCP at unspecified_AM_URN ( until 2013-05-16T00:00:00+00:00 (UTC)
     549INFO:omni: ============================================================
     551  Note: When dealing with specific slivers, we need to add "-a eg-gpo" to specify which aggregate manager we want to use (i.e., from where we want to reserve the resources). In our case here, we are using ExoGENI Rack at GPO.
    296553= [wiki:GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/TcpAssignment/ExerciseLayout/Execute Next: Run Experiment] =