Changes between Version 60 and Version 61 of GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/OpenFlowLoadBalancerTutorial/ExerciseLayout/Execute

07/19/13 15:22:28 (11 years ago)



  • GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/OpenFlowLoadBalancerTutorial/ExerciseLayout/Execute

    v60 v61  
    9393 - In function "decide_path", change the path decision based on the calculated average per-flow throughput: forward the flow onto the path with more average per-flow throughput. (Why? TCP tries its best to consume the whole bandwidth so more throughput means network is not congested)
    9494 - If you do not know where to start, check the hints in Section 3.1.
    95   - If you really do not know where to start after reading the hints, download the answer directly from [ load-balancer-solution.rb].
    96   - Save the above solution in your home directory then re-do the experiment on !LabWiki. '''Note:''' you need to change your !LabWiki script at line 185 to use the correct Load Balancing controller (e.g., if your controller is "load-balancer-solution.rb", you should run "/opt/trema-trema-f995284/trema run /root/load-balancer-solution.rb > /tmp/lb.tmp")
    97  - Redo the experiment using your new OpenFlow Controller following steps in Section 2.5, check the graphs plotted on !LabWiki as well as the controller's log on node "Switch" at /tmp/lb.tmp and see the difference.
     95  - If you really do not know where to start after reading the hints, the answer can be found on node "Switch", at /tmp/load-balancer/load-balancer-solution.rb
     96  - Copy the above solution into your home directory then re-do the experiment on !LabWiki. '''Note:''' you need to change your script to use the correct Load Balancing controller (e.g., if your controller is "load-balancer-solution.rb", you should run "/opt/trema-trema-f995284/trema run /root/load-balancer-solution.rb")
     97 - Redo the experiment using your new OpenFlow Controller following steps in Section 2.5, check the graphs plotted on !LabWiki as well as the controller's log on node "Switch" and see the difference.
    9898 - When your experiment is done, you need to stop the Load Balancer:
    9999  - On node "Switch", use the following command to disconnect the OpenFlow Switch from the controller:
    106106 - 2.7.1 Add code in your !LabWiki script to automate starting and stoping your OpenFlow Controller:
    107107  - Go back to your !LabWiki page, un-comment the script from line 184 to line 189 to start your OpenFlow Controller automatically on !LabWiki
     108   - Note: You might need to change line 185 to use the correct load balancer controller
    108109  - Uncomment the script from line 205 to line 209 to stop your OpenFlow Controller automatically on !LabWiki
    109110 - 2.7.2 On your !LabWiki web page, drag and drop the `file icon` and repeat the experiment, as described in section 2.3, using a different experiment name (the slice name should stay the same).
    112113== 2.8 Try more experiments using different kinds of OpenFlow Load Balancers ==
    113  - You can find more load balancers from
     114 - You can find more load balancers under /tmp/load-balancer/ on node "Switch"
    114115 - To try out any one of them, follow the steps:
    115   - At the home directory on node "Switch", download the load balancer you want to try out, e.g.,
    116   {{{
    117   wget /root/
     116  - At the home directory on node "Switch", copy the load balancer you want to try out, e.g.,
     117  {{{
     118  cp /tmp/load-balancer/load-balancer-random.rb /root/
    118119  }}}
    119120  - Change your !LabWiki code at line 185 to use the correct OpenFlow controller.