Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/OpenFlowAssignment/ExerciseLayout/Execute

05/21/13 17:39:20 (12 years ago)



  • GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/OpenFlowAssignment/ExerciseLayout/Execute

    v10 v11  
    135   '''Hints - Want to get the complete firewall.rb? ask your instructor or visit here (you need a password to get it), or send an email''' [[BR]]
     135  '''Hints - Want to get the complete firewall.rb? ask your instructor or visit here (you need a password to get it), or send an email  (the solution code may be full of bugs, feel free to tweak it and report bugs/ask questions)''' [[BR]]
    136136  The following list of hints may help you design and debug your implementation more rapidly.
    137137  -
    156156  Note that the timeout-based nature of flow removal dictates that small connection limits will be quite limiting. Keep this in mind when testing your firewall!
    158   '''Hints: Want to get the complete firewall.rb? ask your instructor or visit here (you need a password to get it), or send an email''' [[BR]]
     158  '''Hints: Want to get the complete firewall.rb? ask your instructor or visit here (you need a password to get it), or send an email (the solution code may be full of bugs, feel free to tweak it and report bugs/ask questions)''' [[BR]]
    159159  You probably want to change the `rule` structure defined in function `add_rule` to add two members: `limit` and `count` to store the maximum number of active flows allowed and the current number of active flows. [[BR]]
    160160  You should also over-ride the function `flow_removed` to subtract `count` when-ever a flow rule expired. [[BR]]
     161  You might also set the idle_timeout to a smaller number (e.g., 30) so that you do not need to wait for too long before they get removed :-) [[BR]]
    161162  To verify your implementation, use `-P` option in iperf to add TCP flows.