Changes between Version 50 and Version 51 of GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/OpenFlowLoadBalancerTutorial/ExerciseLayout/Execute

07/15/13 15:29:15 (11 years ago)



  • GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/OpenFlowLoadBalancerTutorial/ExerciseLayout/Execute

    v50 v51  
    9999 - Add code in your !LabWiki script to automate starting and stoping your OpenFlow Controller:
    100100  - Go back to your !LabWiki page, un-comment the script from line 184 to line 189 to start your OpenFlow Controller automatically on !LabWiki
    101   - Uncomment the script from line 209 to line 213 to stop your OpenFlow Controller automatically on !LabWiki
     101  - Uncomment the script from line 205 to line 209 to stop your OpenFlow Controller automatically on !LabWiki
    102102 - On your !LabWiki web page, drag and drop the `file icon` and repeat the experiment, as described in section 2.3, using a different experiment name (the slice name should stay the same).
    206206== 2.3 About the GIMI script you run on !LabWiki ==
    207  - Line 1 to Line 140: the definition of oml trace and oml nmetrics library. It basically defines the command line options for oml2-trace and oml2-nmetrics, as well as the output (the monitoring data that is going to be stored into the oml server)
     207 - Line 1 to Line 128: the definition of oml trace and oml nmetrics library. It basically defines the command line options for oml2-trace and oml2-nmetrics, as well as the output (the monitoring data that is going to be stored into the oml server)
    208208  - users are not supposed to modify them
    209209  - the definition here we used is not the same as what is provided by the latest OML2 2.10.0 library because there is some version mis-match between the OMF that !LabWiki is using and the OML2 toolkit that we are using. It is a temporary hack for now --> to be fixed
    213213                  :type => :string, :default => '"/tmp/monitor/conf.xml"')
    214214  }}}
    215  - Line 140 to Line 144: user defines the monitoring interfaces here. In our case, we want to monitor the interface on node "Switch" that connects to the left path (with IP and to the right path (with IP
    216  - Line 145 to Line 178: defines on which node the user wants to run which monitoring app; and the "display graph" option.
     215 - Line 134 to Line 137: user defines the monitoring interfaces here. In our case, we want to monitor the interface on node "Switch" that connects to the left path (with IP and to the right path (with IP
     216 - Line 139 to Line 169: defines on which node the user wants to run which monitoring app; and the "display graph" option.
    217217  - group "Monitor" monitors the left path statistics using nmetrics and trace.
    218218  - group "Monitor1" monitors the right path statistics using nmetrics and trace.
    228228  }}}
    229229  - More information about nmetrics and trace can be found here:
    230  - Line 179 to Line 246: defines the experiment:
    231   - Line 181-182: starts the monitoring app
    232   - Line 184-195: starts two TCP flows from outside (sender) to inside (receiver), wait for 20 seconds
    233   - Line 196-201: starts the load balancer and connects ovs switch to the load balancer (controller)
    234   - Line 202-236: starts 9 additional TCP flows, with 5 seconds interval between the initial of each Flow
    235   - Line 237-245: stop the load balancer controller, disconnect the ovs switch from the controller and finish the experiment
    236  - Line 247 to Line 264: defines the two graphs we want to plot:
     230 - Line 173 to Line 218: defines the experiment:
     231  - Line 175-177: starts the monitoring app
     232  - Line 179-181: starts the TCP receiver (using iperf)
     233  - Line 183-189: starts the load balancer and connects ovs switch to the load balancer (controller)
     234  - Line 191-200: starts 20 TCP flows, with 5 seconds interval between the initial of each Flow
     235  - Line 205-209: stop the load balancer controller, disconnect the ovs switch from the controller and finish the experiment
     236 - Line 217 to Line 234: defines the two graphs we want to plot:
    237237  - The first uses the monitoring data from oml2-nmetrics to display the cumulated number of bytes observed from each of the interfaces;
    238238  - The second graph uses the monitoring results from oml2-trace to display the throughput observed from each of the interfaces.